312 -
Any dedicated solo path must be possible on any AT with an SO build or/and people will complain its both to easy and to hard. Anything that fits that description will be abused by high performance builds and more people will complain that it cheapens the experience.
so if the end result is complaints you may as well go with the oldest, the "we have no end game content," first. Once the masses are sated on this round, add in another round of trials and solo route for the now outdated rewards.
give it time. it will happen "soon" -
Quote:Nope. They are developing for 5-6 year vets with to many 50's to count and nothing left to do.When the incarnate trials were released it baffled me, why had the devs introduced a single character focused grinding end game? When for seven years theyd encouraged a different manner of game play?
Then at work (my job is boring, it gives me time to ponder) it all came together, the people who have been playing the way the devs encouraged for seven years, making dozens of alts and perhaps not even reaching level 50 on any of them, these players are no longer the group targeted for development purposes.
No the new Free and Freemium players are the focus, an end game that focuses on playing just one character, is much more attractive when you only have two character slots in the first place. The way incarnate trials are not balanced for Master minds? Well Free and Freemium players dont get to play those arch-types.
Well played Devs, well played, at first I thought youd lost your marbles, but it turns out it was a move worthy of Nemesis. -
we are tearing it up on pinn, already got 2/4 of the master badge. We had him get stuck twice but used some tricks to get him free. (stuck in a pipe) One guy stood on his head and used /stuck and it knocked him free. 2nd time just had to change the taunt direction a little. Would be nice if TP foe worked on him.
My instance crashed during the final phase of Keyes, I used the Rejoin last like always and recieved an " Error: Instance could not be found. It may have been completed or abandoned." I was unable to rejoin my group or any trial in progress. I was leading the thing at the time and going right into the antimatter fight.
I've had this happen to several others who dc and are kicked when they try to rejoin.
Kinda broken -
Quote:I'll be there. I am sure a few others would be interested.There was some discussion in the PinnBadges channel during the blue side raid on Sunday night indicating there was some interest in a redside public raid. The Twilight Avengers led a few of these successfully, since our villains are on this server, but the last one had a very poor showing indicating a lack of interest. We've not offered to lead another raid since, aside from aiding JL get set-up to start running the blue side raids.
That's been awhile back, though, and perhaps there's more interest in it now. If so, I'll see if I can rally my troops to potentially lead one on the "off" week between the scheduled blue side raids JL has been leading. If the attendance is good enough, maybe it will become a regular thing.
But for now, I'll just throw it out there: you folks want a redside public raid? -
LVL53 Cyto.
I have no idea what to post it for so I thought I would see if anyone here wanted to make an offer. -
Blue side Hamidon Raid in the Hive.
Sunday, June 12th at 8pm EST
Bring a raptor pack and come do something different. -
It was a speed run because I like to do them fast. As I said in the OP, we skipped the streets and guns and cleared the 60 in the courtyard. Only difference between this and a "normal" speed run was we focused on grenades and skipped the acids.
The irony is that we left all the doors up so we should have had plenty of Adds getting caught up in the AOEs. I think we killed something in the area of 15 of them. We did not get the 30 Astral.
Regardless, my point is that the participation just demonstrated that just completing this trial is not enough to earn a reward. -
I've done several 8 man runs and we usually split the team on both maps for the extra astral. We were just short on time this run so we fanned out on warehouse.
normal run is 2 teams of 4. this was just something to try. -
So I lead an 8 man Lambda trial today. Everyone was on one team. We cleared the courtyard, dropped the sentry and then all went and collected the grenades. We then killed Marauder.
We all got 10 threads.
I'll take the E-merit but it really makes me wonder about this participation standard if you can complete the trial and still get the door sitter reward.
Team makeup was 2 tanks (Inv/SS and ?), 1 scrapper (DM/SD), 1 blaster (?), 1 Def (DDD), and 3 Ill controllers (ill/rad, ill/storm, ill/FF) -
Have a LVL 50 Panacea Proc I'd like to trade. I am looking for a LVL50 Heal plus a little something on the side.
in game @james donner or contact by PM
Thanks -
The enzymes, cytos, ribos, and the micro are worth something
Join pinnbadges and cozmic's playground for teams. the population is usually spread out and shouting in broadcast won't get you much.
