47 -
I'll throw my hat in.
"Gamble for Oakes"
Arc ID: 103878
Levels: 6-12 preferred. Intended for people finishing up Oakes.
Length: Very Long
Missions: 5
Faction: Villainous. -
Baron Von Gegenzeit is neither british nor a time traveller, but he's got a large gun and a very expensive suit. Look at that facial hair!
The Hobo King is hobo by day, superhero by night. His amazing array of powers includes: towel tying, molotovs, staying alive on two meals a week, and an intricate knowledge of the sewers!
The Relic is an aged supervillain from a time gone, but he's still got enough in him to show the young'uns a thing or two.
Quiveris is what happens when you give a nice, southern archaelogist girl who just wants to live a dusty, boring life a magical artifact that imbues her with the spirit of a dead civilization. It never gives her body back. Whoops. -
I'll join the pot, just to make the odds that much bigger. I pick Jackalynn, for a duo with Baron Von Gegenzeit.
Good luck to everyone! -
I would also like to submit my crap for review. Hopefully I will learn something and not have a tantrum upon finding out my arc was not 'all that.'
Arc Name: Gamble for Oakes
ARC ID: ID 103878
Morality: Villainous
Difficulty Level: Intended for Levels 6-12. There is a Rocks Fall moment in 3rd mission. There is an EB in the 4th mission.
Synopsis: Everyone puts their plans to take over Port Oakes into motion, and the thirty xanatos gambit pileup results. You're here to smash that pileup aside with your giant monster truck of brute force.
Estimated Time to Play: Two Hours
Enemy Groups: Council, Family, Skulls, Hellions
Thank you in advance. -
"Gamble for Oakes" (ID 103878) is a villainside arc, intended for levels 6-12, as a character would be finishing up Port Oakes. Click here for a more detailed explaination.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would review it. Thank you. -
Name: The Final Nemesis
Arc ID: 14826
Length: Very long.
Morality: Neutral
Mission 1: Medium size map, level range 41-54. Contains Boss, Collection, Patrol, Battle.
Mission 2: Large size map, level range 30-54. Contains ambush, Collection, Patrol.
Mission 3: Large size map, level range 41-54. Contains 8 Av's
Mission 4: Unique map, level range 30-54. Contains AV, ambush.
Enemy groups: Nemesis, Soldiers of Rularuu
Description: What is the Shadow Shard's true purpose? Where is Rularuu himself? And what is Nemesis's final master plan?
For this arc I decided to go for a truly epic feel. Nemesis is such a fun character to write for and Rularuu is such an interesting one that I decided to combine the two. Also of note is that this arc will be quite hard solo. The third mission contains no less then eight AV's all in close proximity (but not so close that you cant safely pull them apart), and the final mission contains....well...I'll just let you see for yourself.
Edit: oops, forgot to critique someones.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is a fairly, fairly long arc. It's also extremely rough to solo (as you mentioned), especially the 8 AVs. It's definitely not solo-friendly, but it'd probably be REALLY REALLY fun to do with a huge team. I also thought you really captured the feel of Nemesis (not spoiling anything for anyone, play it for yourself, although it being Nemesis you can probably guess.) Overall, it's a great story, but it kind of grinds down on you after a while due to length and difficulty.
(Maybe it was just the fact I refused to group for it.)
Arc Name: Fugitive of Justice
Arc ID: 20502
Faction: Heroic
Difficulty Level: 1 Mandatory AV/EB Fight, 30-40 suggested.
Synopsis: A normal mission goes horribly wrong. Can you escape the web before you're caught by PPD?
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 Hours -
So a few weeks ago Sodacan was kind enough to take a request from me and do my character Hana No Hebi! The result I just felt I had to share with you guys, to let you know Sodacan is indeed teh awesome:
Hana No Hebi
Thanks again to Sodacan for such incredible work! -
Free requests are always great. You just have to hope that by the time the platter g ets to you, there's still something on it.
I'd like to see what you can do with Hana No Hebi , Bane spider. -
Very nice! Your style is very cartoon/anime-ish and it fits well with the character. I'd like to see a less crunched pose of her.
Fan Art of My Own Character: Self Service or Original Content?
Doctor Elias is my character for the Children of the Large Hadron Collider Superteam (All Fire/Rad Controllers, Freedom Server) and I happened to like the simplicity of the outfit so much, I decided to try and draw her.
This is my first art ever I'm proud enough to post. It was begun in DAZ Studios and then imported into Photoshop, where I used the model as a base (since not all of us have mastered that whole "The human shape is determined by muscles?!" thing yet) and painted over.
I'd like to get better so I would appreciate critique (although I'm not going to frown at "Nice, lol" (Do I use too many sides? (I don't think I do (I probably do.)))) and the like. Scorn is welcome if you thin kit sucks, just tell me why it sucks and how to get better. -
Aw, leave them alone! He's just trying to carve "Brawler + Slammer 4ever" into the tree.
I really love the look of your sketches, Joule. They look so cute and whimsical
It feels like I could warm up in front of my computer screen with that on my desktop!
Fantastic quality, just what we've come to expect from your studios. Don't let us down!
Holy crap. The visor piece is frakkin' brilliant. It's very dramatic and stunning.
Those lines ARE really smooth. He really shows off the curves of the gal. It's a good style for comic book heroes. or villains.
I second the "A person I would commish" comment! -
It takes a strong woman to be able to lift that thing in heels.
It also takes strong heels! -
Wow! That's some great artwork there. I love the lips.
Seriously! And you're doing them for free? (well, not anymore, and they seem like they'd take a while to actually do) But even if not, that's some good stuff.
(also if the line is still open I call dibs.) -
You're not bad! Keep practicing .. with less green.
I think she looks really interesting. It doesn't give off an "executing minion" feel at all, but it does have a certain "boredly evil" sense.
Holy crap! At 15$ an hour and 36 hours on Photoshop.. this picture must have cost half a grand!
Does seem worth it, though.. man, it's good!