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  1. JohnRobey

    Fansy Returns!

    Thanks, Fansy! Here's hoping NCSoft chooses to sell the IP/Game to someone who'll publish CoH in the very near future.
  2. I've not given up but no longer hold hope that CoH will continue. I've given NCSoft feedback as a customer (I think my message was reasonable and not ballistic) but they never replied, unlike other companies I write to who at least acknowledgement reciept of mail and claim to value me as a customer. I'm thru with NCSoft as soon as they are thru with CoH - and other than CoH, NCSoft has no other product that interests me. Just as well, probably, that I won't be tempted to do business with this MMO-Killer in the future.
  3. Thanks, Tim. I enjoyed your vid and Liked it. No doubt I'll watch again when feeling nostalgic for what NCSoft the MMO-killer has killed.
  4. "Victory" would be for NCSoft to either continue running CoH or to sell it to another company who'd keep it running.
  5. JohnRobey

    CoH RIP

    Shades of "Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all." * Thanks for the Oscar Wilde quote; I'd not seen that before.

  6. JohnRobey

    Devs moving on

    Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
    As someone who enjoyed both soloing and teaming, I preferred more options. The game, for the most part, allowed me to [do] both when I wanted to.

    While some preferred to solo, and some preferred to team, more options would have been better for all. Just because you liked to play the game your way, doesn't mean the other perspective was wrong.

    More options=better game.
    I heartily agree, Rangle. More options does equal a better game.
  7. I like what you said in your post and thank you for taking the time to write and post it.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Indeed. Paragon Studios didn't do it behind our back - they directly laughed at us (and with us), and we reciprocated and a good time was had by most.

    NCSoft likely didn't even give us enough consideration to waste a chuckle at our expense. We're largely beneath their notice.
    That is something I think I'll miss should I play other MMO's: I loved the humor especially when the dev team ran special events, such as Capt Mako's Shark Week. Memorable lines for me from Capt Mako include: "I ate Woofers!" and "I six-slot Brawl! I hear it's really good!"

    As for my being beneath the notice of a business-minded executive, well yeah. But I felt I had good to great customer service from game staff and NCSoft tech support. The only poor customer service I've had to date is No Reply to 2 emails sent their cohsunset account. It's only further confirmation they're not interested in my business and I'm happy that NCSoft doesnt have another product at present that appeals to me, so I have no problem saying good bye to them.
  9. [Caution to the reader: I intend this as humorous/silly]
    Why was CoH killed by NCSoft? A tantalizing mystery to us all. I accept NCSoft's statement at face value that they want to "realign" their focus; i.e., that they think they have a better chance to make more money investing their resources differently. And, yes, that's a non-answer since I've no idea exactly why killing CoH would promote NCSoft's financial goals.

    On to the fun bit: unsupported speculation!

    1. the other NCSoft studios were jealous of Paragon Studios' favorable reviews and awards.

    2. CoH wasn't enough of a grindfest and failed to feature Panda warrior player-characters.

    3. By killing CoH, NCSoft could divert player activity from game play to the forums, where the real action is. ;-)

    4. Certain female NPCs (Swan among others) refused to date NCSoft execs even in cyber space, citing sexual harassmant.

    5. Steady income looked too easy and dull compared to exciting, speculative, future ventures made all the more exciting by angering a loyal customer base.

    and finally the real reason

    5. NCSoft's true name is MOT!!!

    Yes this is all tongue in cheek. Hoping I've offended none (or few.)
  10. Yeah, I very much enjoyed Joss Whedon's youtube. LOL!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
    Emotional attachment brings financial investment in a MMO. Certainly a Game Studio wants you to care about your gaming experience-- that's how they make money off you. They may laugh at you behind your back, but they are still going to do everything they can to get you to buy yet another goodie for $4.99.

    The Devs didn't expect such an abrupt closure with a new issue on the horizon-- they were still hiring relatively recently. So as far as they knew, they had no reason to expect their jobs to be at risk. To be fair, I don't know how much advance warning other game studios got, but I'd wager their upper management knew they were on the bubble well before Paragon did.

    Heck, NCSoft had made major investments in Paragon even AFTER COH failed in Korea. They wouldn't have done that if they hadn't expected to get a decent return on investment. They may not have gotten it, but until relatively recently they were giving the impression to Paragon they were satisfied with its performance.

    The people you know-- the people who moved on-- on average, how much did they spend on COH? Would they have stuck around if COH HADN'T closed? There's always going to be casual MMOers ... people who don't particularly game if ANY game closes down. There are also going to be those who will only PLAY one game in their life.

    Observer bias. You and your friends may have no real emotional investment in the game. Myself and others may have a far greater attachment to it than its actual impact warrants.

    What no one knows-- yet-- is if there are going to be any serious repercussions to NCSoft-- or the MMO industry as a whole-- afterwards.

