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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
    otherwise I'd be tempted to do something violent, illegal, and very bloody.

    You know what to do Americans. It's in your blood by now.

    Bonus points if wearing some kind of Arachnos uniform
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CuppaManga View Post

    "ZONES": The child of Graphics is Zones. That's the container in which the city zones, mission maps, etc, live, and which keep you from falling off into empty space. Those are proprietary 3D structures that are created with proprietary tools at Paragon Studios. The tools would have to be replicated before the zones could be displayed or edited. Otherwise you just have a jumble of buildings and enemy groups with no placement.


    3D Ripper DX

    PIX (Microsoft)

    3D Printscreen

    These people might be useful I remember seeing a thread when exploring Dead Space stuff (because I wanted to find a way to listen to the hidden bits of text and voice that I might have missed during the game):

    I think the 3D Ripper DX one had a capability to save all models attached to something as one big one, so you could save a Zone as one big flat model with all the buildings etc attached to it, which I can imagine wouldn't be great for playing due to performance issues or something but could be a nice way to get a working mockup of the zones to make sure they are fully preserved to be recreated later, similar to an architect's little model buildings? If that doesn't do it, there must be a program that can?

    Also the .demo files when you do /demorecord filename in City Of, they record the exact co-ordinates location of every object, even in missions...

    So if people ran with demorecord on missions from start to finish they could make them re-creatable later even after the game has gone though it still wouldn't have the scripted events people could work out times from them, especially if say Paragonwiki started having a subpage for demo files for every mission on there to get multiple copies from different people so that the timings on spawns etc could be easy to work out
  3. I still remember you being super nice in that livestream chat whilst the evil NCsoft PR lady vetting every single question standing off-screen creepily was standing there probably waving her hands for you to say quiet when I asked about plans for villain stories
  4. How did you make that post without not mentioning animated hair once

    Bass ackwards reset her password with the redname admin powers and is reading all her messages, imposter

    ... Oh wait, I see it lol
  5. This is how corporations work. Look at the patent system, the entire hedgemony is built upon giving more power to rich corporations and fat old, dying men, and preventing others from using ideas. They would rather bury something to the ground rather than let any one else use it. Even when it comes to medicines.

    The Corporate Psychopaths Theory of the Global Financial Crisis, The Tyee

    Our common treasury in the last 30 years has been captured by industrial psychopaths. That's why we're nearly bankrupt, The Guardian

    Capitalists and Other Psychopaths, The New York Times

    But yeah...

    Save anything important by:

    1) Go to <- replacing anyaddresshere with the address you want to save - it should go to a page saying the page has now been added to The Internet Archive and will be available within the next few months. This is a permanant archive of The Internet and is as close as you can get to engraving a website on stone Ozymandias-like:

    2) Go to and save the page on there, you can then afterwards access via

    You can save forum threads this way!

    3) For downloading every thread in the forum, try Offline Explorer from or your local Pirate Bay, you can use this to download every thread on the forum using a crawl limit of 0 and the range
    but this will only save the first page, I think you could probably set a higher crawl limit though to like 200 pages (I'm not sure what the max page limit is) and change the URL filter to only save pages that have in front of them (something like{:1..300000}&page{:1..200} would be bad because you are then looking at 200 error pages per 300,0000 threads if the thread doesn't have that many pages)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    I'm sure NC legal would frown on people running private servers and attempt to shut them down, so their existence would have to be kept somewhat underground.
    Like The Pirate Bay had to go "underground" due to people 'frown'ing and attempting to 'shut them down'?

    It's simples, US or Korea doesn't rule the world quite yet, there are places where you can basically ignore those kind of threats. Follow other controversial websites' example and you're good to go. The two big mistake the Tabula Rasa projects made were a) Hosting a website (InfiniteRasa) on a standard American web host who puts up a white flag and bends over as soon as they receive another empty threat by anal-retentive lawyers b) Making a Facebook group (Let's Make a Private Server for Tabula Rasa) and very sillilly using their real names (And even then, they still just carried on with a new name)

