Villains looking for SG




Hi I'm looking for a small SG to put my villains in but first a little about myself before you decide if I'm right for your SG.

I usually don't get to play a whole lot during the week. I usually try and squeeze in a few hours late at night around 11pm GMT - til I'm knackered, which usually is 1-3 hours. On the weekends I tend to play a bit more. I've been in the game for a long time so I can't promise I'll stick around forever.

I think that was all the bad parts, now on to the good ones. I'd like to think of myself as a very helpful player and I dont mind dropping what I'm doing to come help out with AV's, TF's - you name it (if i have the time). Since I cant promise a whole lot I'd prefer a small SG with some friendly players. So if you think you got a SG that might interest me, reply here or send me a /tell. My global is @Gandrel or email me in game at either Dearch or Protron.



You are always welcome into ARAD or AMSTRAD depending on your origin and theme. ARAD has more members than AMSTRAD which is starting out adn so only has a 4 I think. THey are both in a Coalition so finding someone to team with shouldnt be a problem and there is a nice small base.

Check out the ARAD website for details on us and if you fancy either a small trial run or a tour of the facilities then let me know and I will try to arrange being online when you are about.



Dearch is a mutant and Protron is technology based. The link isn't working.



That's because Dr E got the code a lil wrong. Try...

The rules for ARAD-based characters are slightly stricter than for AMSTRAD but I'm sure we can probably squeeze you in!



Hey .

The Evil Echelon is a kind of medium size group currently .
We have a good, active & friendly player base across heroes & villains. The villainous element is currently plotting despicable schemes & evil is afoot in the shadows, waiting impatiently for i7 .
We're interested in good fun, friendly & relaxed play with good fun, friendly & relaxed people who like to participate in stuff together . We're big on group teams & activity & stuff like taskforces & badges .

Battled you on many occasions across Sirens' & Warburg & always enjoyed it, & Mr Nice always speaks highly of you. I'd be well up for roping you in.. ahem... asking if you'd ne interested . If' you would interested in finding out more about us, or want to drop into the group at any time to say hello or just see how you might like it send a tell @mighty cactus, @fire flux & @mackero .



Heya Gan, i shan't pimp my SG to ya (we have a thread for that ^^), but we've had the odd chat and i know ya PvP a lot, and it'd just be nice to have ya as i know the kinda guy ya are =D

I'd chat to ya in game but i shan't be on the next 2 days or so, but if you're up for it, just read the thread (may be back a page or so on this section) and get in touch with one of the others, one of them is usually about in one form or another ^^

Kensa, away!



Thanks for the reply fellas. I'll give them all some thought and talk to you in game about details. Catch you in game.