
Birmingham Player Meet 2010 - Grand Organizer
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  1. Hmmm... to procure some things they might need, they could always hire the services of The Lollipop Snatcher

    If this does get out I suspect there'll be people wanting tickets to watch the show, especially Kall after what Tomb's done to her in the past. We could even have a buffet, Liz could lay on some light entertainment and 'finger food' *giggles*
  2. You don't mean that :P I remember what you did to Frostleaf :P
  3. Darkleaf had been standing with her back to the wall when the vampire called Maria had suddenly parted company with herself. Her eyes went wide, and with a gasp she threw up, she couldn't help it. She looked around, clamping a hand over her mouth, wondering if there was a way out of the room without drawing attention to herself any further.
  4. Darkleaf glances at Shannon and shrugs, before picking herself off the floor. Using her wings she quickly catches up with the Countess, following behind her and looking rather nervous.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
    At the ebon mirror suddenly a fast moving blur of white and red knocked Darkleaf away from the tendrils. The two creatures landed in the corner of the room... Shannon O'Banshee looked up at Darkleaf... her red hair wild and messy...

    "Missy Elizabeth said no touchy darkness to Shannon and Shannon told Darkleaf it is dangerous no touchy because bad things might happen and Shannon likes Darkleaf so Darkleaf better be careful ok ok creepy things in mirror things not good to Fae.", the wee banshee rambled on hyperactivly.

    Behind them Elizabeth appeared from the mirror and noticed the two Fae. "Shannon! What is happening here?! Explain..."

    But Shannon had no answer to that as she didn't want to tell on Darkleaf... and she was in another section of the castle.
    As the tendrils had started reaching out for her, she'd screamed.. She was still screaming a high pitched yelp of terror as she landed on the floor, her head spinning from suddenly being knocked away from the mirror.

    She heard Shannon's babbled message, but hadn't really realised what had just happened... Hearing Elizabeth Bathory's voice, and still being in a state of terror she just starts babbling, really fast, without taking a breath almost. Her eyes wide with tears.

    "Creepy things! Creepy things of tendrils and suckyness and black and.. and.." she sobs. "But I needed to get Miss Bathory here, there's a wounded vampire at the door and Lucard is with her, but she looks all horrid and tortured and she's got metal bits for arms, and she keeps spitting out bits of wood, and she's scary and she said that she needed to see Miss Bathory or that something or someone called Tomb would know,or maybe she meant like a thing in the ground... so I was only trying to help! I got her a bottle of blood and everything, but then she kept saying that she needed to speak to Miss Bathory... So I ran in and and you'd said that Missy Elizabeth used the mirror for coming and going, so I wasn't sure if it was like a door thingamy, so... so.." she sobs again, looking up, finally taking a deep breath, her voice trailing off.
  6. Darkleaf looks from Lucard to the vampire now starting to heal on the floor, "I'll go and look for her!" she says, smiling now she has something to do.

    With that, she flits away down the dark corridors of the Castle, humming a soft tune to herself, a faint smile on her innocent face.

    She finds her way to the room with the big black mirror, knowing that Shannon has told her that 'Missy Elizabeth' uses it for various things like appearing and disappearing. She flies up to it, a frown on her tiny face for a moment before shouting, "Helloooo? Anyone in there? Miss Bathory?" She pokes the surface of the mirror with her finger, prodding at it's surface, not quite sure what to expect.

    She peers in to the darkness, "Yoohooo! Any vampires in there?"

  7. Darkleaf gulps, her eyes wide, "Of course!" as she turns, flitting back toward the bar area where she's seen several bottles of blood.

    Managing to pick a bottle up, using both her tiny hands, she flies back to the entrance as fast as she can. A concerned look upon her tiny elfin face.

    On reaching Lucard, she hands him the bottle.

    "Is there anything else I should do? Someone I should fetch?"
  8. Darkleaf reached the door just after Lucard had opened it.. She peered around the corner, fear in her eyes at what she saw there.

    "W-what is it? W-what's happening?"
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
    The vampire screamed a horrid wet sound that lacked any real pitch. She had no tongue, and that made her cry more of a desperate gurgle, sparks rose from the metal caps at the end of her arms, as she began to strike against the gates of Castle Bathory, the booms of impact and shaking of the gates, showing the un-natural strength her twisted form still possessed.