    We aren't quite yet at the stage where corporate greed can control EVERYTHING, coming close but yeah.
  8. 09-01-2012 00:55:38 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I'll miss you little fairy. When the world starts to go dark, and we all start to fall down, I'll hold you close so that when we all die you'll be with me so you won't be lonely and we can go to heaven together and live with Jesus and ride a pony.
    09-01-2012 00:56:07 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Do you think it'll hurt when we all fall down, or will it just be like going to sleep? Will we dream in that dark space, or will it just stop and end and nobody will ever remember poor Skrunchie and her fairy.
    09-01-2012 00:56:19 [Broadcast] Romeric: Jesus rode dinosaurs. Everyone knows that.
    09-01-2012 00:56:38 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I'm scared. I don't want to die.
    09-01-2012 00:57:36 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I'm only 15. I'll never be married. I'll never had kids. I'll never graduate. I want to live, I don't want to fall down and be gone forever. WIll anyone remember Skrunchie and her fairy? Will everyone dream, and will it be good dreams?
    09-01-2012 00:57:52 [Broadcast] Kate Kills: *hugs skrunchie*
    09-01-2012 00:57:58 [Broadcast] Alice Carrol: I can't imagine a game living up the RP community of CoH again. I'll miss this place dearly.
    09-01-2012 00:58:22 [Broadcast] Kate Kills: ALice *hug*
    09-01-2012 00:58:27 [Broadcast] Dynamic Champion: *Hugs Alice*
    09-01-2012 00:58:46 [Broadcast] Alice Carrol: Awww. I love all you guys. *Hugs*
    09-01-2012 00:58:57 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: If we die, and it all goes dark, will we be with Jesus and ride raptors? I'm only 15, I don't wanna die, I wanna grow up and be married and have kids. Is it because I punched that Hellion? Is it because I made Baby Jesus cry? I'm sorry.
    09-01-2012 01:01:38 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: How come we have to go away? I mean, why did we have to find out so far in advance? Why couldn't we have been hit by comets or eaten by SHivans? This is making my tummy hurt. I don't want to die, and end up nothing. Who will take of my fairy when I die?
    09-01-2012 01:03:12 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Is it because we didn't save Statesman? I tried, I really really did. I'm just 15, I did all I could, but I just couldn't save him. Did he fly to Heaven and now we have to join him? I fought Nemesis, I really did. Does this mean we failed? Will it hurt?
    09-01-2012 01:05:19 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I just wish... I just wish... I could have saved my Mommy when Galaxy City was destroyed. But I guess I'll be with her and Jesus soon.
    09-01-2012 01:08:06 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: It's OK magic snowman and little fairy. We'll sit here for awhile, then go to what's left of Galaxy City where our old house was before the Shivans ate Daddy and squished Mommy's head.
    09-01-2012 01:09:09 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: When we get there, we can sit on the ground where my room was, and hug each other, and just wait. Jesus will come and take us to ride raptors with him, and we won't ever get old. I hope it doesn't hurt. I hope I'll see my friends.
    09-01-2012 01:11:09 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Maybe we'll find my old sock monkey in the rubble. Then we can sit where my room was and hold Mr. Monkey and each other and wait. I still wish... I still wish... I still wish I could have gotten married. I"m only 15. I won't ever have kids.
    09-01-2012 01:11:11 [Broadcast] Warped One: Can i come with?
    09-01-2012 01:11:19 [Broadcast] Cardinal Bishop: all we need to do is get a few million from kickstarter and we can do it ourselves! lol
    09-01-2012 01:11:32 [Broadcast] Warped One: Might as well try.
    09-01-2012 01:11:45 [Broadcast] Super-Joe: Yes. Kickstart the revival.
    09-01-2012 01:12:11 [Broadcast] Delta Eclipse: Don't worry, Skrunchie. It will all be over soon.
    09-01-2012 01:12:14 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Did you want to come with me, Warped? We can sit where my house was before the Shivans killed my Mommy and Daddy and just wait. Maybe it won't hurt to bad, and I can hold your hand.
    09-01-2012 01:12:34 [Broadcast] Warped One: I wanted to go to the insane asylum with that one guy.
    09-01-2012 01:12:42 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I know, Delta. I just... I just hope my Daddy wasn't right nad Jesus isn't punishing me for being a girl.
    09-01-2012 01:20:55 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: ((I'm going to move to Secret World. I won a lifetime sub, the game is fun, and I can hang with my friends. But NOTHING will ever replace CoX to me))
    09-01-2012 01:28:26 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Will you hold my hand when it happens, Kate? I'm little, and scared. I don't want it to hurt, and I don't want to be alone like when the Shivans destroyed my home and tore my Mommy apart. And I lost my sock monkey. WIll he be lonely? Will he cry?
    09-01-2012 01:37:07 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Maybe I should go to the ruins of Galaxy City and see if Mr. Sock Monkey survived. I'll search the rubble of my old house, where Mommy was killed, and maybe Mr. Sock Monkey is still there. I don't want him to be lonely when it all ends.
    09-01-2012 03:24:20 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I went back to Galaxy City, where my house was before the Shivans came and pulled my Mommy apart and destroyed our house. I dug in the rubble, and found Mr. Sock Monkey. Now, when the end comes, he won't be scared, He can hold my hand. I hope it doesn't h
    09-01-2012 03:25:14 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I hope it doesn't hurt when we all fall down. I hope that we can play with Jesus and ride on dinosaurs and all be together. I don't want it to end, I want to keep fighting crime. I'm only 15, I'll never be married, I'll never have children.
    09-01-2012 03:26:06 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Even if I get pregnant right now, I won't have time to feel it kick before we all fall down. I'll never be married, I'll never graduate high school. Why do I have to die? What did I do wrong? Is it because I didn't pray enough? Was I a bad girl?
