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  1. First of all, just wanted to say Gratz to Ree on getting her first Corruptor to 50 =D

    Second of all, it's in the welcome message, but hopefully the 'Civil War' arena event will be organised soon. I'm trying to gauge interest in order to sort something out for next weekend (probably the evening of sunday 17th), and i know at least a couple of you are interested already.

    Basically, it'll at least be one set-level (probably 25/30) free-for-all between all competitors. Winners of the match will likely receive infamy or badge rewards, unless they're leaders, in which case we just win 'respect' i suppose :P That's the basics anyway, we can always sort different types of competition out when we're actually altogether in the arena.

    Happy hunting
  2. Kensa

    Ice Mistral SF

    Erm, well yes my PRIMARY is if you're thinking about the rad debuffs on that there's only so far they actually go. That being said, i can spam Transfusion on AV's to help with the -regen.

    I'm still not confirmed on doing this, but i'm not sure i'm due out saturday anymore so the chances of me doing it have been raised ^^
  3. Kensa

    Ice Mistral SF

    I need to do this, but the later it gets the less chance i have of doing it, as i'm due out in the evening. At the same time, i don't wanna start late afternoon and not be able to finish it. If it was changed to sunday i'd have a much greater chance of making it, or a 2pm start would likely work fine too.

    Could i perhaps be some kind of reserve? I'd use my lev 38 Rad/Kinetic, Syphon The Stryfe. My global's in my sig if ya wanna add me to keep in touch.
  4. Heya Gan, i shan't pimp my SG to ya (we have a thread for that ^^), but we've had the odd chat and i know ya PvP a lot, and it'd just be nice to have ya as i know the kinda guy ya are =D

    I'd chat to ya in game but i shan't be on the next 2 days or so, but if you're up for it, just read the thread (may be back a page or so on this section) and get in touch with one of the others, one of them is usually about in one form or another ^^

    Kensa, away!
  5. Ah right ok, i may give it another try, but i still hold that Granite's with Rooted on resist the drain too much, but like i said it was good versus Scrappers ^^ The problem was actually holding a fight with a Scrapper, as without the ultimate i was down fairly quickly considering. Certainly i was taking 50% off of Brutes with BU + Headsplitter on my Scrapper o.O (Felt so overpowered). I just figure a self heal would be better with regards to accomplishing that, as Elec armour didn't seem to be anything special.

    That being said, i believe they're adding both Immo and KB resistance to Grounded before live, or one of the two, which would certainly help in not using a point in acrobatics. Also, as i was in somewhat of a rush as i only wanted to try it out before rolling another char, i didn't take Lightning Field as those aura's are generally useless in PvP. I did not read the description enough though, and was unaware of it's end sapping abilities, which would likely have changed my mind.
  6. I tried a build i'd had ideas about in RV last night. I slotted all the end drain powers with x2 End Mods or more and relied on the Fury changes for damage. I was disappointed with the result. I wasn't sure how strong the drain would be, so i had a duel with a Granite tank with Rooted on. Still seems that anything other than Elec Blast and Transference won't make a difference. That being said, the end drain was very effective against Scrappers, and Power Surge may be an MoG-esque rip-off but it is rather superb.

    Not sure if i'll roll one, but if i did i think i'd probably choose Invul or DA as a secondary, and see how effective Elec/ was without endurance mods.
  7. The Kronos spawning in Sirens that one time was an exploit so a villain or two could get the badge, and it did nark off a number of players in the zone :P

    Not sure if they're removed this possibility, though i doubt it, but any villain with this badge might just have it removed in a later patch, who knows.
  8. Kensa

    Plaque Attack

    Brush your teeth with Colgate, Colgate dental cream...
  9. I used to team with Hicks on CoH, top bloke, good moves old chap.
  10. Apologies for not making the SG thursday, something rather urgent came up in RL, but i here it went well, so kudos to you all!

    Except you DS, never you
  11. Ahoy, i shan't waste space here with a lot of the usual blurb, but if you're looking for an SG that *sometimes* does a mix of PvP and Strike Force's (some memebrs more than others =) then The House of Counted Shadows may be worth a look ^^

    That being said, i think we're more focused on generally having a laugh and talking with each other over doing a lot of events, and so if that's what you're looking for we'd be perfect =D

    If you do fancy checking it out, we do have a thread on this section of the forums entitled, rather imaginatively, 'The House of Counted Shadows' that you could take a gander at =)

    Might here from ya soon, and if not, go-go gadget gaming! Or something else witty and funny.
  12. Provided my connection holds up thursday night, this is probably doable for me, though it is a little short notice for others.
  13. As does Rooted in Stone Armour.
  14. Quick bump, and happy birthday to Licker for yesterday =D

    Also, let's finally get round to doing the St Martial SF shall we?