    She seemed more intent on being noticed, rather than breaking into the Castle.
    Darkleaf had heard the strange noises from her room within the Castle and, curiosity piqued, she was making her way to the front door.

    Flitting along on her gossamer fairy wings, she glanced around... Wondering if anyone else was on their way to find out what all the commotion was about. Although curious, she was slightly afraid of the noise, and what she might find was making it. It sounded like some kind of deranged monster...
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post

    What's needed for this sort of situation is a way for a mobile phone user to be able to brick his stolen phone himself, perhaps by sending it an sms with a special code.
    If it was a Blackberry, then yes.... you can do that
  11. Kallandra

    Any idea..

    As to how we're supposed to actually play City of Heroes today, seeing as this latest patch has completely messed up the updater. It's not downloading the patch, so keeps coming up with the error message:

    Wrong game version, run patcher and reconnect, server 1800.201006040036.5Tr, client 1800.201006040036.3T

    Any idea when this will be fixed please? I have re-run the patcher repeatedly and it still fails to download the damn patch. I've also restarted my computer and tried verifying the files. Also tried to get rid of the .eu bit so it would try downloading the US patch.. but it refused to do it.

    <edit> It seems to be patching now... Thank you!

  12. The Mook Hitman's disguise was the perfect wind-up.

    If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.
  13. I've just had the same problem after being disconnected from the game.. Will reset my computer and see if it solves it.
  14. English.. but over the years i've picked up a few words or sentences in other languages, mostly "Hello, how are you?" and a few other useful phrases. Although i can just about hold a very limited conversation in French.

    Dwarvish - I used to write in the runic script from Tolkien's books.
    Sign Language

  15. The light! It burnssss!

    If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.
  16. Apologies if this has been mentioned elsewhere!

    Is it just me, or are those sewers really clean.. I mean, where are all the rats and other little creatures scurrying around?

    Pedestrians walking their dogs would be great to see, as well as cats wandering around or running across roads, or just sitting somewhere with their tails swishing.

    Rabbits or foxes perhaps in the park areas or wooded places such as Perez Park.

    Other animals you'd expect to see. Fish swimming in lakes. Maybe more birds, some actually sitting in trees and bushes, in nests, as oppose to just flying
  17. Thank you for looking in to it Avatea, it's much appreciated.
  18. The thing is, the email actually states in the web address that it's the UK version newsletter_coh_uk_may2010 and the links at the bottom are to the UK support page... It's only the actual prepurchase link that directs to the NA prepurchase of GR.... Way to mix things up!
  19. I've never had a US account, trial or otherwise either...
  20. After the serious lack of marketing in the EU and everything else that's been going on lately I am utterly flabbergasted to have received not one, but two NCSoft newsletter emails (Just Revealed: exclusive Going Rogue footage.) that directs me to the NA prepurchase of GR and not the EU one.

    I would've thought the newsletter would be pertinent to the subscriber's location, not just NA. Oh, hang on a minute, it WAS for the UK according to the link to read it on the web. Crikey... I've no idea what to say to that!

    So, no shelf presence, no marketing, and pushing the NA version on to EU people via email. How in hecks are we supposed to get new players? I've suggested before that current folks should grab their friends, but as it's been pointed out to me in the other thread, it's NCSoft's job!
  21. The NCSoft Launcher hasn't been updated since 2009..... Last thing it has is I14 Architect Release on Wednesday 8th April 2009.
  22. I'd love to see more animated trees that we could use in our bases, especially autumnal coloured ones, or flowers that move gently in a breeze. Also, waterfalls or fountains would be a nice addition for us to use
  23. After the recent Sherlock Holmes film, I'd have to suggest watching the series starring Jeremy Brett as Sherlock, it's almost word for word from the original stories from Sir Arthur Conan Doyal and my favourite.

    If you want a giggle, I'd also suggest the original Basil Rathbone ones as well.
  24. Kallandra

    I'm confused!

    Has anyone else received an email in French about Aion recently? Unfortunately my French is utterly abysmal, so really not quite sure what it's on about.. Do the marketing department now think everyone in the EU speaks French?

  25. Not quite what the Ocho was expecting to find at the end of the rainbow.. It looked like the leprechauns had hired help to guard their gold.

    If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.