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  1. If i may ask, what's the mag on Force Bolt again or are they making it unresistable? If the latter is the case, my main concern will be being bounced around the zone by 33 month Vets regardless of having both Karma (or the like) and Acrobatics.

    The number of people with the Nem Staff is obviously only going to increase and i certainly know i was on my rear 70% of the time without Acrobatics. This will massively affect players such as me and many other PvPers who use SS and CJ to navigate the zone and generally kite like mad.
  2. Aye great runs everyone, close call in the end, and it wasn't 1 hour 25 mins despite what the little message said, we finished nigh spot on 2 hours =P

    Thanks for the fun, hit me up for future runs!
  3. Add another two to the list, @Daxie and another i do not know. Just in case if you could all add Arena to your tabs for 7pm i may send out a message, no need for it to be permanent or owt.
  4. Oyez DC, you and DS are down as reserves, but if everyone turns up maybe we can have 2 teams run it? Do what the groups the other day did and have a little race =P

    Anyway, i'll send a few tells but if everyone could meet by Sister Psyche at half 7 that'd be fantabulous.
  5. Goodo, also have some interest in-game so we should be set for people if we can't make up a full team.

    1: @Kensa Klore
    2: @Chillspark
    3: @Sonic Star
    4: @Thabo
    5: @Rasmus
    6: @Techno
    7: @Dark Blasphemy
    8: @Xtream

    @Smyte is a friend of mine on reserve, and i also have another friend who said he may be up for it but i won't know till he gets online. Plenty to start with anyway and 3 Blasters so far, so if anyone has any varying AT's that'd be awesome, though quite frankly i'd just be happy with an all-Blaster team for the sheer fun of it =P
  6. Just figured as i only found out i had today off last night that i'd finally try and sort this out, albeit short notice. If it doesn't work out ima post up another run for wednesday night at the same time ^_^

    8 spots apart from myself of course, start time is negotiable if it can make up the numbers:

    1: Myself of course

    Shall check back throughout the day, peace and love :x
  7. Apart from the VEAT's, i've got on my list...:

    Elec/Dark - Only problem i have with other primaries with the toggles i also run as a Corr was end, so i think this combo will be easily underestimated.

    Elec/Kin - Because...come on...the sheer drain =P

    Ice/Storm - Stay where you are and don't move =P

    Psi/En or Psi/Mental Blaster - Because i just HAVE to try it.
  8. I'd like to do this but not sure i can. I have Positron planned at 7pm, so naturally if that goes ahead i can't do it. But, if it doesn't go ahead for one reason or another, i'm totally in ^_^

    So i don't really know how you'd put me down, but a reserve i guess ^^
  9. Viz is a 50 Fire/En/Cold Blaster ^_^
  10. Alright then, everyone involved should meet at Ghost Falcon in Peregrine Island at 7pm GMT tonight, wednesday the 19th of march ^_^
  11. I'll jump along if you need someone for the Cavern trial, my global's @Kensa Klore and i'll likely be online most of this evening ^_^
  12. My bad, i basically slightly misread Xem's first post and thought his Global was @Demonic Judgement, and the toon he'd be using would be Anti-Hymn.

    So, since the last person on that list is actually an SG colleague i'm sure i can come to some arrangement with him, and i'll take him off the list and replace him with Xem. If i could grab your global that'd be great dude.

    As for a date, how about this wednesday the 19th then? At 7pm?
  13. Ok then, i do believe we have our 8:

    @Dark Alex
    @Demonic Judgement
    @Death Badger

    ...and of course myself.

    I'm available most evenings, but i'd suggest 8pm either this friday (22nd) or sunday (24th). I'll try and get in touch with you all in game, but feel free to reply here on the forums anyway ^_^
  14. Afternoon all.

    I never see as many keen badge hunters around these days so i figure it's necessary to make a topic here! All i want to do is get 8 names (preferably, or more) who all want this badge (as it's bloody hard to get sometimes, and counts towards the Archmage accolade) listed down here so i can arrange a date/time for all of us to prance around PI or pick a radio mission to farm for the decoys.

    If you're interested, please just leave the name of your toon or your global on here and i'll get back to you in game, although the date/time of the farm will posted later on in this topic ^_^

    I don't mind sorting out a few SK's if they're available, but levels 30+ at least would be best. The places will go to the first 7 to post back on the topic, so long as within those 7 the level conditions are appropriate ^_^

    Happy hunting!
  15. Kensa

    Smyte Hits 50

    Indeed, congratulations old chum, now you can create a a few months time o.O

    And btw, i choose Jebediah Jehosephat Farquhar, obey!
  16. I'll be the guy to say his Corruptor rocks, but i think it very much depends on the sets that the Corruptor chooses and for what purpose he chose them for, soloing or team PvPing. My own build is a solo Ice/Dark, and i must say i have little difficulty with most Hero AT's in Sirens (which is my main hunting ground [img]/uk/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]). Of course that then depends entirely on their build, i had no trouble with a lev 50 Spines/DA the other day, but then could not take down a DM/DA.

    If you'd like to see a powerful Corruptor i'd advocate a /Dark or a /Cold, maybe ask someone to give you a demonstration, there's bound to be someone somewhere, i'm about on Defiant if you fancy a gander.

    As for great dueling Corruptors or just great Corruptors in general, Gan on his Ice/Rad Dearch got a high rep in Sirens pretty much solo - still outclasses me [img]/uk/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Though i imagine he's a bit rusty! *Taunts* And there's an Ice/Ice called Kandy Kane who's rather handy, that's Serophina's Corruptor ^_^ There was one night a week or so ago whereby it was myself, Dearch, Kandy Kane and a /Kin called Gaspar in Sirens in one team as the only villains in the zone, and we were winning with relative ease against what must have been around 10 heroes. It was a sight to behold, and really might've totally changed your opinion on Corruptors, because they can be crazy strong.
  17. There's still a place for ya Shadow, and a /Rad is always welcome ^_^ I think there's still one or two places still remaining if anyone wants in. There's definitely one, and probably two.
  18. From what i know of the roster so far is this:

    1: Orpheus The Quake - 50 Stone/Stone Brute
    2: Dedicated Follower: - 50 SS/Invul Brute
    3: Rhiannonn - 50 Fire/Kinetics Corruptor
    4: Smyte - (48?) Claws/SR Stalker
    5: Dark Mist - 50 Fire/DA Brute
    6: Total Inertia - 50 Ice/Kinetics Corruptor

    If i see Gan online DS i'll enquire and see if he can bring his Ice/Rad, though i suspect it's still lev 44 :/
  19. You can give me a shout on any of the characters listed in my signature Gasp, think i teamed with you in Warburg during the double xp weekend with Stalk on his AR/Dark Corruptor and if i remember rightly you were a jolly good laugh, so my SG would love to have you.

    If i'm not on any of those chars, try sending Deadstar a message, or just use my Global, we can have a chat then ^_^
  20. In short, no. Typically, it takes a LARGE amount of mez to detoggle Granite. A Dominator with Domination up will manage it in a few holds, it'll take a Controller a bit longer (or so i hear, i've never actually seen it happen).

    I'm not sure if issue 7 altered Poison Gas Trap in the Traps powerset, but it used to be that if you were caught in that (despite its small radius) it could detoggle you instantly.

    Outside of those things, anything that can drain your endurance significantly like Kinetics, maaaybe a group of Longbow Spec Ops, Sappers etc will work just fine too, although Rooted will protect you to an extent.
  21. Aye nice one fire, but you'd best come up with a good costume for your Kheldian!

    ~realises he has let a monster loose~
  22. Aye, i imagine i'll be there.