    09-01-2012 03:27:07 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I'll just sit here with Mr. Sock Monkey and hold him till we all fall down, that way we won't be scared, and if it hurts, we can hold each other's hands.
    09-01-2012 03:27:45 [Broadcast] Colonel Victory: It'll be alright Skrunchie, I'll hold you when the darkness comes.
    09-01-2012 03:28:15 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: :sniff sniff: Thank you Grandpa. Will I see Mommy in Heaven too? Will it hurt a lot, dying?
    09-01-2012 03:29:59 [Broadcast] Kate Kills: (( Skrunchie is the best RPer I have seen all night ))
    09-01-2012 03:52:33 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Wahl? Will dying hurt? Is it OK that I'm afraid? I'm not sure if I want to be a cat-girl any more. Is it because I was a cat-girl that we all have to die? Is it something I did wrong? How come we all have to die? Will you hold my hand when it happens?
    09-01-2012 03:54:23 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I'm only 15, Wahl? Why do I have to die too? I'm just a little girl, I didn't do anything wrong. Is Jesus mad at us? Will we go to Heaven, Wahl, or will we just die? Will it hurt, Wahl? I'm kinda scared. It isn't like when we fought Hamidon.
    09-01-2012 03:59:23 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Look, Anvil, I got rid of the cat-ears and the tail! Do you think that now we'll be spared, since I'm not being a sinful cat-girl any more? And I promise I won't go out and hit things with my hammer, and I'll go to church every day, and behave myself.
    09-01-2012 03:59:36 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Think we can live now? Now that I'm not a cat-girl any more?
    09-01-2012 04:00:35 [Broadcast] Zevanoi: WHY
    09-01-2012 04:00:36 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Because I don't want to die. I don't even want Susie to die. I want to live, I'm only 15. I want to get married and have kids. I saw people die in Praetoria, and they all cried when they died, and I don't want to die if it hurts.
    09-01-2012 04:01:27 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Is it because we couldn't save Statesman? Is that why? Is Jesus punishing us because I wanted to be a cat-girl and wrote slash-fiction? Is it because I made fun of Ms. Liberty because she smells like low tide and old socks?
    09-01-2012 04:02:20 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I went to my old house, where the Shivans ate my Mommy, and found Mr. Sock Monkey, so he won't be alone when he dies. I don't want Mr. Sock Monkey to be lonely when it happens.
    09-01-2012 04:02:55 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Will we dream after it happens? Will we go somewhere else? Or will I just be... be... gone? Forever and ever, I'll just be gone?
    09-01-2012 04:04:11 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Will we be remembered? Will anyone remember me? I'm just a 15 year old girl, why would anyone remember me? I hope I didn't this, I hope my Daddy wasn't right and God is punishing all of us because I was a cat-girl. I promise I won't do it any more.
    09-01-2012 04:06:06 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Maybe if just I die God will forgive everyone? Maybe if I tell him to just take me, because I was an awful person and was a cat-girl and didn't listen to my Daddy and ran away instead of being a good girl and getting in my Punishment Box, only I'll die?
    09-01-2012 04:07:03 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I wish the Shivans hadn't eaten my Mommy, that way she could hold me when we all die. I'm really scared.
    09-01-2012 04:07:31 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I'd like that. Having a sword, and being cool. But I don't want to die, because the people who I saw die in Galaxy City were afraid, and it hurt, and Mommy screamed when the Shivans killed her.
    09-01-2012 04:08:22 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: What if it's jsut darkness, Anvil? What if there isn't anything, and we just no longer exist, and everything just goes dark? I don't want that to happen. I want to ride on dinosaurs with Jesus, and see my Mommy again, and hold Mr. Sock Monkey.
    09-01-2012 04:08:53 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I don't want to die. I'm just 15.
    09-01-2012 04:09:09 [Broadcast] Kleptomaniac Kat: I'm just a cat!
    09-01-2012 04:09:28 [Broadcast] Master Jian Wu: You're a filthy thief!
    09-01-2012 04:09:34 [Broadcast] Kleptomaniac Kat: PROVE IT MISTER
    09-01-2012 04:10:01 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I'm sorry, God, for being a cat-girl, for writing slash-fic, for calling Susie a *****, for hitting people with my rocket-hammer, for not saving Mommy. I'm sorry, please don't punish everyone else because Daddy was right and I'm a horrible person.
    09-01-2012 04:11:19 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I just wanted to help people. I just wanted to save people. I didn't mean to be a bad girl. I didn't know Daddy was right and God would punish everyone for me being a cat-girl and not getting in the Punishment Box.
    09-01-2012 04:11:45 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I stopped being a cat-girl, and deleted all my slash-fic, please, don't kill everyone. I don't want Mr. Sock Monkey to die.
    09-01-2012 04:14:15 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Will it hurt? Like when the Shivan tore Mommy apart and she screamed? It looked like it hurt when the Shivans killed Mommy, when those people in Praetoria died, they all cried for their mommies, but my Mommy was killed by the Shivans, who do I cry to?
    09-01-2012 04:14:55 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Who will hold Mr. Sock Monkey? He'll be scared without me. Or will he die too? I don't want Mr. Sock Monkey to die, he didn't do anything wrong, he just loved me. Is that why he has to die too?
    09-01-2012 04:15:26 [Broadcast] Blue Anvil: I will stand with you, Skrunchie
    09-01-2012 04:15:51 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I'm afraid, Mythus. You're an old demi-god, does it hurt to die? Someone told me were aren't dying, we're just ceasing to exist. Does that mean that even Heaven will go away? If I go to heaven will it cease to exist too?
    09-01-2012 04:16:23 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Does that mean that people in heaven die too when we all die? Will it all just go away, and nothing will be left but darkness? Or will even darkness go away, and there will just be nothing any more?