    You could be right. A year from now no one but a few diehards may care that COH was ever here.

    But you could also be wrong.
    My two cents to this discussion: I never had the sense that either Paragon Studios or NCSoft was laughing at us behind their collective back. The players I knew who after 8/31 quit never or seldom to return (mostly for screenshots) were very emotionally invested and wrote how playing CoH got them thru various rough periods in their lives, how CoH was a mainstay they counted on and thought they could count on due to its duration.

    Most maintained at least one subscription, tho a few dropped to F2P/Premium for short term economic reasons and planned to resubscribe. Some had disposable incomes that they could afford to buy things like the canine vanity pet, and had bought every booster pack etc. These guys would still be playing CoH and we'd have daily SG events had the sunset not been announced.

    While my friends and I constitute a tiny sliver of a fraction of the player base, we'll remember CoH and NCSoft for quite some time. (One commissioned an oil painting of his favorite toon--how's that for emotional attachment?)

    As a newbie MMO player (CoH being the only one I played for more than a few hours and the only one to hold my interest thus far) I'll certainly be both more savvy and wary of MMORPGs and my attachment to them in the future. While I found solo play in CoH interesting enough, it was the community and veteran players who really made CoH special to me. From my first days in Galaxy City and Atlas Park, vet players would look at my badges (or rather my lack of veteran badges) and give me SOs, INF etc. like some informal Welcome Wagon to say Welcome to CoH! Hope you like it as much as we do! It made such a positive impression, I've done my best to "pass the goodwill along" by assisting new players when I came across them.

    Maybe this is standard in MMORPGs -- I've tried only LOTRO since starting CoH -- but in CoH buffing one another in passing is common, helping one another is common. In other MMOs that isn't the case. (If it is, let me know which MMO's so I can check those out after 12/1.)

    Anyhow, BlueBattler, I'm preaching to the choir since it's clear you and your friends cared a lot about CoH, and so did mine. We're losing something special, no doubt about it. I imagine I'll forget about CoH and NCSoft about the time I forget all about the Star Wars movies, Star Trek TV series, books I love and gaming groups I had superlative times with.

    That others aren't as hurt emotionally about this is great--for them! I have friends who still feel devastated by this, though they're moving on, and many are avoiding gaming altogether until the wounds heal.
  12. JohnRobey

    Devs moving on

    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Sean "Dr. Aeon" McCann confirmed today he is working on Star Trek Online over at Cryptic, at least according to his Twitter account.

    Andy "Zwillinger" Belford is now at Electronic Arts.

    Fire Man (aka Bass Ackwards) is now at Trion Worlds.

    Phil "Synapse" Zeleski is working for Carbine Studios.

    Who else has said what they are doing?
    Congratulations to the Dev Team who've found new employment in the MMO industry. Star Trek Online (per their forum) players look delighted to have a content dev join their MMO. And if Sean "Dr Aeon" McCann is there, I'm even more tempted to check out STO after 11/30. Thank you again, Dev Team, for CoH! Thank you also to the many players who made teaming up a joy!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    Sorry, let me be clear. As long as there's an audience for them, I'll continue to do the streams through the end of the month. I won't have access to the channel after that.
    Thanks, Hit Streak, and thanks Dev Team!! For sure, we CoH fans/players want to have communication. If nothing else, there's Titan Network after these forums are ended. I don't know whether TwitchTV is possible from Titan but I presume youtube and other podcast tech will work there. Best wishes to all. I'm playing CoH until the end/11/30/12 and otherwise hoping the CoH Dev Team invents a better MMO or else that Plan Z's "spiritual successor" gets traction and perhaps attracts some of the dev team.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    You answered your first question with your second one: Salvage fluctuated (at least in part) because of Field Crafter. When someone wants to get a lot of memorization badges quickly, they need a lot of salvage. The easiest place to get it is the Auction House. The nature of the bidding process means that someone buying up a lot of a single type of salvage will use up all the cheap stuff, causing spikes in price.
    Likewise, people crafting large amounts of certain enhancements - either for personal use of for resale - can cause similar spikes in Uncommon and Rare salvage.
    The fact that the various types of salvage aren't balanced in their use - some are used in dozens of recipes, others in just a handful - also contributes to the flux and variation in prices.

    As to the "overpaying" for common IOs, some people value their time far more than their Inf. When you can make 3-4 million/hour just off defeats (and some can do much more), PLUS significantly more by selling drops, it's easier to just drop 500,000 Inf on a common that to bid creep and try to save an insignificant amount.
    I consider myself a low-end earner in the Market forum, and yet I still drop 500,000 to 1,000,000 each on level 25 and 50 common IOs (I don't use other levels, unless I'm crafting them myself out of salvage I have on hand).

