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  1. There are a couple of errors in War_heroes post.

    - A Raid TP is NOT needed for raids if you are only defending.

    - You do need 8 rooms, not 7. The entrance and vault do not take anchors so you need 6 other rooms.

    - A Vault IS needed, along with an IoP base. It will not let you start a raid, even if it is just a friendly one.

    The simplest base set up you can get is probably the following.

    Vault, with IoP base
    Power Room
    Control Room
    Med Room
    2 TP rooms

    Apart from the entrance and vault, all the other rooms will and should have an anchor in. You also have to have the power/control for the base to function
  2. Rather than go round and round in circels at what clearly seems to be a post that has some VERY doubtful claims in, can the OP just supply us to the links where fire attacks are being made -fly and fear is being removed.

    (My gut reaction is that no links will be forthcoming)
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Just curious as to why the arcane versions are more expensive, is arcane salvage rarer?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It is rarer but that's where the pricing is wrong IMO. Because it is rarer, there are very few arcane VG's out there so there's not much demand for it.

    Whenever i've seen salvage trades offered on the Union Leader channel, the tech bases normally have to offer MORE salvage than they're getting in return to try and undercut all the other Tech VG's that want to trade.

    My VG has recently switched from tech to arcane and we've found we do a lot better in terms of trading now as no one really wants arcane, everyone wants tech.

    That said, the need for salvage has pretty much grinded to a halt as everyone get's the salvage they need long before they get the prestige needed to place it.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    No one usually takes Rain of Fire or Ice Storm, unless you have some kind of AoE slow, hold, immob or stun.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Are you kidding?

    Blizzard followed by Ice storm will wipe out almost an entire mob in seconds on an 8 man team.

    For PvP got ice/kin (having a hold is priceless)
    For PvE go fire/kin

    For solo PvE got Ice/Kin (stacking slows to keep mobs at range and being able to hold the big threats keeps you alive)
    For team PvE go Fire/Kin

    Seeing as we've pretty much established you're looking to team PvE, please ignore the comments above on Ice Storm. In a team, AoE's are king and Blizzard/Ice Storm/Fireball is a devastating combination.

    My Ice/Ice Corruptor is a PvP build now but when I was levelling him the Blizzard/Ice Storm/Sleet combo was pretty much all I needed to use in most cases and is also the PvE godsend of most other Ice/Ice Corruptors. Saying no one takes those type of location specific AoE's is just not true.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    It probably seemed shorter than usual to you because the animation time of impale reduces the apparent suppressed period afterwards.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Aye, any of the snipe attacks are a great example of this as the suppression is pretty much over as soon as the animation ends, making it seem like they've attacked and sped off almost instantly. Some of the slower travelling ranged powers also give that impression
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    If you would like me to explain why you are so intensely wrong I would more than oblige you on another platform that isnt this forum. Because here arguments are apparently not allowed.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Discussions and arguments are allowed. Calling people 'lame' and 'ridiculous' are not.

    Keep those sort of derogatory terms out of your posts and they won't get deleted.

    As for debating it in another place, why would I? You're the only person in this thread with your opinion and despite some of the most experienced PvP spine/regens in the game saying themselves that they're overpowered, you continue to claim that your opinion is correct when no one else holds it.

    If you're not willing to put your arguments up for public debate without resorting to those terms, I have little or no desire to debate in private with you.
  7. First off, the only person who can delete your posts is Bridger and if he has done that, you ARE in violation of forum rules, probably the ones regarding flamebaiting given the way you've been posting. I seriously doubt Bridger is part of some 'Nerf the spines' conspiracy.

    If you claim spine/regen isn't over powered and is as evenly balanced as other AT's/builds in the game, why aren't you out there pwning all the other spine/regens on a daily basis with your knowledge and one of these builds?

    The only way to effectively take down spine/regens is through ganking. PvP is rock, paper, scissors and the simple fact is that there is a lot less paper to to a spine scrappers rock than any other build in the game. The only ones that can really take down spine/regen are kins, rads and Ice Corruptors and even then they need more skill to do so and a little luck.

    I can take down /regens with my ice/ice corruptor reasonably as I can slow them and stay out of range while chipping away at them and crippling their self heals. It takes me a long while and my end running down before then is always a risk but I can do it. Against spines, it's not an option as keeping them at arms length is pointless due to their ranged attacks. The same goes for Rads and Kins. It will take most of those builds several attacks to get you low on HP, you then hit recon, same again, you then hit DP. Now the regen is in trouble... Only you're not because it only takes you a couple of hits to put those toons down and they're dead long before they've got this far as you've been able to hit them at will thanks to your range.