    09-01-2012 04:17:16 [Broadcast] Legitimate Ape: Don't worry Skrunchie. When we all go, we'll return to the starstuff from whence we came. Screaming as we're hypercompressed into the event horizon of a million collapsing galaxies. Does that help?
    09-01-2012 04:17:29 [Broadcast] Alice Carrol: Of course there will be something left. There's always heaven, and they'll remember us there. *Sniff* They'll tell stories of all the best things we did.
    09-01-2012 04:17:31 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: But it won't be all right. Even the Rikti have stopped caring. My Rikti monkey asked me to go home, to be with his Monkey mommy, because even the Rikti have to die with us.
    09-01-2012 04:18:20 [Broadcast] Mythus Prime: I will gather you and our friends to me, Skrunchie, and when the end comes we will all enter into the Elysian Fields. We will be safe and together away from the end.
    09-01-2012 04:19:30 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Do you promise? Will it hurt to die? Will it hurt worse than when it hurt my Mommy to be torn apart by the Shivans? Will it hurt worse than it did for Statesman when he died? Is it because we couldn't save Statesman? Is it because I was a cat-girl?
    09-01-2012 04:20:18 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Even Hamidon has to die. I saw the Devouring Earth crying that the Earth will die, that nothing will be left, and that there isn't any way to stop it. How come even the bunnies and baby ducks have to die?
    09-01-2012 04:20:59 [Broadcast] Weedlord Bonerhitler: don't worry skrunchie
    09-01-2012 04:21:04 [Broadcast] Weedlord Bonerhitler: we will fight crime in the night ward
    09-01-2012 04:21:24 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Can Mr. Sock Monkey come with me? Wha about the baby ducks and bunnies, can they come with me? I don't want them to be scared.
    09-01-2012 04:21:35 [Broadcast] Kolta: Jeeze, you people are depressing! Isn't anyone else gonna go to a different dimension?
    09-01-2012 04:21:52 [Broadcast] Quantum Solstice: That won't be so easy.
    09-01-2012 04:22:13 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: But all the Portals in Portal Corps have started going dark. I heard that the alternate realities are going dark, that they are just... gone. Nothing left. Not even darkness.
    09-01-2012 04:22:58 [Broadcast] A SEX DEVIANT: i am so turned on
    09-01-2012 04:23:24 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I went to Portal Corps, and they told me that it's being closer. That the nothing will reach us on November 30th. I can't even ask Santa to save us.
    09-01-2012 04:25:14 [Broadcast] Shield Sister: So, uhhh... Any foxy ladies looking for some action? The world is ending, folks. Ain't gonna be anyone left to bump nasties with in the depths oblivion.
    09-01-2012 04:25:15 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: But, I'm only 15. I'll never be married, I'll never have kids. Even if I got pregnant right now, I would never feel the baby kick, and it would die with me, so I can't even have a baby, or get pregnant, or it would turn into nothingness with me.
    09-01-2012 04:25:41 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Oh, God, all the babies. What about them? How come they have to die? They didn't do anything wrong. We can't even save them.
    09-01-2012 04:25:48 [Broadcast] Big Bad Evil Dude: Well maybe that's your fault Skrunchie.
    09-01-2012 04:25:49 [Broadcast] Kate Kills: *cries*
    09-01-2012 04:26:00 [Broadcast] Big Bad Evil Dude: Maybe you're the reason all of those babies are going to die now
    09-01-2012 04:26:06 [Broadcast] Kate Kills: shut up
    09-01-2012 04:26:16 [Broadcast] Opposite Reaction: Maybe they're going to... well, maybe not a /better/ place but its still a place
    09-01-2012 04:26:21 [Broadcast] Opposite Reaction: A place where heroes are still needed
    09-01-2012 04:26:29 [Broadcast] Kolta: There'll always be a place like that!
    09-01-2012 04:26:31 [Broadcast] Big Bad Evil Dude: I'm sure there's someone in this city with child right now
    09-01-2012 04:26:32 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I know. My Daddy said that me being a cat-girl would make God punish everyone. I stopped being a cat-girl, maybe now he'll just take me? Maybe now he won't punish anyone else, and just kill me? I don't want the babies to die.
    09-01-2012 04:27:03 [Broadcast] Big Bad Evil Dude: But don't you see that because you were doing bad things, they have to die now?
    09-01-2012 04:27:08 [Broadcast] Big Bad Evil Dude: You did this Skrunchie
    09-01-2012 04:27:18 [Broadcast] Kate Kills: no she didn't >:|
    09-01-2012 04:27:19 [Broadcast] Kolta: Jeeze, don't make her feel bad...
    09-01-2012 04:27:21 [Broadcast] Big Bad Evil Dude: Because you were silly and didn't wannt to listen to your father
    09-01-2012 04:27:24 [Broadcast] Kolta: She didn't!
    09-01-2012 04:27:24 [Broadcast] Big Bad Evil Dude: We all die now
    09-01-2012 04:27:41 [Broadcast] Kate Kills: her father sounds like an idiot
    09-01-2012 04:27:48 [Broadcast] Opposite Reaction: Well maybe you
    09-01-2012 04:27:49 [Broadcast] Big Bad Evil Dude: But he's right isn't he?
    09-01-2012 04:27:54 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I know. I should have let him put me in the punishment box and let him do what I was supposed to. If I had done what my Daddy wanted, I'd have a baby already, and could have held it.
    09-01-2012 04:27:56 [Broadcast] Big Bad Evil Dude: and now he's going to die too
    09-01-2012 04:28:06 [Broadcast] Quantum Solstice: ". . . ."
    09-01-2012 04:28:08 [Broadcast] Opposite Reaction: ...
    09-01-2012 04:28:11 [Broadcast] Quantum Solstice: "That is some dark stuff."
    09-01-2012 04:28:11 [Broadcast] Opposite Reaction: Okay, I'm outta here
    09-01-2012 04:28:22 [Broadcast] Kate Kills: it's not your fault
    09-01-2012 04:28:27 [Broadcast] War Equitis: Awwwww yeah, the apocalypse is here and we've brought it!
    09-01-2012 04:29:39 [Broadcast] Big Bad Evil Dude: but why should we? We all die now because this little girl didn't listen to her dad?
    09-01-2012 04:29:49 [Broadcast] Wolf Spider Gary: I say we -KILL THE LITTLE GIRL!-
    09-01-2012 04:29:54 [Broadcast] Big Bad Evil Dude: don't you feel terrible about that Skrunchie?
    09-01-2012 04:30:04 [Broadcast] Big Bad Evil Dude: Your dad told you to do one specific thing
    09-01-2012 04:34:37 [Broadcast] Weedlord Bonerhitler: two blondes walk into a building
    09-01-2012 04:34:42 [Broadcast] Wolf Spider Gary: AND EVERYONE DIES
    09-01-2012 04:38:36 [Broadcast] Agent Naomi: Please bookmark - Stay in touch with your global friends!

