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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Cool! Glad to hear that!

    Ah the weekend approaches which means I can work on the queue all day long! Well with breaks for playing some Coh of course.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll be on the usual times. We can play whatever you want Heroes or Villians its all good.
  2. LOL Thanks LJ!

    My wife has told me that she thinks I want the Ben 10 action figures more than my son. I told her I do, for artistic purposes of course.
  3. Like it, I love it! I had no intention of making a Roman costume for Kilo but now I have too, the preview of what it will look like is too awesome.

    Thanks LJ!
  4. Outstanding work, as always. Some of the characters really catch the eye and are perfect as is, Green Lantern especially.
  5. I spy, with my little eye, somthing that makes me very happy
  6. Kilotonnage

    My latest 3!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Hehe NovaFire - looks very Firestorm meets the Legion of Superheroes.

    And yeah Mist Maiden looks ready to be in a new show.

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    Funny I thought Novafire looked a lot like Lightray from the New Gods. I agree he has a Legion feel to him.

    Great job on all three!
  7. Shadow Reaver is my favorite.
  8. Back on track with the aliens, this time Stinkfly
  9. Thats a fantastic piece. The PK's should be very happy.
  10. Kilotonnage

    New Art For Me

    Xaellana is HAWT! to HAWT to be a cold Blaster. Those are some great pieces of her.
  11. Nice work. I really like Merino, thats a great looking character. I was going for a similar oceanborn look for my Spines/Regen Scrapper, Land Urchin, I didn't quite nail the look like you did.
  12. I did this piece of Charon from the Guru boards its his CoH character.

    Charon patrols the rooftops

    It seems Charon has a lot of friends who decided to ink and color my pencils.

    Blacklight inks

    VagrantKnight G colors

    Blacklight colors

    What a great job by these guys. They make me want to get into coloring.
  13. Fantastic! I am really liking these mega-monster mini's. I love the glow on TA's visor.
  14. Grats on the art!

    Starting of with an Alex piece is setting the bar real high.
  15. Oh your work on those costumes are too cool for words.
  16. Grats you two, you are going to love being parents.

    OMG Sale I am off to loot the couch for coins!
  17. I did a sketch of Ditto next. He is my son's favorite Ben 10 alien.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    I know I've seen this pose before... did you copy this? You know you should post your references when you do this, or a disclaimer of some kind. Don't take any offense, I just want you to improve.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LOL! Be careful not everyone here is going to know you are making a joke at my expense

    I think you said it best on the Envisionaries website, "btw I find it really ironic that YOU, should have your very own troll."

    I blame it on the Axe bodyspray baby!
  19. Grats to Rose Bandit and Queen of Knives.
  20. Sweet piece, thats one big bone daddy!
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm definately liking how these turn out, and I'm sort of embarrassed I didn't mention such earlier.

    Good stuff!

    [/ QUOTE ]


    My next sketch is Upchuck
  22. Thanks for including my gift art Kilotonnage piece by J Veit!