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  1. I like all things Super Hero.

    With the possible exception of "My Super Girlfriend" That was ........

    What keeps me in the game is the Monday night Skype/CoH sessions I have with RL friends. When we stopped doing those before I dropped out of the game. Now they've started again I am back.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
    I don't really like the decision to go with open world content. In fact, it is the instanced content that I think keeps me in CoH. I just don't like open-world content where you end up camping spawn for hours to finish a mission that 100 other people are trying to complete.

    I do think its a bad decision though. Instanced missions are one of the major selling points of the game PLUS I think the new content make a poor job of connecting players from the new starting missions to regular on-going content.
  3. Jagged

    Flight Poses

    My ideal solution (I'm dreaming I know) would be that the poses would just stick.

    The reason being that I like to change poses while I fly. Yes I am that sad
  4. In short, "Yes."

    Had a friend recently with the same problem, she also couldn't remember the email address the original account had been registered against.

    Basically it just involved lots and lots of conversations with Support but they were very nice and eventually she got her access to her account.
  5. I'd be happy with more than one pet *sniff*
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Yep. Just as easy as looking for a bunch of random characters...

    Oh. You were serious.
    Posted by someone called "MrHassenpheffer"
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
    First, after 7 years, a lot of the vets were tired of running the same missions and wanted something new.
    So the answer is to remove the old content so you have no choice but to repeat the same content again and again and again?

    Also its a slight exaggeration, the starting missions were not 7 years old. I particularly noticed after coming back from a break how the starting missions had changed, with new maps (Like the Hellions base and Superdine factory) and new characters (like the Girlfriend from Hell). I am already missing these missions
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
    Yeah, in some respects the game has been made more linear. I miss Galaxy, I used to start most of my characters there. But in some respects, linearity is a good thing, particularly when we're talking about a new player experience.
    Linearity would only be a good thing if the game was particularly hard or confusing but we are consistently told this is the easy mmo.

    I think linearity in the starting game is a particularly bad sin. It means that if you don't like that one particular arc it means you are less likely to start a new character. One of the reasons I have less Villains than Heroes was due to the fact that I disliked the villain starting arc.
  9. I think the question this thread doesn't ask is, "Is our Universe a good universe?"

    We are responsible for at least one inter-dimensional war and a heck of a lot inter-dimensional travel, and I watch Fringe so I know that's not a good thing!
  10. Jagged

    Is "Gratz" dead?

    Originally Posted by SkyRocker View Post
    Is "Gratz" dead?
    Once they added the large inspiration boost to leveling-up, comments of "Gratz" in my group changed to shouts of "CHARGE!"
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Yeah, they MIGHT run into a spammer every now and again.
    Every time I have visited Atlas Park Wentworths over the last few weeks there has been a predictable looking level 2 spamming Local, sometimes 2. I didn't think /ignoreasspammer was doing anything because the same guys where still there a couple of hours later when I finished my session. However people assure me that it does get them banned eventually.

    I find it funny that they are level 2. It suggests they at least run through the tutorial
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Just give Jagged and I the ability to ban people.
    I can't see how that could possible go wrong
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ouch_Grouch View Post
    Gym Room
    • Weight bench ( with weights set off to side )
    There are some excellent examples of home made gyms in the Base section that really make me wish they were available as proper base items.

    This is pretty amazing though
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    1. The GMs can't (as in CAN NOT) camp in Atlas Park (16 server shards, some with multiple instances of the zone) 24x7?
    Just for the record: camping out there was never my suggestion.
  15. Got on my first UG at the weekend and thanks to this guide I had a rough idea what was going on

    I even tanked the Avatar for a while when the main tank went down, which I wouldn't have know how to do without this helpful thread. In fact it went a dang sight better than some of my other first trial runs
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
    Is this a what if story where Sinister solos the universe?
    I notice all the soldiers are pale blue as well. Has Sinister cloned himself or acquired Jamie Madrox's power?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Use the ignorespammer feature, and tell others to use it. It is a much more efficient solution to the problem, if everyone uses it.
    Indeed. I was surprised and pleased to discover from this thread that names on the list being in bright bold doesn't mean they are online like all the other lists. Which makes me feel like I am not wasting my time placing them on ignore.
  18. The arc is also available via flashback. If you advertise you are going to run it you can usually get a team together very quickly and run it in no time at all
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    2. Since Local chat has an area of effect RMTers will simply move out of range and keep spamming, thus requiring either even more employees to be
    hired to camp the new locations or following to those new locations and leaving the old spot unwatched for RMTers to pop in and spam while the GM's are gone.
    Wrong and laughably so. A GM only needs to hear the spam to ban them, they don't have to hunt them down. If they move out of range that is as good as a ban. If RMT spammers want to spam local chat in places few people can hear them, then let them waste their time.

    Now please carry on telling my why my "non-existent" suggestion won't work.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Rant rant rant.
    You have a very low definition of a rant. I was both polite, said it wasn't much of a problem and there was only one example of extraneous capitals!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    GM employees are limited and they have a hard enough time keeping up with regular petitions/bug reports etc. and even if there was a dedicated RMT patrol they couldn't be everywhere at once
    I see you found the first and most obvious of the suggestions. Well done. Keep trying.

    However a dedicated RMT patrol would only need to visit locations of high traffic as these RMTers have been reduced to Local. Hence their ever present appearance at Wentworths.

    Oh and there is a difference between avoiding something and ignoring something. See if you can work out the difference next time you cross the road.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    They don't need to send Heroes to the alternate universes that aren't having troubles.
    The universes that aren't having troubles could send us their heroes though. We need serious sorting out
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
    Anyhow, as for the X-Men... I just don't see how they could do anything to attract the attention of one Celestial, let alone so many.
    Maybe the rule of Ninjas applies to Celestials as well?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GATE-keeper View Post
    (3) A series of 7 or 8 movies could conceivably require multiple actors in the starring role. The TV series is on number 11 now, only got room for two more, then we'll have to break out the hand-wavium.
    They have already used plenty of handwavium on The Master. Seems the Time Lords were handing out new regenerations to anyone on the front line, which would make sense.

    If I was writing who I would have a scene where the Doctor says that since he was also on the front line he doesn't know how many lives he has left, that he is not afraid of dying but is afraid of regenerating forever and ever with no escape. He's seen that, it would be a form of hell.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    I notice that you avoided my question about having an actual suggestion to deal with RMT spam.
    Not avoided, ignored.

    Anyone else could see the two suggestions in the first post.