    09-01-2012 04:48:10 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Maybe if we dig a hole deep enough, we can hide from what's coming, and we can invite the baby ducks and baby bunnies to hide i nthe hole with us. Isn't Pocket-D another dimension? Maybe the Coming Storm won't find us here, and we can save the baby ducks!
    09-01-2012 04:49:16 [Broadcast] Kolta: You guys are just so great.
    09-01-2012 04:49:20 [Broadcast] Kolta: Did you know that?
    09-01-2012 04:49:27 [Broadcast] Kolta: Seriously, I've been in a lot of communities
    09-01-2012 04:49:35 [Broadcast] Kolta: And you guys are some of the best.
    09-01-2012 04:50:43 [Broadcast] Quantum Solstice: Even though I think you people have some of the sickest fetishes and perturbed thoughts you people are still awesome!
    09-01-2012 04:50:51 [Broadcast] Maestro Punkt: ((PARA))
    09-01-2012 04:50:55 [Broadcast] Maestro Punkt: ((YOU DIDN'T KNOW BUT))
    09-01-2012 04:51:06 [Broadcast] Maestro Punkt: ((ENGEL WAS/IS GOING TO HAVE A DAUGHTER AFTER SHE MARRIED ZEPH))
    09-01-2012 04:51:11 [Broadcast] Maestro Punkt: ((MIYAKU))
    09-01-2012 04:51:12 [Broadcast] Quantum Solstice: [You told me!]
    09-01-2012 04:51:15 [Broadcast] Kolta:
    09-01-2012 04:51:31 [Broadcast] Kate Kills: Skrunchie we are going to sve all the baby ducks and baby bunnies
    09-01-2012 04:51:42 [Broadcast] Kate Kills: Every single last baby bunny and baby duck
    09-01-2012 04:53:31 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Help us dig! We're going to dig a secret hole here in Pocket-D and hide the baby ducks and baby bunnies inside so the Coming Storm won't kill them all.
    09-01-2012 04:54:09 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: That way at least the baby bunnies and baby ducks will survive, and we'll know that at the end, someone cared about the poor baby bunnies and duckies that didn't do anything wrong but have to die anyway.
    09-01-2012 04:55:13 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Because if we did a hole in Pocket-D, which is another dimension, than maybe the Coming Storm won't see the hole, and the baby ducks and baby bunnies will survive, because the coming storm will kill us instead of them.
    09-01-2012 04:57:42 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: ((I feel bad for Steelclaw. He FINALLY got a toon to 50. He's gonna kill himself))
    09-01-2012 05:01:33 [Broadcast] Malithrax: PvP is never getting fixed
    09-01-2012 05:01:59 [Broadcast] Kate Kills: pvp was fixed when I controlled RV singlehandedly with my stlaker on Union
    09-01-2012 05:02:13 [Broadcast] Kate Kills: I remeber when they made whole teams to try hunt me
    09-01-2012 05:02:25 [Broadcast] Kate Kills: And I'd pick them off one by one mmmm
    09-01-2012 05:02:23 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: ((DId you guys hear? They're going to do all kinds of base updates on Dec 1st!))
    09-01-2012 05:02:49 [Broadcast] Kate Kills: (( Dec 23 is the Mayan Update ))