    So, what you seem to be saying is that spine/regen is not over powered as ganking will take them down. Err, you've just proved everyone's point there as everything else in the game has an opposing AT/Build that is their achilles heal. The only thing that bothers spine/regen in one on ones are those who cripple their regen and they can never do that to make a difference before they're killed themselves.

    So, we're at an impasse. Either you know some secret technique that makes spine/regen a completely balanced build in relation to the others in the game and everyone else who has played spine/regen in PvP (two of whom have admitted they stopped playing their's because they are so easy) and played against them is wrong. Also, that the countless thousands of hours people have PvP'd against them trying to find how to take them down reliably without overwhelming numbers must have been wasted as no one has discovered how to take them down without using overwhelming numbers(they're hardly balanced if that's the answer)

    Or... Every other person posting in this thread is right when they say that only certain builds are even capable of worrying spine/regens and even then it takes more experience to kill one than vice versa or that ganking is the only other answer.

    The only question really is why did you post on here if you weren't prepared to have people disagree with you without resorting to calling us lame or whiners as no one here has used the same derogatory terms in replying to you?

    I've played spine/regens and they are one of the easiest builds for me to get my rep on and the only other thing that comes close is a stalker, which is exactly what most other people on here have said. Where is the 'balance' there?
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Because I'm easymode. Apparently

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And that is the problem, look at the sheer number of long term PvP'ers posting in here saying that, look at the fact that two of the better spine/regen players in Stalk_obot and Knightstalker have said that about their own PvP toons. These are two players who have tried and PvP'd with almost evet AT or build around at some point.

    In short, the vast majority of people are supplying plenty of arguments and evidence to show exactly why they're overpowered compared to other AT's. Sure, you can disagree and give reasons saying why you disagree so others can argue back but replying in the manner you are is not doing that and saying people are 'whining', 'ridiculous' and the general sarcasm and thinly veiled insults in your latest posts is doing nothing to prove your point, just alienate anyone reading the thread against you.

    If you think they're not overpowered, why don't you try playing some of the other AT's in a PvP zone and see how many times you die, kill and rack up rep. Why do you think spine scrappers are so popular in PvP if not because they're so easy to play?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Oh well, I am passionate when debating something

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Passionate and insulting are two very different things and I'm sure if people on here accused you of 'whining' or being 'ridiculous' you would see it as insulting and not passionate.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Gods forbid we might actually discuss something on a discussion forum

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Now, now Coin let's not get nasty.

    After all, you are clearly at fault here for bringing up a very relevant topic for discussion(that many people still see being worthy of discussion going by the number of responses) and not having the tens of thouands of topics on this board etched into a photographic memory so you can instantly recall this has already been discussed

    (FWIW, there has only been one other thread in the last 6 months I can recall that was about insp use in PvP and that was general use, not arena use. One repeated thread in 6 months is nothing for anyone to jump down your throat about so just ignore it)

    Back to the OP.

    If a troller is that insistent on having a 'non insp' match, I'd probably agree to it anyway. Purely for the reason that if he sees your ability to use BF's as 'loss' button for him, he can't be that good a troller and chances are you can still give him a run for his money. What I would do though is give him an insp fight first then one without and add up the total kills from both matches to decide the winner.

    I've had my integration running scrapper with a full tray of BF's completely torn apart in a 10 minute arena match by a troller. The holds were stacking so fast that i'd barely popped a BF when it was overriden by the next one so any troller worth his salt in the arena shouldn't be bothered by BF use.

    All they need to do is hit holds early on while being patient and avoiding dying as they slowly exhaust your BF's before racking up kills in the last few minutes.
  10. The animation on Bitter Freeze Ray is very long and for a squishy in a PvP zone, you're just signing your death warrant with it. The basic hold can stack enough to break through toons only having acrobatics for protection and anyone having stronger protection than that, one long animation hold extra isn't going to make much of a difference

    I would also recomend Scirroco, despite Syn's comments. Power Sink and Heat Loss barely patch over the huge cracks in the end problems on Ice/Ice and trying to do without one or the other will see you dropping end a lot, unless you leave the zone every five minutes for blues. If your end drops, your travel powers drop and you're once more dead meat.

    As for stopping scrappers with the mace attack, snow storm is an enemy toggle and does that for you. The only ones it doesn't slow are SJ'ers and the minute they leap, you just zip sideways with SS and will rarely get hit.