    Oh, and i was thinking, as me, Ree and DC had such great fun in Warburg a few nights back perhaps we could have one night a week (at least) dedicated to PvP, for those who are interested? Opinions please ^^

    Best of luck to Ainur getting back on their feet again too ^^
  15. Kensa

    Toggle Dropping

    I think some Scrappers (and other melee AT's) take Acrobatics not for the extra hold resistance, but because some mez protection powers don't have knockback resistance =)
  16. I'm quite happy with the raid cap, it does make things a little more even, but the lower levels still have the disadvantage of having less powers to use, so there's still a goal to attain. I'm just surprised there aren't two threads hundreds of pages long complaining about the changes to Hurricane and PFF.
  17. Kensa

    Toggle Dropping

    This isn't a reply to Filth's post i just didn't wanna scroll for the appropriate one ^^

    Just to say about re-toggling, i don't know the numbers but the amount of times my Brute has had his mez resistance drop first is greater than that of any other. I don't know if i've just been unlucky, but either way i end up staggering around like a drunken fool, disoriented while the Blaster takes at least two free shots at me. So, before i can even take a shot at him (as he's hopped away a few metres) i have to put my toggles back on to stand a chance. So, while i'm rotted wtahcing the animation come back on he gets another two free shots.

    Joy! I can run and attack him" Oh...but my health is looking awful low, oh well i'll give it a shot (one KO Blow and a Haymaker later). Hmm, still not dead, and what's that? The nearer he gets to death the stronger he ge...*faceplant*.

    PS: Like Filth said, Acrobatics is only a Mag 1 resist and thus useless against Controllers if they fire off two holds, which is 90% of the time, and i find it useful solely for the KB protection and resisting Freeze Ray.
  18. LOL.

    In my defense i never asked her for it, and that Aberrant Rector was tiny. I don't think i'd accept a BF off someone that bad at tag, anyway.

    And Tiger, that's awesome bud ^^ Just give us a shout next time ya see one of us on, details in the original post. I think right now there are a grand total of 5 people with microphones, but that number best increase or there will be be some very prejudiced demotions going round!

    If nothing else i say we try and gank demote DS for choosing Tomb Raider over our sultry tones, and also because he's responsible for several ecoli outbreaks throughout Scotland.
  19. Kensa

    Toggle Dropping

    /Energy Blasters can solo melee AT's in close combat. That is the most important feature and bottom line of this argument. It seems fairly straightforward to me.

    The chances of a Dominator having the time to stack the necessary amount of holds on any melee AT in a zone where 1v1's are statistically uncommon is small. It would take less time with Domination of course, but again rarely will you have the time to build this before you enter a fight. Yes, some of the Dom secondaries (if not all? i'm not sure) have toggle dropping powers, but even if they managed to hold a melee AT the mez won't last anywhere near long enough to solo all the health of a melee AT (unless you're fire secondary possibly, i'd like to see it).

    In my opinion you can't compare the toggle dropping of a Dominator with the same ability and damage of a Blaster.

    ~Spoken from the viewpoint of an Ice/Energy Dom.
  20. Well, we certainly don't talk ourselves seriously ^^

    We'd be happy to have you, if of course you'd take us :P

    If you want some details check out The House of Counted Shadows thread on the same section of the forums as this post, as i think i pretty much covered all of our main points on there =D

    If ya feel like you're interested and fancy a trial run, then just reply to this post or that one with an answer and i'll get back to you ^^ Or of course you can contact us in game, once again the details being in the THoCS thread
  21. In my defense you are very Scottish, and i had problems logging on
  22. Quick bump to remind everyone about the first respec tonight, DS says 8pm but he really means 7:30, we always end up waiting for latecomers:P

    I think their are two spaces left, or maybe one, so if you want in let it be known on here or via the SG.
  23. [ QUOTE ]

    edit: 1 more question,... Hoover Vs Flight in combat. Boost endurance cost in flight, or speed in hoover to maintain airborne in fight, and not to slow? cheers

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I hear Dyson is an especially good brand

    Sorry, totally couldn't resist, but i do hate those damn Hoovers in PvP =D
  24. Plus the fact that Dark Blast is not a damage-based set anyway, good for stacking -acc though. I have a helluva painful time just trying to kill most CoT spectral demons because they stack Smite and Chill of the Night etc on my Brute, though it's been awhile since i played a Brute slotted fully with SO's, which would obviously help. Either way, you could annoy melee AT's immensely.
  25. Awesome, that is truly good news. I'd heard Raven was back but i wasn't sure if your trouser-wearing self was going to join her :P

    If both you guys need an SG it would be fantastic to have you both back, but if ya join another or even make your own then it'd be equally as cool to coalition with ya ^^

    ALSO, even though i think we may switch to Ventrilo at some point, we do have a teamspeak server up and running if you guys have mics. I believe DS and DC may be purchasing one each (no pressure :P) at some point, but for now it's me, Ree, Fire, Brig and DD that use it sometimes ^^