1067 -
Cool! Glad to hear that!
Ah the weekend approaches which means I can work on the queue all day long! Well with breaks for playing some Coh of course.
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I'll be on the usual times. We can play whatever you want Heroes or Villians its all good. -
LOL Thanks LJ!
My wife has told me that she thinks I want the Ben 10 action figures more than my son. I told her I do, for artistic purposes of course. -
Like it, I love it! I had no intention of making a Roman costume for Kilo but now I have too, the preview of what it will look like is too awesome.
Thanks LJ! -
Outstanding work, as always. Some of the characters really catch the eye and are perfect as is, Green Lantern especially.
I spy, with my little eye, somthing that makes me very happy
Hehe NovaFire - looks very Firestorm meets the Legion of Superheroes.
And yeah Mist Maiden looks ready to be in a new show.
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Funny I thought Novafire looked a lot like Lightray from the New Gods. I agree he has a Legion feel to him.
Great job on all three! -
Back on track with the aliens, this time Stinkfly
Thats a fantastic piece. The PK's should be very happy.
Xaellana is HAWT! to HAWT to be a cold Blaster. Those are some great pieces of her.
Nice work. I really like Merino, thats a great looking character. I was going for a similar oceanborn look for my Spines/Regen Scrapper, Land Urchin, I didn't quite nail the look like you did.
I did this piece of Charon from the Guru boards its his CoH character.
Charon patrols the rooftops
It seems Charon has a lot of friends who decided to ink and color my pencils.
Blacklight inks
VagrantKnight G colors
Blacklight colors
What a great job by these guys. They make me want to get into coloring. -
Fantastic! I am really liking these mega-monster mini's. I love the glow on TA's visor.
Grats on the art!
Starting of with an Alex piece is setting the bar real high. -
Oh your work on those costumes are too cool for words.
Took a break from Ben 10 and drew Streaky the Supercat
Grats you two, you are going to love being parents.
OMG Sale I am off to loot the couch for coins! -
I did a sketch of Ditto next. He is my son's favorite Ben 10 alien.
I know I've seen this pose before... did you copy this? You know you should post your references when you do this, or a disclaimer of some kind. Don't take any offense, I just want you to improve.
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LOL! Be careful not everyone here is going to know you are making a joke at my expense
I think you said it best on the Envisionaries website, "btw I find it really ironic that YOU, should have your very own troll."
I blame it on the Axe bodyspray baby! -
I'm definately liking how these turn out, and I'm sort of embarrassed I didn't mention such earlier.
Good stuff!
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My next sketch is Upchuck -
Thanks for including my gift art Kilotonnage piece by J Veit!