    The only other alternative is to drop a lot of damage slots to fit in end reducs as it's such a tight build.
  11. Because they are one of the easiest builds to play in PvP and some people don't like a challenge.
  12. Kinslayer_

    E.V.I.L. Returns

    [ QUOTE ]
    You're mad! Broadsword/regens rule! Watch me PvP!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know they do which is why I was working on one. But we HAVE to have an empath in a Pentad team and as i'm healer on CoV, I drew the short straw
  13. There's two more useful threads you may want to look at HERE and HERE

    The second one is pretty much how my build ended up with stealth dropped for frostwork and I took Scirroco for his power sink, armour and hold.
  14. Kinslayer_

    E.V.I.L. Returns

    [ QUOTE ]
    My empath defender is sitting at lv 35 - ive tried a few times to get into that pvp sg but no one seems to be on when i am.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But i'm always on!

    Just holler at me over the EVIL channel and I can switch toons and invite you. Good to see both of you have empaths though as I was planning on playing a BS/regen but a lack of empaths meant I had to roll one of those instead.

    TBH, i've actually been quite enjoying it as I never really liked and support builds on CoH like trollers or defenders but seeing as Kin is pretty much pure support, i've grown to like it. I do have to say playing a healer on CoH is waayyyy easier than CoV though. Absorb Pain is great!

    My empath is about 2 weeks old and sitting at lvl 27 at the moment IIRC and I plan on having him to 30 by the weekend(if not sooner). We have shed loads of blasters in there and a couple of tanks but the area we're really low on is scrappers for some strange reason. I've got my lvl 50 kat/regen in there and my low level BS/regen(which is on the back burner in favour of my empath and Exofrost)
  15. Title pretty much says it all.

    Force Of Immunity is a new start up SG geared mainly towards PvP and made up of several different members(mainly 1 AT guys who want regular team PvP).

    We've been running a few weeks now and have got a fair few players in there but want to start filling up our coalition spots.

    Although we are a PvP group, we will be doing a LOT of PvE, especially TF's as we have a whole raft of new PvP toons we want to level and I think our PvE activity is going to be very high as a result. We're particularly active in the 25-35 bracket at the moment and this offer is open to all SG's, not just PvP ones.

    If you are in an active SG and have some coalition spots open, get in touch with me on @kinslayer or @jumanjimon to arrange a spot.
  16. My main PvP toon is an ice/ice and they're great. I had a thread HERE which discusses PvP Ice/Ice builds which may be useful. A little out of date now as i've tinkered with it a bit since then.

    First off, Ice/Ice is a tough build to play in PvP compared to other corruptors. Kin, Dark, Rad, Thermal... They all have heals in them that make a big difference to your survivability which Ice doesn't. Overall, it's a good solo PvP zone build but does lack a little in the team build department compared to other sets.


    - Slows. These are ridiculous and you can bring any toon to a grinding halt when you start stacking them. I've been on the recieving end of ice/ice blasters and their slows have nothing on corruptors. SR scrappers will see you're ice/ice and think you can't slow them becuase of it's slow resistance... They're wrong as I can stack over that in seconds

    - Debuffs. Not only the slow and -recharge's but there are also some nasty end crippling moves. Heat loss is quite possibly one of the best debuffs i've come across

    - Holds - Bitter Freeze Ray sucks. Animation on it is way too long for it to be of regular use. Freeze Ray however is very useful and will be responsible for a lot of your kills. it's quick animation, quick recharge and cheap on end meaning you cna stack two quite easily to break squishy mez protection.


    - End Cost. The major drawback of ice/ice in that you'll burn end so quickly on it. It can be rectified late on in the game with Heat Loss and Power Sink but until then you will be slotting heavy end reducs, sacrificing damage.

    - No Heal. A real blow against it and i'm still trying to come up with a build I can fit aid self into.

    Overall, you are going to be reasonably capable of causing most heroes a problem as long as you can stay alive so having someone with heals along is always nice. Blasters will be a problem for you as they can outpunch you by a huge amount but you do have one specialist area... Regens.

    Spine/regens are a pain because of their range but every other type of regen you should be able to pull apart in a one on one. Drop snow storm on them, spam benumb, infrigidate, ice bolt and ice blast and they're helpless. They can't get in range to hit you thanks to the slows and you'll have crippled their self heals and regen rate.

    I'd recomend just taking a brief look throught the Corruptor forum as I know there are several other good ice/ice threads on here.

    I wouldn't even look at trying to get your DEF/RES up as even if you can max it on the build, it'll still only take a couple of shots to down you.
  17. Kinslayer_

    E.V.I.L. Returns

    I'm already linked with several SG's on CoH and could probably even give you an SG to take over that's worth about 3-4 million.

    Bloodline VG was mainly set up by players from my CoH SG, New Blood Rebellion and one of our coalition ones, Last Line Of Defence. However, when I moved to CoV, quite a few of our CoH players came along meaning we had two half empty SG's so we merged them, with most of the active players going to Last Line Of Defence, leaving New Blood Rebellion basically abandoned.

