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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Firemoth View Post
    Here's the link to the full explaination of what's being done, if you're interested in reading about it

    Hope it helps! I've been up since um....about 10 hours before they went down at 4am my time....to um...now, so if this post is coherent,

    Thanks very much for that link! I was unaware they were going to be offline for half the day, that kind of sucks. The patch notes don't go anywhere, they link to the nov 15 publish. Ah well, losing my internet tomorrow because I'm transferring. Wanted to get a look at titan weapons, but looks like that will have to wait until FEB.

    Hope you guys are all still around when I get to log back in! See you there.
  2. Hi there,

    Don't really post much, not really fond of hostile environments, but I was curious to know if I misread something? The server downtime today was from 0600-0800 local time, but that was a while ago, is everything all right or is it just taking a little longer than normal?
  3. Hey all. My brother used to be part of an SG called Cerulean Legion years ago, and said they were great folks. He doesn't really play much anymore, but I was wondering if anyone knew what ever happened to them or how I could get in contact with them?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gruumch View Post
    There has been a real shortage of guides since IO's came out. Normally if you want build help just post a build and someone will come by and tell you how to improve it or give you a new build. I do this frequently myself.
    Awesome, can you post one for a good SS/WP brute for me? I have NO IDEA what IO's to slot where.
  5. Not trying to troll here, honestly not. But having played a def on blueside and played corruptors on redside, I actually thought the corruptors were what the devs were shooting for when they made defenders. I don't understand why anyone would take a def over a corr when GR goes live, as to me, the difference in buffs didn't seem that significant. Am I completely mental in thinking this? My Kin Corr is much, MUCH more effective than my Kin Def, and I can solo with him with little or no trouble. My def... struggles.
  6. Hi guys. I was looking around at a lot of the advice around here for building a SS/WP brute. I have finally gotten a little infamy together, and figured I should see about making a farm toon. I don't like anything as much as I like brutes, and SS/WP is so far my favorite. If anyone has a better power combo in mind, please feel free to share it.
    I guess mostly I'm asking to see your farm brute builds and get a rough idea of how much more infamy I need to get together before I can seriously look into building one. Anyone mind showing me what you've got?

    Thanks much in advance for your help, I honestly do appreciate it.
  7. Ran into an AV in a safeguard mission set at +3 that was 12 levels higher than the encounter settings. How has this not been fixed yet.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
    tl;dr version:
    1. PvP needs a revamp that allows it to take place in the context of the PvE game
    2. PvP should be much more objective based, so it appeals to players that are primarily PvE
    3. PvP rewards should be given to accomplishing objectives and not for killing opposition players

    I've stepped into the post issue 12 PvP setting about four times since it was introduced. Without elaborating on the many reasons why I dislike it, let me just say that having a dominator attack me with flurry was both amusing and appalling at the same time.

    I've seen a number of threads talking on how to change the mechanics of PvP, and while some of them make a lot of sense, I think the authors miss the reason why PvP remains so unpopular in this game. The focus shouldn't just be on the mechanics but why PvP is so isolated and divorced from the rest of the game.

    PvP right now takes place in the Arena and in PvP zones. The Arena was the devs first implementation of PvP and it shows: limited options, really just one objective (kill the other side as much as possible) and no system that allows people to join matches already in place. One of the biggest problems of the arena is that in order to use it, you had get someone to fight you first.

    PvP zones don't have that issue. It operates on the premise that you fight all comers from the other side, and yet it too has numerous problems. First, PvP zones really just don't fit thematically in this game. They make perfect sense in a game like World of Warcraft where you have two competing armies and territory that changes hands. PvP zones in this game don't make sense if you believe that the game world operates on similar standards of diplomacy and territorial sovereignty as the real world. Second, while there are mini games in PvP zones, they are mostly ignored for just killing other players or diverted to primarily PvE purposes (Shivans, nukes for PvE missions). Third, the PvP zones seem like a poorly tacked on feature of the "real" game as opposed to a seemless integration of the two worlds.

    Let me elaborate on this last point a bit. When I first heard of PvP being announced in issue 4, I thought the devs would eventually figure out a way to seemlessly integrate PvP in the context of the PvE game. PvP should sometimes just happen as opposed of having to just look for it.

    Here's a few scenarios I thought of with this concept in mind:

    * Hero event broadcast: "Villains are attacking Steel Canyon". Up to 30 villains and 30 heroes can enter an instanced zone of Steel Canyon. The instanced zone takes the first 30 on each side that enter. Villains and heroes are auto sk'ed to level 25. Numerous objectives are on the map: rob the bank/stop the robbery, set/defuse the bombs, kidnap/rescue the hostages, vandalize/prevent vandalization. For every objective won by either side, that side wins PvP merits which can be used to purchase PvP recipes. The amount of PvP merits that can be won scales with the number of opposition participants, and are rewarded for *achieving each objective* and not for killing opposition players. Killing opposing players are a means not an ends.