Next Raid:
Sun, May 15th @8pm EST.
Bring a raptor pack or fly please. -
I find doing a mix pays off nicely. I usually do 35-39 bronze and silver rolls if I am working on setting out a toon. Bronze sell better and are usually cheaper to craft which results in a much better return on time if you are farming for cash. Since I stockpile about 70% of my 33's (I help out friends and SG mates) I find silvers are nice to have and keep, since they aren't as available, but the bronze in much more profitable.
Quote:Thanks for the offer. I have my own mishmash of 33's that I drag around for fun and profit. Though I am sure people like the OP would appreciate the help.JamesDonner: I've got a character I just level-locked at 33, and another one coming online shortly. Do you want to place an order? [Something like twenty random level 33 Pool C's at 20 million inf each, or fifty random level 33 bronzes at... I don't even know, a million each? Lemme go find that "Silver vs. Bronze" thread.]
Quote:I know how to make influence. I know how and why prices are what they are. I understand that the market has swings and all the other things everyone else is saying. I play the market, I am good at it. I have everything I need. I am not talking about me. I am talking about Blacier, and every other solid vet player I know who are getting sick of everything it takes to stay ahead of the game. When people like that start to get frustrated its gets my attention because I know they are not a bunch of lazy idiots. They are smart savvy vets who are getting sick of the Inflation Grind. When they start to say "forget it" its a cause for concern.If you're complaining about level 25-40 salvage...well its kind of highish at the moment. But you know why? Cause everyone is playing 50+ toons at the moment. If you want to craft stuff not made with level 50 salvage you'll have to either make inf, make tickets and convert to salvage, or directly pop that salvage with a level 25-40 toon.
Its not that complicated. One person's high prices are another's opportunity. Not that much "flipping" is being done...this is a legitimate shortage of mid-level salvage. Help out Fulmens and go pop some if you think its an issue.
The way to make inf on the market isn't by flipping salvage anyhows. Its by crafting recipes into IOs and selling the IOs. Anyone who is a serious marketeer knows this. -
Quote:1. Virtually any piece of lvl 25-40 common salvage. On any given day the prices range from 5-125K
1) Can you give an example of an item of common salvage that you paid too much for? Under what circumstances?
2) What do you consider "building" a character? Generic IOs? Frankenslotting? Five sets of purples?
3) What do you enjoy doing: generic missions [like radios or Ouro arcs], TF/Trials, downtime activities, or "other"?
4) How do you use Wents: buy only, sell your drops, craft and sell your drops, buy things and resell them, other?
5) Do you direct-buy any recipes with Reward or Hero/Villain merits?
6) Do you want me to look sympathetic and comforting, or do you want me to try to solve your problems?
#6 should probably be #1, but I'm not going to renumber NOW.
2. Little to no purples or frankenslotting. Typically building for defense.
3. I run trials, TFs, and AE. Speed runs and kill most.
4. I buy, flip, sell drops, farm AE, sell crafted if the demand is there. I place bids before I even create an Alt just so I might have a chance of slotting it by the time they are 50. I don't lowball, I usually bid 10% below rate for recipes I don't need right away. I let salvage bids sit. I stockpile.
5. I use hero merits and reward merits to buy what isn't available. I build to 33 spec so that can be a lot.
6. Comforting is always nice. There is no good solution.
The market is broken. Unless you "buy, flip, sell drops, farm AE, sell crafted if the demand is there," your going to feel like the system is stacked against you. I know Blacier and how/who he plays with. He is not some slacker who screws around all day never accomplishes anything. He is a hardcore player who puts in the time and effort to accomplish his goals. If he is posting this, I listen.
and yes, inflation has resulted is the market "feeling" like it is out balance. Is it workable? For now, yes. Long term? No.
I fall firmly into Blacier's camp. There are lots of people struggling with the current market. They don't have the time to farm AE or 2nd accounts to lvl lock at 33. Is there a fix? No, I don't think there is. Any kind of price cap will instantly be pushed to the max. Bumping drop rates creates a different set of problems & I don't believe the devs will ever seed the market. -
Nice job all on the Cathedral of Pain tonight. Lag was bad but that was still the first time I've beaten the storm AV.