    09-01-2012 05:04:56 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I'm going to go in the Superbase and watch the monitor. You know, there really isn't anything happening. I saw Freakshow, and even Nemesis automatons just sitting there, saying "Why bother?"
    09-01-2012 05:05:35 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: Even the DE were just sitting there, carressing a plant, and crying, saying "Not even darkness, nothing left, not even the earth."
    09-01-2012 05:05:50 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I'm going to go watch the empty monitor. THe suicides will start soon.
    09-01-2012 05:05:58 [Broadcast] Avatar of Akit: That's a use not covered by the warranty.
    09-01-2012 05:06:05 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I think I'll volunteer to gather up the bodies of those who decide to leave early.
    09-01-2012 05:06:27 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: And then on November 30th, I'll go down and watch the baby duckies, so they aren't alone and lonely and scared when it happens.
    09-01-2012 05:06:31 [Broadcast] Skrunchie: I just hope it doesn't hurt.
    09-01-2012 05:07:08 [Broadcast] Kate Kills: skrunchie (( you are the best RPer in the zone all night )
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by microc View Post
    if the sale of the ip does not happen...i would look into starting a new world with a new game engien. have a new story or old hero reboot the new game.
    Yes, this!

    Originally Posted by Killerkitty View Post
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
    I have been following a project aiming to do that for several years. Back in February 2011, when the GR sales numbers were released and they were really bad, I predicted COH would probably not last past 2012 on their forums. Unfortunately, I never got many people to give a crap about a server emulator while the live game was running.