    I have no reason to believe that the system was automatically buying or selling anything (except maybe on Beta, but I'm pretty sure the system-created goods on Beta were manually generated). Activity that I've seen discussed in the Market forum, and that I've partaken in myself, explains all of the "oddities" I've seen to my satisfaction.
    Thank you and Code Walker for replying to my query. Yeah, most of my characters earned a number of the level 25/30 crafting badges for the extra salvage, thereby memorizing these common IO recipes and usually I'd slot a # of these rather than buying and replacing SOs. It was more cost effective.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Scorpion View Post
    1. There were many "layers" of datamining, some of which were more in use than others. There was a major project underway when everything shut down to fix/improve/retrofit the various layers into something more befitting what we needed. We did track number of missions completed on individual characters, and we had a general bucket for salvage earned/consumed across an entire server, as well as general stats for TF/Flashback completions, times, etc. Datamining tended to be put in as needed for new systems - Incarnate Trials got their own special logging, the Market got some other, and so on. Insp use, jumps, invites weren't tracked by any of those systems.
    Interesting about tracking the # of missions completed on individual characters (and now wondering what that data was for), and I'd always assumed there was lots of tracking for which TFs, arcs were popular and which weren't, etc.

    I'm curious about and have been hypothesizing for a couple of years that the auctionhouse market was directly influenced by game design, probably as automatic or semi-automatic programming code, since I never could figure out why certain Common and Uncommon Invention Salvage items would go from plentiful and cheap to few and expensive with some regularity (looked like a 6-8 week cycle on some of these, e.g. Nevermeltng Ice, Titanium Shards, etc.)

    I also never understood why one of my Field Crafter characters could make certain level 45 Common IOs (notably End Mod, End Red, Rech Red, Dam, ACC and a few others) price them for a nice profit at 116K INF and find in the next day or two these IOs were bought for 150K-500K. I figured ONLY NPCs (i.e. by game design) would overpay so consistently, which was entirely fine with me and a nice reward for earning the Field Crafter badge.

    Can you confirm whether the auctionhouse market was solely player driven, as some have thought, or a hybrid of player action and game design, or what? Thanks!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    1, you have no idea what I have knowledge in or dont have knowledge in. Do you even know me? I dont recall ever meeting you. [edit]

    2, I used that analogy because I've seen people compare this death of a game being compared to someone killing a family member, or death, and or death of a family pet. And yea my point in pointing it out, was that it was not that serious. As you have seem to confirm but didnt call it stupid when others used that anology for the closing up. So it seems it wasnt the content of that statement that made it stupid but more so of who was saying it.
    Hi, I've never met you nor have an informed opinion about what knowledge, competencies or areas of expertise you may have. I wish you well generally simply as a fan and player of City of Heroes.

    I agree that shutting down an MMO/killing it isn't the same as murdering another person. I do however disagree with your opinion the loss of city of heroes is not comparable to the loss of a family pet or even family member, since I and others have reported that what we feel/felt IS very like the grief experienced by such personal losses. I am glad however if your own emotional response was not as extreme.

    On to "Forever". Notwithstanding caveat emptor (generically, not limited to real estate) and the need to be savvy to potentially misleading but legal advertisement puffery (what an appropriate term!), does "PLAY FREE FOREVER" mean
    1. Play Forever, until your death or the heat-death of the universe, whichever comes first?, OR

    2. Forever Free; i.e., you have the option to play for free forever, as long as you/your interest and the game shall endure, with an implied, non-binding pledge not to rescind the Free to Play business model?

    If you think it's option 1, i won't call it "stupid" or otherwise use derogatory language; however, I'd always assumed option 2 was what this meant.
  17. Congrats on level 50! Now, do you need any help unlocking your character's Alpha slot or other Incarnate powers?

    Really like the link you provided to "gaming addiction" and LOL it was obvious more or less from the get-go that Hey, this game is providing tons of positive reinforcement (reward) almost non-stop: I defeated a villain or completed a mission, I leveled up, I just picked up a badge, treasure drops, new inspirations, etc. How else does one account for the many players with one or more Badge Hunter toons? Just as obvious was the travel time spent getting to and from missions and contacts. Does operant (Skinnerian) conditioning work? Heck, yes it works! Anyhow, thanks for the link and Congrats again on level 50.
  18. JohnRobey

    SSA 2 pt 5 when?

    Since it's not guaranteed that I'll get to Beta to run this (tho hoping to), Thanks for the spoilers and humor. " ...where Posi spends eight dialog screens filling you in on his affair with a Russian researcher... wait, that's not it." ROFL!!!!
  19. Thank you! I always watch these it seems AFTER the podcast and never during, but it's great to see the dev team. Thank you!
  20. Wondering if anyone has gotten any reply from I sent email there as a customer, albeit a soon to be former customer, but haven't heard anything. If a business can't be bothered to reply when I write them, at minimum to acknowledge receipt of my mail, it isn't very business-like, imo.

