1390 -
Now, thanks to that typo, people will be asking if Unyielding gives resistances to Dull damage.
Currently listening to Devo's Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo
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Trust me it doesn't.
Plus Devo? Man you must be as old as me! -
Uh...im not a noob cause ive been playing since beta. Thats how I know.
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I've been playing for over a year and I am still a noob -
I assume that means it has gone live?
Not surprised I fully expected it to go live yesterday. It would be nice if we could have some discussion over this issue.
Why do tanks deserve this special kind of treatment only Statesman knows. Not one of my other characters has a power than simply cannot be got round by any means what-so-ever, only my tanks.
Are there any others? MOG and Healing perhaps?
Seems like total overkill for Rage & Super Strength. -
On topic, I realise that the 10-15 second cant do anything penalty thats on test is supposed to simulate the disorient effect. Now I havent been on test but it seems to me that is some what better, it keeps people from avoiding the "tired effect" so that the power has the same down time and penalty for casual players as it does for "elite meta gamers" (or what ever you call them) I'm assumeing since I havent tested it that you can still move around and that your toggle dont shut off (assumeing the 20 or 30 point endurance drain doesnt leave you empty) Realise this, we where never ment to be able to avoid the dissorient effect by useing Unyeilding- it was just a lucky side effect that we got to take advantage of, however the power didnt drain endurance and give a deffense penalty and adding additional penaltys along with fixing the old busted ones is to much.
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I'd like to know why Tanks are so "special" that we have to be given powers with penalties that cannot be avoided.
My Ice/Storm controller has the power Steamy Mists which slows her movement but click Super Speed and all is well. My Stone tank wishes he could do the same.
Then there's Rage, Super Strength's very own personalised "Sin Bin" penalty that no one not even the best Defender can counter. Anyone would think that the power was overwhelming as opposed to the equivalent of 4 lvl 1 insps. That's good but not that good! -
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Why are we not supposed to counter the effects? If this was some Nova-like power then yes I would agree. But it is not.
All this power does is add about 30 points to my haymaker.
For the damage boost as long as it is, we should suffer on the back end. Its a good balancer. For those who can't understand why powers like this need to have any balancer at all, it is because without balance there is no choices and no tactical decision making. Every power has balancers and usually it is endurance, recharge, and animation time. Hasten and Stamina mitigate those balance issues but they do not remove them completely. These changes are designed to make it so they can still allow Rage to be permanent if you so choose but more likely, you will look at a combat situation and decide if it is a rage situation. Is it worth it? Its not that it is a panic button, but sometimes it is not cost-effective and therefore you are making an informed tactical decision every time you use it. That makes for a better game.
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Everything you say here is true of Original-Rage but not so true of new Rage.
New Rage is more of a strategic decision. Old Rage was tactical because it was all about getting hit during that 15 second window.
Why we need more powers like Old-Rage not less -
I'm really getting tired of these UNDOCUMENTED changes.
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Undocumented and no discussion.
There still isn't a "Currently Testing" that mentions Rage. Seems we are really low on the Devs radar. -
I am continually disappointed over the lack of dialogue on this issue.
Perhaps I am expecting too much. -
In order of priority:
1) The ability to do Super Group Missions where everyone becomes the same effective level.
This is so important to make super group missions viable. Plus it would give something valuable to Super Groups.
2) Super Group Story Arcs
3) A Super Group Vault that players can dump unwanted stuff into. -
Well I hope that was good "personal reasons" as opposed to bad.
get back to work! -
I am so glad they have changed their minds on this issue. But I am concerned the post suggests they are still going to alter it. I would just be happier if they left Rage completely alone.
It is not in anyway "broken" as some have suggested. Nor is it an "ubre" power like Hasten.
To my recollection there have been at least two write ups of Super Strength DPS in these forums. Both had Super Strength + Rage ranked below Energy Melee (but not by much).
What worries my most about this whole issue is the idea that a disadvantage that can be mitigated by a "hard-core player" (whatever that is?) is a bad thing and needs to be changed! Currently Rage is one of the few powers that makes me think about the combat at a blow-by-blow level (for 15 seconds at least). With most other powers all tactics are reduced to the level of a RTS.
Please leave Rage exactly as it is. -
I am extremely pleased there will be a simple no-nonsense method of ensuring the solo player CAN get bosses in their missions if they want them.
Thank you.
I am also glad to see the hp change on bosses rolled back. They made fights longer but not necessarily any more challenging. -
Given the fact that you have recently changed all the Status Protection powers of Tanks can I ask that you let those bed in a bit before you even think about changing Rage.
1) The casual player will now be in a better position to deal with the disorientation effect.
2) The hardcore player no longer has perma-unstoppable to remove the balancing penalty.
3) There is no sure fire way of avoiding the disorientation effect while using powers like Unyielding or Plasma Shield. The tools I have to do that are my Heavy attacks or my defender friends. These are tactics you should be encouraging not removing.
Mitigating the disorientation effect of Rage is one of the few areas left in the Inv/SS configuration where I feel I can exercise any skill. Please do not remove it.
I am also worried about the notion that something being a draw back to casual players but can be worked around but hard core players is a bad thing. Please think about that for a while. I'm sure you can work out the implications.
PS: I HATED Rage when I first got it and said I was going to respec it out. Now I have learned to live with it and appreciate its benefits. Surely that MUST be an example of a good thing? -
No matter how you slice it, flying is ultimately safer than super speed
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Not in my experience. Superspeed is an excellent escape power, flight is not. The only real danger with Super speed seems to be late spawns! Superspeed is a combat power as well as a travel power, flight is just a travel power.