    There is only one guy coding the server emulator, nemerle, but he is (very slowly) active. He released the third alpha last month, with a working costume creator and loading the mapserver (though you can't move or anything; it just loads). It's using an old version of the client (circa issue 3) in order to get the basic protocol decoded, and then add the new features on top of that. With the live servers closing soon, capturing real traffic between the client and the server for the latest client version is essential if this thing is going to go anywhere.

    Any coders who want to help, look at

    Starting another COH emulator when one has already made (very little) progress is foolish. We don't have much time to gather the information on server traffic we need, so we need to get a bunch of coders interested in this NOW.
    Well, that was my bad, it looks like most of it's written in C++, but for some reason I ended up on a page full of SVN changes to ruby files.

    Still is very outdated. The auth protocol is totally different now, and it doesn't look like it includes the encryption code that's been in places for quite a while. The schema is terribly old as well. Still, it might be a good reference, or a starting point for a "classic" Issue 1 server.

    But just to be clear, nemerle isn't the only one working on cool stuff.
    ^ This is the only realistic solution

    Ncsoft policy is Scorched Earth, Pillage Burn and Salt to prevent competition... :/

    TonyV you are being naive and possibly dangerously harmful to *practical* hopes of changing things by diverting peoples' enthusiasm away from a real effort at getting the data saved and private servers created (not controlled by any one clique). They will not listen, they will not give any quarter, there will be nothing left, just like Tabula Rasa (private server attempts, in secret after NCsoft sent a cease and desist legal threat to the website they were on before! host websites in countries that Korea/America has no power over!) if you are complacent that "somehow we can work things out"...

    There is no reasoning with a Corporate Person...
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
    I have been following a project aiming to do that for several years. Back in February 2011, when the GR sales numbers were released and they were really bad, I predicted COH would probably not last past 2012 on their forums. Unfortunately, I never got many people to give a crap about a server emulator while the live game was running.

    There is only one guy coding the server emulator, nemerle, but he is (very slowly) active. He released the third alpha last month, with a working costume creator and loading the mapserver (though you can't move or anything; it just loads). It's using an old version of the client (circa issue 3) in order to get the basic protocol decoded, and then add the new features on top of that. With the live servers closing soon, capturing real traffic between the client and the server for the latest client version is essential if this thing is going to go anywhere.

    Any coders who want to help, look at

    Starting another COH emulator when one has already made (very little) progress is foolish. We don't have much time to gather the information on server traffic we need, so we need to get a bunch of coders interested in this NOW.
    Well, that was my bad, it looks like most of it's written in C++, but for some reason I ended up on a page full of SVN changes to ruby files.

    Still is very outdated. The auth protocol is totally different now, and it doesn't look like it includes the encryption code that's been in places for quite a while. The schema is terribly old as well. Still, it might be a good reference, or a starting point for a "classic" Issue 1 server.

    But just to be clear, nemerle isn't the only one working on cool stuff.
    ^ This is the only realistic solution

    Ncsoft policy is Scorched Earth, Pillage Burn and Salt to prevent competition... :/

    TonyV you are being naive and possibly dangerously harmful to *practical* hopes of changing things by diverting peoples' enthusiasm away from a real effort at getting the data saved and private servers created (not controlled by any one clique). They will not listen, they will not give any quarter, there will be nothing left, just like Tabula Rasa (private server attempts, in secret after NCsoft sent a cease and desist legal threat to the website they were on before! host websites in countries that Korea/America has no power over!) if you are complacent that "somehow we can work things out"...

    There is no reasoning with a Corporate Person...
  11. Reverse issue 13 and all PVP changes since then and it will be popular again, simples

    As for the other stuff... pff would be stupid to just repost things I and everyone else have said already *shrug*
  12. "Southern comfort" being put anywhere near Victoriana is kind of insulting

    But other than that, sounds fun.
  13. Killerkitty

    SSE: War Council

    Good luck, hope this goes well and people can play nice
  14. Good luck, hope this goes well and people can play nice
  15. Zwillinger I didn't actually see you so I don't know how bad it was, but I was trying to speak up on behalf of others cos I saw someone complaining before, can't find the right one in search now grr. Found this tho:

    05-30-2011 01:45:38 Two Across: S'no War Walker. It's Zwillinger
    05-30-2011 01:59:38 Rebel FireStorm: Yes, but still slightly irritating when he turns into a Rikti ship and drops bombs all over the place while we're trying to RP.
    05-30-2011 02:01:56 Steel Flechette: I hate to say it, but I agree with rebel. Hes not interacting, hes showing off.
    05-30-2011 02:02:06 Steel Flechette: I wish he'd just go away.
    05-30-2011 02:02:17 Rebel FireStorm: ^

    I did meet Freitag though I think it was last week - he was funny I remember him saying SKITTER when he was running around as a tarantula

    Just... Be careful huh?
  16. It would be cool if they actually roleplayed the signature characters instead of actually acting as paid trolls in PD -.-
  17. Is ultraviolence a sport?

    Enquiring clockwork oran-- happy happy goth girls want to know. >:D
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tramontane View Post
    I am now filled with a perverse desire to roll a WoD style Vampire character that /isn't/ completely ridiculous, out of tune with the lore, or otherwise essentially playing the wrong damn game.

    Malkavian. I'm thinking Dual Pistols/Mental Manipulation. Who's with me?
    RE the above, I don't do serious VTM rp anymore because it just takes up so much time to do things properly with 'live' storylines, or at least Sanguinus is/was (awesome memories anyhow), but I hope this helps: — Vampire the Masquerade guide for playing Malkavians

    — • Tzimisce vampires done right- favourite PCs and NPCs
    Tzimisce resources
    •• Vicissitude

    Want more The Thing/ Species/ Dead Space/ Aliens (xenomorphesque or generally gigeresque)/ Splinter/ Invasion: Earth/ Resident Evil/ Starcraft's Zerg-esque horror stuff!