    If you guys do want to set up a serious CoH SG I can take a look and see what's going on with New Blood Rebellion and possibly donate that. Failing that, if you just want an SG on CoH to put your own toons in, I can really recomend LLOD. One of the most friendly and fun SG's i've been with and the global channel they have set up is one of the main reasons for me still being in game so long after launch!

    Also, if you're looking for a more PvP orientated SG, you could try out Force Of Immunity. It's a new PvP SG set up by myself, Double and Jumanjimon. Still very early days as we only set it up about 2-3 weeks ago but we're now at the stage where we're going to try and seriously recruit so a flood of EVIL members would really help as there are only about 5-6 active members at the moment
  18. OK, thanks for those who did turn up and it's a real shame we didn't manage to finish it after getting Numina down. I'm still not sure what went wrong with all the pulls as both the methods we tried have been used before and only last Monday I managed to pull every AV on their own or in pairs.

    Was a good attempt though considering we were very light on both debuffers and damage and we had a frankly disgusting 5 no shows so had to fill the team how we could.

    I will be running another one but may wait until next week and will be a bit more strict on the actual team make up.
  19. Kinslayer_

    E.V.I.L. Returns

    I'll be available for the RSF tonight if it goes ahead.
  20. Kinslayer_

    Good Bye...

    Damn shame to see you go Double, Force Of Immunity's taken a blow there in losing one of the best PvP trollers i've come across in game.

    Been good knowing you and see you in a few weeks when you cave in and buy WoW
  21. Force Of Immunity

    Kinslayer(Corruptor) @Kinslayer
    Jumanjimon(Blaster) @Jumanjimon
  22. Or it could just be that we like our members to show a bit of desire and initiative by seeking us out for a trial, rather than sending blind E-mails or tells to them offering them spots in the VG hey Death (Yes, I did get one the other day on one of my new alts from you)

    I must admit it is a tad annoying getting players who want to be in 'an active VG' when they aren't particularly active themselves though!
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    would it best for me to place you in teams or would you like to sort out your self ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    May be best to leave it to us. I for one know of at least one person continually having his posts locked or deleted on here that I would not team with if paired up with him.
  24. Well, after being the first VG to appear in VG spotlight, the remaining places got snapped up pretty quickly.

    I've cleared out a few more of the less active players but have to say I don't think we'll be recruiting for a little while once those are taken so if you want in, now is probably the time to get in touch on @kinslayer.

    We've also just done a complete overhaul of our base. Previously, it was Tech and designed to be as much of a pain to actually raid against as possible with obstructions everywhere, item's blocked, line of sight broken where possible, etc.

    The upshot of that was that it was a pain to move around in and ugly as sin

    After a bit if a rethink and some SG discussions, we've decided that although we still want a raid ready base and one that can be defended reasonably well, we also want one that looks great and has plenty of PvE use as well.

    We're currently up to the 4th plot size, turbine generator, secure TP room to all zones, all workbenches, insp vendor, insp storages and SO storage(over 100 lvl 53 SO's in there at last count) and plenty of turrets for defence.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    Showed up for wednesday, nobody there.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Aye, I was there along with Dr Death(and I saw someone else leaving just as I got there).

    However, given Bludd's recent post in General Discussion about the game becoming a chore for him and him seriously thinking of quitting, it may be that he has gone. I did ask over coalition chat and no one had seem him online for a bit.

    If that is the case, I really don't mind doing Sundays run anyway and am happy to run it as I ran my first successful one on Monday. The only problem is that I have now booked a respec run in on CoH due to Wednesdays no show so would like to put it back to 16.00. That being the case, here is the team going by the sign ups so far.

    Kinslayer - Fire/thermal Corruptor
    Dr Dust - Rad Corruptor
    Max Khaos - Fire/Thermal Corruptor
    Devil's Henchman - Brute
    Scarlet Vengeance - MM?
    Aeonic - EM/Fire Brute

    Last three places are between(in order of sign up)

    Bob Jon Smith - Brute
    Primal Khaos - Dom
    Baron Steelfist - MM
    Kazail - ?
    Frosthound - Ice/ice Corruptor

    Until I know Scarlet's sets and have a chat with Max about the team so far, I can't confirm which three it will be. If Scarlett is a /Dark, then Bob Jon and Primal Khaos are in. If not, we may have to take Baron Steelfist in place of Primal Khaos to ensure we have enough of a healing blanket. I suspect i'm being overly cautious here though and it will be the first two who are in.

    I've dropped you all a PM so if you can just post in here saying if a 16.00 Sunday start is OK for you, I can let the reserves know.

    Any and all temps welcome but the only one that we really need is Shivans.