I also think its time the -ACC was dropped, at least on melee attacks. I know Statesman has previously said it was too difficult to distinguish between melee attacks and ranged attacks but my Super Reflexes and Invuln chars have powers that would suggest otherwise
If Bosses become unsoloable and 3 white minions become a challenge then this will no longer be a super hero game.
Removing the accuracy penalty for melee attacks only from flight is very difficult to do. Since it's either no accuracy penalty or every attack gets an accuracy penalty, flight will be retaining its penalty on all atacks.
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Super Reflexes Scrappers have powers that only protect against melee attacks, and powers that only protect against ranged attacks. Clearly the engine distinguishes them at some level, why not on the player side?
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I thought of asking that, but then the discussion moved on. My guess is that's either A) a piece of spaghetti code that they wrote just for the SR scrappers and is therefore not easy to move elsewhere or B) the defense code is separate enough from the attack code that it's easier to apply a modification to defense than attacks. I'd lean towards the second of those.
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Worth noting that Invincibility is being modified so that it only works against melee attacks. Humm? -
??!!!! That's what you post?!!! You have paniced 10% of the community with your NERF hammer on poor Regen Scrappers and you post this first?
*smacks forehead*
Oi vey!
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Actually, I'm responding to my PM's. Remember - I was at Gen Con for the past few days. First I collect my PM's, then I go to the boards.
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Its true. I got a reply to a message I sent ages ago.
I was going to reply with a thanks but considering he probably doesn't need more rubbish in his mailbox I will say it here.
Thanks -
In the Tanker forum Statesman said this
So I promised action. Well, some playtesting quickly showed that any adjustment to damage meant that the Tanker quickly outshined every other Archetype. We came up with a number of balancing strategies, but in the end, we found that if we boosted the damage, we'd need to turn the Tankers resistances down. That meant making a Tanker a Scrapper.
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Basically I read that as saying "No change for Tanks". I also expect that if they aren't going to increase Tanker damage they they aren't going to touch Defender or Controller damage either.
Since I though the pace of play after Issue #2 was just right I am extremely disappointed. I've done a reasonable amount of testing on the Test Room server and for my tank the game has been made a lot slower.
The basic hit point seems to be 28%. Basic xp increase 50% -
It goes without saying that segregation has no benefits whatsoever for the consumer.
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That really depends on whether you feel that localised versions of the game complete with dedicated customer and billing support, websites, message boards and community teams in those languages and at peak European times offer any benefits...
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Since my only language is English (real) then I would have to say no. I don't mean to sound overly negative. I can see real advantage in French & German servers. But why a separate server for the UK?
PS: I really tried to learn another language at school but I was having enough trouble with English at the time
PPS: Phone and online support in the UK seems to be being farmed out to India. Including firms that train their people on local accents and whats happening in popular UK soaps. Ah, global trade! -
Will those of us in Europe who are playing on US servers ever be able to switch our characters over to a European server? Will we have to buy the European version of the game to do this?
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NCSoft have answered this one already in the FAQ. They say:
When the European version of City of Heroes is released in 2005, players who wish to use the European servers will need to purchase a European version of the game. Those with North American versions of City of Heroes will not be able to access the European servers, but will be able to continue playing on the North American servers as usual.
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SO basically, no we can't, unless we want to buy the game again.
I would like to comment on this policy.
It is bad. Bad bad BAD.
When all my real-life friends in the UK start playing on the European servers, I will be tempted to switch, but there's no way I'm paying the upfront purchase price again to do so. I'm currently in a European based SG, but even if many of them switch to the European version, I won't. I will simply cancel my subscription altogether due to losing my favourite teammates.
I strongly encourage NCSoft to come up with an alternative option. I suggest at the very least being able to make a 1-time switch of our subscription to the European servers, but with NO extra cost*. We've paid for the game already. The European release won't give us anything new, it just gives us a different community to play with. I don't see the logic in making us pay that upfront fee again; it's just like saying that I would have to buy the game again if I wanted to play on Protector instead of Victory!
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I agree that this is an extremely BAD idea. I am responsible for 4 accounts being bought here in the UK (including my own) and I am not going to be buying another version of the game just to gain access to European servers and European higher prices (you know its going to happen).
I also have a number of US friends I now team with on a regular basis.
So Bad, bad and bad.
PS: Welcome to the forum. -
I don't think any tanker that uses Unyielding Stance or Rooted wants or expects to have full mobility, jumping around, racing from place to place on the battlefield, as if they were a scrapper OD'd on meth or something. I think the vast majority of us "reasonable types" just want the ability to move a little, to get to those mobs that just will not come close enough to play with us, no matter what we do.
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Count me as one of the unreasonable types then.
I want to fly. I see absolutely no reason why we should be expected to be slow on the combat field. Thats just not what COH is about.
I came to this game expecting to be able to play a super hero. My idea was nothing more complex than being able to punch things, be tough and be able to fly. That is what I want out of COH. -
Let's just hope I3 is tested a LOT more than I2 was before official release.
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Issue 3 is in internal test already. QA reports suggest that it is already better than sucktastic. Your mileage may vary.
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This is why we need more Gaffer posts -
Just like to add my voice to chorus of approval.
Well done. In particular well done for keeping all my friends online for much longer than they all said they would be. I imagine they are all very sleepy this morning -
Unless the feedback is something like a chat balloon above the minions saying He smashed Lenny, get him! or Holy.. rush that guy!, I dont think its appropriate.
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That would actually be rather cool! -
I know what's in Update 3....
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I bet you dont!
(You never know it might work!)