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  1. All the buses are full from minor characters being put on them.
  2. I know it's not on the list, but I'd like to hear more voice-overs in missions and cutscenes.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    Ok, how the hell did I get Provoke and a secondary powerset before level 35?

    More serious response: Please read what I typed the first time. Patron/Epic powers were the afterthought, not the main portion of the statement. You did a wonderful job of refuting a tenth of my argument, and for that I applaud you.

    I had no intentions of refuting your irrefutable argument, as it is irrefutable, as irrefutably stated in your statement of argument.

    If you want to go "PEW! PEW! PEW! LAZERS!" then I have no way to say "you're doing it wrong."
    Fair enough, but as Techbot stated, not everybody likes tankerminds.
  4. I define a hero as someone who is willing to risk their own time, safety, and resources to help others.

    A SUPERhero, on the other hand is the same, except that they have abilities, skills, talents, or access to resources beyond those of a normal person. In this definition, many other characters outside suprhero comics would also qualify: Naruto, The Power Rangers, and Herakles (although he could have been far more heroic had he not bee driven nuts half the time by Hera. The oldest example of a superhero wouldst have probably been the god-king Gilgamesh, born 1/3 man, 2/3 god. Try not to overthink the math on this one...
  5. First, on-topic: I agree that these missions are frustrating to repeat. I suppose that it might be a bit of a hassle for the devs to go in and flag all of those individual missions to count account-wide, but the altoholics would thank them.

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    I think Forbin just started a new forum slash command inside joke. I will use it from now on.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    Try using Povoke and whatever your secondary powerset is. Patron/Epics are also much more effective.
    ...Unless you aren't level 35 yet. Then you're just SoL.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Originally Posted by BasilAcid View Post
    Q: What happens if you catalyze a boosted enhancement?
    A: You can't.
    Blue Steel has.
    So Much Win.
  8. Did some minor cleaning and editing, added a few new midnighter temps
  9. Do you suppose we should start a petition?
  10. I know it was pointed out, at several points when Beam Rifle first came out in i21, that there were several weapon options for Beam Rifle that would work just as well for Robotics's Pulse Rifle, and that Beam Rifle could use the Rikti Blaster and Crey Weapons. A whole issue has gone by, without anybody fixing this, and that miffs me. Would somebody please address and remedy this before another issue goes by?
  11. You realize that Paragon is in Rhode Island, right? The east coast can get rather...cloudy.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    If they get power from Wells, and Wells get their power from each species, why wouldn't they consume the species along with the Well?
    GG makes a valid point. Besides, what self-respecting swarm of space-locusts would eat a Well of the Furies and leave all those tasty squishy things running about untouched?
  13. Kirsten


    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    I was told there'd be Little Christmas presents. Where are they?!
    I totally though this would be a suggestion for the next winter event!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Axewrath View Post
    I read some dialog or script from an npc or exploration badge that refered to Rularuu as the coming storm. Rularuu is also the last reflection you fight on the map when you travel forward in time to open up your Alpha slot. That may not mean anything in of itself but that being what the storm is, is a possibility.
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    There's an exploration badge in the Shadow Shard that mentions a coming storm - and the new DA content also contains some more info on Rularuu, who's involved with the coming storm, but isn't the actual storm itself.
    I personally ascribe to the idea that no one enemy is "the" Coming Storm. I think the Storm is going to be one big slobberknocker between an assortment of Überbaddies, with Battalion and Rularuu as candidates for the biggest problem...I forget where I heard it originally, but I'll just call it the "Perfect Coming Storm" Theory: A series of factors that would be about Class 3-6 (Human to Planetary destruction) on the Apocalypse How scale, but together compound exponentially into Class X-4 (Universal annihilation) or (god forbid) higher.
  15. Gave Icons for the two above Archetypes.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
    That's cool and all, but only if they have a Liger

    "It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic. "
  17. this could be truly awesome! granted it would probably work better with crossbows...
  18. Kirsten

    Moon Hazard Zone

    Sorry, intended to use a ":P"
  19. Kirsten

    Moon Hazard Zone

    Okay, Misters Finger-Waggle Clown and Alcoholic Squirrel. We don't need to fight. I think we can all agree on the point that we all would like to see this zone made.
  20. Added 2 new AT's of my own device: The Commandant (Ranged DPS/Pets) and the Disabler (kinda like a Controller/Scrapper hybrid) (Visible in Post 1)
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
    they could use the power slide animation
    But that doesn't actually look like rollerblading. It's more like skateboarding, and only vaguely at that. And not everyone has the power slide, nor is it available on the Market.
  22. Oh! And a new roller blades travel power in the vein of ninjas/beast run!
  23. Hmmm...I believe I had a suggestion similar to this, but it only applied to weapons. If you wish to read it, it resides in my sig.
  24. Agreed. Even if it's just a "TeleKick" Throwaway Pool Attack (TPA, for short), I would totally use it.