    Sanguinus — Vampire the Masquerade online roleplaying game (needs IRC installed and then put in the server box '') - Still running after years I played there when I was at school ( used to have to lie about my age to not get banned! :) One thing that stands out in memories is "I thought you would be older, about 30ish" when I told them "18", ha :) Oh good times. It's why I think there should always be a way for a sufficiently intelligent child to bypass any censorship! I learned so many completely "inappropriate" things at school thanks to RP which meant learning about stuff earlier that other people seem to often be much older before they start properly exploring, so thank you internet, for genuinely making me a better domm-- woman. ;)
    — Anyway, it used to be called Diablerie, veryfamous, went back to 1999 (later @2001) even before I knew what Internet Relay Chat (IRC) was hehe,
    there's a full backup here, though it actually closed down 2006ish - the one after that was a fake one by a slimey guy that changed the domain passwords on the owners, they left to make Sanguinus after that
    (later version @2001)
    (@Jan 2006)
    (@Dec 2006)
    ^ LOADS of resource pages there, it's a labyrinth. The menu on the 2002-2005 version doesn't work because it needs script or something so I didn't bother linking that but you can find it all in the full backup thing which has a nice search/filter box on it (thank you The Internet Archive)
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deebs View Post
    Finished this a few weeks ago but never really got to show it off . I did all the line work and my partner in Crime Shia did the colors .

    Dragonberry my imaginary spines/Invulnerability Scrapper beating up on Freakshow

    Hey im allowed art of my characters too :P
    lol, that is adorable. But I love the Freakshow especially, they look properly cyberpunky detailed, the kind of level the game really should have in 2011!
  20. This is still current and ongoing. Making a new thread when one is already there would be far less useful than using the existing thread with lots of other good posts by others.

    Grow up and think before making kneejerk reactions. Just because someone tells you "this is the way it's always been done" doesn't make it RIGHT.
    I really don't understand why some admins get upset over posting in old threads, when it's relevant. The point of a forum is asynchronous communication, right?
    Michelle, I never understood why people have such a big problem with it.[..]
    If it adds something useful that's fine[..]
    Waking up threads that are still relevant does not cause me confusion. [..] Of course one should not wake up threads unless there is a reason. Such as asking a question or new information relevant to the thread.
    [..] I don't know why someone would get all uppity about it.
    The regulars (and even admins/mods) on some forums like to give newbs a hard time about resurrecting old threads. But, It's no big deal to me. [..]
    I think the only people who have problems with this are lousy admins who have lousy staff. If you have mods and staff doing their job, this is of no concern.
    I don't have a problem with "extreme" thread bumps when the response is worthwhile.
    It all depends on the thread. If the conversation can be carried on smoothly, then I'm all for reviving old threads.
    It depends entirely on the members ability to use common sense but I really do not like closed threads for keeping track of some information. Especially the auto lock after 6 months.

    If the members are planing anything long term like a physical meeting of members 18 months from now and the thread gets closed when it becomes 6 months old it causes much frustration.

    Or a long term research project where people give updates every few months.
    If the reply has some relevence I have no issues with it[..]
    [..]I've seen one or two that closed old threads automatically, but I believe that discourages some additional worthwhile posting. People don't always start a new thread about an old thread, if they can't post in the old thread.
    Not everyone has the lack of life required to make a post every day for seven years and keep track of it all... Hell I barely know where my own posts are anymore, I think a lot of the stuff from the UK forums was simply deleted.

    The whole point of a forum is that topics, topics of discussion, can be neatly collected up rather than just one big messy chat. When people create new threads for ones that already exist, it just adds to the mess and confusion and means quality stuff gets lost in the sea of everything else. If I was not replying here, I would be making a new thread with the same topic. But I think doing stuff in a way that is more helpful is more important than worrying about the rather inevitable quasi-religious "BUT YOU BROKE THE TABOO."
  21. This should be moved into the Roleplaying forum and stickied!
  22. Can't sleep. But... I do really agree with this thread and think it needs more attention.

    In fact, it should be stickied.

    I love stories, I love roleplaying, but I have barely used AE because:

    1) BIG. 1. The interface is just so horrible. It's like picking shards of glass out of your skin trying to find anything good in all the boring and plain cheesy/fanfiction-style missions. The rating system is COMPLETELY useless and should not be the focus. Britney spears and eminem are 'popular', too. Give us a way to browse through bio descriptions quicker and easier and make the list of tags used actually viewable as a list to browse through:
    — Also there needs to be a web interface for finding stories, to make it much more readable and easy to browse. Link it in with a subforum on here maybe so new stuff gets their own thread made automatically!

    2) Need base editor type creation in missions, at the moment all missions are just variants of missions I have seen before just with different text/enemies...
    — Not the kind of stuff non-grindy people wanna look at really. A few times is enough...