    Like everyone here, I'm saddened and angered over losing CoH and in particular the manner in which the MMORPG is ending and the treatment of the dev team. While I'm ticked about my personal loss, i'm more angry still for what my seven and eight year veteran-player friends (and the devs) are losing. It really stinks that all those years of creativity, community and invested entertainment money are going away. Even as I'm playing CoH until the end (and there's still heroics and fun to be had) it assuredly isn't the same. So many, often the players with the most years invested, can't log in without feeling overwhelming sadness. Man, I miss the active supergroups and other friends I used to team with daily.

    After seeing Gangnam Style - Paragon Style on youtube, well that brought a smile to my face. While I'm feeling very leery of MMOs now (thanks NCSoft!) I'm still looking forward to the next great MMO our dev team might develop (assuming it isn't CoH (Saved!) or CoH2).

    Thanks also to each of you who posted on the forums. You helped me gain perspective, shared info, and shared grieving. Initially, I was spending more time reading forums than playing CoH. Now, i barely read the forums. Sadly, my "big" plans are to get two final toons to 50, give them their mids build and then start using Titan Network's extractor in hopes of a game rez sometime in the future. But hey, to conclude this on a "high note", I'll continue to lurk the forums and post occasionally. If you read this, I hope you have an excellent day!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by insomniac View Post
    Bah, guild wars 2. Have fun jogging slowly across the landscape. You can amaze your fellow guildies by telling them stories about being able to run super fast, fly, and teleport for free in a far away city of heroes and villians....
    LOL too true! I love Lord of the Rings, but found LOTRO less than satisfying. Playing a standard fantasy character pales after having gotten to play various superheroes and villains for a few years.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Felith View Post
    Actually it doesn't look good for NCSoft. The first online magazines are starting to report about a big loss of players in Guildwars 2 and you will find massive "fail" reports about it already, just use google.

    Saw this and here is what I think... Guildwars 2 is a very poor attempt at a game. It could never pull in the revenue that CoH has and could. I've stayed a paying client of CoH all these years to give the game support even when my playing partner insists on trying other games and I seldom get to play CoH. We did buy GW2 but will probably never play it or put more money into it. The game is a joke. No sense of personal accomplishment. My family, who contain 3 generations of CoH players laughed when I told them that even the beta for GW2 was not worth playing.

    Today I grieve for the one game that was an inspiration to other. Hugs the last of CoH.
    I never played Guild Wars 1 but my friends who loved GW1 tell me that GW2 isn't nearly as fun, went from raving about how great it was the first two weeks of play to dissing it before 2 months were out. Maybe GW2 will add content or make teaming up easier (the things they dislike about it.) Whatever, GW2 isn't for me. After CoH, I don't know which if any MMO i'll wanna play.
  23. Thanks for your original post, Golden Girl. I think that article summarized things nicely.

    At minimum, from reading this thread, I've now heard of civet coffee or Kopi Luwak
  24. Heck, I might even start one of the Titan Weapons toons I had ideas for (got the powerset but never made a character, having more than enough alts atm) or (on Beta) start that Illusion/Nature Affinity controller.

    So many alts, so little time....
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    I started up a new Chinese empire, took out the Aztecs and Arabs, almost done taking out the Romans. Currently in the modern age. Love artillery.
    I see I'm not the only one who still enjoys CIVILIZATION.

    As to the tally, nope, didn't get any new toon to 50 - nor was that my goal - but I played about a dozen characters on 5 different servers, getting to teamup with old friends and their friends on whichever server made sense at the time. The last 50, the water blaster, has alpha and ordinarily would be doing incarnate trials. Yeah, there's DA content - and i like it but I've seen all of it - and after all this time there's still content from Issue 15 that I've never done. As it is, the radiation blasting/kinetics corruptor (a vigilante "mender" investigating Praetoria I started when the Going Rogue expansion came out) finally got some play and is not working thru the Night Ward arcs and finished all the First Ward arcs during double XP.

    Got my oldest toon on Virtue to 47. Not sure I wanna bother takin' him to 50. Worked some on Ghost Widow's patron arc (the first patron arc I've played) for my first and favorite Dominator, Mrs Frostfire (Justice: House of Tera, Most Wanted), who's still only level 45 (46 untrained) and who I will take to 50 before the end and probably even give her her Mids build, though it will all go Poof! (other than Titan's extractor) in a short while. But, hey, while longterm in-game goals no longer make sense, I'm still having fun playing, and wanna get to experience all the Super Awesome I can before it's taken away. Besides, while the numbers are down and it's not the same, there are still cool people playing CoH. Even PUGs have been awesome lately!