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  1. Status Reports
    Star Strider Force
    Name: Irridian Ithryn
    Global Contact:@Ithryn Incarnate
    Reporting on Assignment:Freedom Offensive Unit
    Level of Alien Threat: [low]

    Report Details:

    Low level rikti raid sighted several minutes prior to filing report.

    "Kill Zone" in surrounds of Black Market operating at peak efficiency.

    Analysis of Current Situation:

    Lack of metahuman presence appears to deter much of the Rikti forces- perhaps some form of tracking system is being employed by invaders to indicate high threat targets.

    Patrol of Cap Au Diable airport suggests lack of active defenses.

    Patrol also indicates large hangars as potential tactical advantage for future Rikti raids.

    Suggestion of Action:

    Enable active defenses in Cap Au Diable airport and surrounds.

    Station secondary counter attack forces in hangars for future raids.

    Investigate any intel regarding Rikti tracking technologies...
  2. isn't doing ANY Shadowshard arc supposed to award you Rularuu weapons? Because my Brute has done all of NAylor's arcs and doesn't have acess to Rularuu Dual Blades...
  3. 1) If Nerva Archipelago gets a revamp, can we please have an arc that heavily deals with the Legacy Chain? Along with Wyvern, they're one of my favourite enemies in all of COV, but are sadly missing in much of the game.

    2) Also, can we have some more Legacy Chain? kthxbye
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Please use this thread to discuss the following announcement:

    The City of Heroes Team will be out and about at the following trade show events this summer:

    Comic Con, San Diego, CA
    July 23rd to July 27th

    Penny Arcade Expo, Seattle, WA
    August 29th to August 31st

    We'll have more details as to who will be there and what we will be showing as we get closer to these dates, but we want to give those who may be interested in attending advance notice.

    Also, we want to mention that we will be doing a player Meet ‘n Greet in the San Francisco Bay Area in mid to late October this year. We had a great time and received a lot of positive feedback from last year's Meet 'n Greet event and we’re excited to be planning for another one this year. We're still working out the details of the event and we will let you know more about it as we get closer.

    We look forward to seeing you at the shows!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Still no Australian convention visits
  5. I've seen JB Hi-FI (In Australia) also stock 60-day PlayNC timecards for $50- a far cry from the COV cards of old that cost $30- not really sure what happened there when the new time cards were released, but that's a pretty big markup.
  6. kudos to the maker of that awesome fan video
  7. woot! freebies! I'll be buying some extra slots too
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I really hope this is not all the info we are getting today.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As I stated in an earlier thread, we are still weeks out from closed beta and more weeks out from open beta and then launch. So, expect to get something on a weekly basis from now till then. If we just dumped it all out now, well we'd be sitting around going "that's nice, but when can I play it?" So, thanks for your patience and understanding that it won't all come at once.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    awww... comeon LH- hows about showing us the talsoraian/Rularuu weapons that we're gonna get. I could ogle over them for a week for sure
  9. And I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords. I'd like to remind them that as a trusted TV personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves
  10. If you've ever been on Freedom, odds are you've seen one of the many Ithryn Doppelgangers (see sig for a few). But here's a few Ithryns that you may not have heard of...

    Italic Ithryn: "Mua ha ha! Fear the power of my Italics!"
    Indecisive Ithryn: "Oh,um,er..."
    Incessant Ithryn: :Come awn,Come awwwwnnn, Come aaaawwwwwnnnnn..."
    Ironic Ithryn: "Well, that's Ironic"
    Irksome Ithryn: "My feet are 37.5 degrees celsius right now..."
  11. First! And seconds after the response, the first Zone Raid showed up for me after an hour's wait =P ty LH
  12. shouldn't these raids have started by now?
  13. Excellent, badge work time. Also a shiny thing to distract us from asking about i12...for now
  14. got a negative comment to make about the cards. In the days of the COV timecard, it was $30 (AUD), nowadays a 60 day PlayNC time card goes for $50, that's quite a disparity, and lucky for me that I changed to credit card when the COV cards dissappeared...
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Puff Piece since it has no mention about Quality control or fixing any of the past problems where _informed_ player-feedback went largely un-addressed, or they didn't have the resources to address it. It almost reads like "We're gonna bring you the highest quality content that WE think money can buy"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I'm sure this line:

    [ QUOTE ]
    However, our highest priority is to ensure that the quality of all new content being brought to the game meets and exceeds your expectations.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Was just there for filler then

    I think you're just going to have to wait and see before you doomy doomy doom. Or we can just presume the devs are lazy

    [/ QUOTE ]

    doom, Doom, DOOM!!!
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Puff Piece since it has no mention about Quality control or fixing any of the past problems where _informed_ player-feedback went largely un-addressed, or they didn't have the resources to address it. It almost reads like "We're gonna bring you the highest quality content that WE think money can buy"

    [/ QUOTE ]
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Mmmm, corporate-speak... Tasty...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    It's like politician talk, with $$'s attatched...
  18. [ QUOTE ]

    It does hurt a casual player experiencing a tf for the fist time.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I do hope that's enough of a sticking point to make them change their minds...
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    What happens when you begin with the bare minimum and then several team mates need to quit?

    This change prevents casual players from organzing Task forces and strike forces, especially Villainside where subscriptions are dwindling and reducing the player pool already.

    The late explanation is superficial and hardly persuasive. Villainside Cap Au Diable SF was farmed because the redside market is anemic compared to the blueside market. This change will only increase this large gap. Clearly NCSoft is making changes to keep the game interesting by preventing easy recipes, but what will you do when the market has so few?

    I'm tempted to think that NCSoft is attemtping to manage serversize by making CoV uninhabitable.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  20. um, I was just on test server, and I'd say there's over 100 people at the usher pushing and shoving each other for the wedding event that hasn't even started yet. There's gonna be some mighty ticked off heroes...
  21. [ QUOTE ]

    8) A Pony, named Princess Marcian Tobay the Third Esquire Jr. I shall than hug her, and squeeze her, and call her George.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Can I have a pony too?
  22. aside from apparently being skewed towards female toons which I don't play, the wedding pack fails to properly advertise what exactly it is offering. The GVE code came with various screenshots of the items included, and I think ANY pack to be released thereafter should do the same
  23. As is common among the children of Statesman, many heroes were gathered under the statue of Atlas, regaling each other with tales of their great feats. One Child of Controller, Fire, boasted "Nothing can overcome my Imps, for they are truly most powerful, adding much strength to my own". Overhearing this, Trick- the youngest child of defender was amused; "I can easily overcome your imps, fire" he called loudly "With but a single arrow your imps will not dare to come near me.

    Strong willed and quick to anger, Fire accepted Trick's challenge and summoned his precious imps. "I accept your challenge" he cried, eyes blazing. The heroes that were gathered around took steps back, leaving Trick and Fire in a large circle so that they might have their challenge unhindered.

    Trick smiled; "Send your imps to me, and I shall repel them as I said". And so Fire sent his imps toward Trick, who merely stood still for a moment. As the imps advanced, Trick lazily drew his bow and fired one of his arrows high into the air. The arrow landed in between himself and the imps, an oil slick erupting as the arrow struck the ground.

    Upon reaching the Oil Slick, the imps stopped dead. No amount of cajoling from Fire could convince them to advance, each time they approached the oil slick the imps fled in apparent terror. "Do you concede that your imps can indeed be overcome?" asked Trick. "But they are not defeated!" Boomed a furious Fire. "No matter what you try, they will not advance" replied Trick "It is time I believe to concede defeat"

    Further enraged, Fire would not give up, he continued to attempt to coax his imps to attack Trick, but to no avail. As darkness fell, and many of the heroes gathered had left, Fire at last dropped to the ground and wept- he had been bested.

    Trick walked over to Fire, to comfort him. "Temper your pride with humility" said Trick "For there is always to be another mightier than you".