    * Villain event broadcast: "Heroes are assaulting the Fab in Grandville" Up to 30 heroes and 30 villains can enter an instanced zone of the Fab. Heroes and villains are auto sk'ed to level 50. Numerous objectives: defend/destroy the Fab power generator, release Longbow captives/prevent their rescue, download information from the Fab mainframe/prevent computer access. Just like the other scenario, every objective won by either side wins that side PvP merits.

    * Parallel missions: Have a number of missions with an "Allow PvP combat" option. When this option is toggled, it allows any opposition faction player to enter that mission as a PvP opponent to stop that player from completing the mission. The goal for the protagonist will be accomplishing the mission, the goal for the antagonist will be to stop the protagonist anyway possible, including killing them. A few rules that would need to be added: missions will be timed at 15 minutes. Every time a player is killed, they receive an cumulative buff that makes them slightly harder to kill (+5% damage, +5% defense to all, etc.) This would ensure that even an outmatched player will eventually be on par. Both parties would have a certain number of gladiator based allies that they could deploy at certain points of the map to help them strategically. Once set, they behave as NPCs of the appropriate level. PvP merits would be awarded when either the protagonist achieves the objective or when time runs out.

    So why would the above be more advantageous than the current implementation? Well, first I think it would be more popular for PvE players. With the emphasis on achieving the objectives versus just killing players for the sake of killing them, I think it would have more appeal. I also think that many PvE based builds would be more successful in getting objectives done and they would feel less obligated to spec into a build built solely to kill oppsition players. Second, such missions fit in the context of the PvE game. PvP would just happen as opposed of just having it occur in isolated parts of the game. Third, such a system allows for more role play opportunities, since it may allow for the advent of a arch nemesis type system. Appealing to PvE'ers and role players to a new PvP are IMO an important goal to any sort of revamp.
    If this is how PvP were run I would probably never leave the pvp zone.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Actually, it takes on the order of five minutes. I used to make the run from the Storm Palace to FBZ in around that time, on foot, without dropping off the islands and without using the Mole Points (rather, Mole Point). That was back before geysers were on the map and the cop-out teleporters existed.

    But you do have a point. The Shadow Shard is probably the only other place in the game that feels as remote and forgotten as the abandoned sewers. Even if it were popular and people went there, the place is SO VAST and made up of four zones that you'd need a thousand people to get anything resembling a population in there. Unlike in most zones, where I can just jump over the enemies and get to my destination in under 30 seconds, though, the Shadow Shard is just so big that travelling around in it is an adventure even without the fights.

    I always wished they'd get rid of those cop-out teleporters and create ACTUAL mole points like the people there said they would. I mean, I know it's another dimension and all, but it's been FIVE YEARS. The FBZ people really need to get a move on.
    Shadow Shard is largely forgotten for the same reason the sewers and troll network are. Most of the bAEbies have never even HEARD of either because there is no reason to go there. At all... ever.
  10. Jack_Slade

    Warshade Newbie

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    No, I simply do not care how skilled or unskilled a player is, if you take the best of one style against the best of another style one will outperform the other because one thing always outperforms another, cars, athletes,bowling styles,.

    I really do not care what works best for somebody based on a learned style, I'm looking at what performs best under perfect flawless or totaly unskilled play styles, because otherwise were not analyzing the AT or sets were analyzing individuals. And that will not help anyone.

    And FYI the picture only shows a solid human build with alot of set bonuses, I could post mine as well if this is going to be a point of reference for the future.
    Dead on.

    This is the problem I'm finding with a lot of information in the Kheld forums. almost none of it takes into account a new player with no idea how manage a khled, limited influence to spend on a build, and unrealistic expectations of what "epic" means in regard to CoH vs CoV. CoV Epics ARE an Epic AT, CoH epics have an epic STORYLINE. That distinction is very important and would help a lot of folks new to khelds get a better idea of what to expect.
    I am trying to get my own WS off the ground and after persuing this forum for the better part of two days still don't have a very good grasp of what I should be aiming for. I'm honestly most interested in a humanform WS but from what I've been reading, WS kind of suffer in human form...

    Anyone have a RECENT guide for the primary Human Form WS that doesn't require unlimited influence to pull off and a good guide on human form tactics? I haven't found a WS guide that isn't six issues old..