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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Yes but $1.5 million divided by 18,000 is only around 0.25% of the average baker's salary. If you get the average rank and file salary by 5% you reduce labor costs by $30 million. Cuts had to be made across the board for it to amount to something. Sure, senior management needed to join in but the company was in debt and couldn't pay off the loans they got after the previous bankruptcy. Yes the loans came from private equity groups, since banks weren't going to provide them, and they aren't in the business to not make money on their investment, so they are rather insistent about being paid back.
    I don't hold any respect for weasels lining their coffers while making underlings suffer. I don't give a **** about the math. You lead by example or you lead not at all.

    Off. With. Their. Heads.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    SSA 1.7, mission... 2 or 3 I believe. You don't actually get to the island, you have to enter the highest ship and clear it out.
    I was just going to suggest this one. It's a great map, and maybe the ships are NPCs. Especially since you get to go inside them and the interior sets are very cool.
  3. Don't listen to them, it was a good choice.

    The sparks on the zombie dancers? Inspired!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
    I am just curious about why the walkers don't mind eating dead flesh this season, but last season it was specifically pointed out that they only go for living flesh.
    I think they've always eaten fresh flesh (say that 5 times fast) from the recently dead, just not after a couple days. I think they got to Lori immediately. Maybe it's the flesh of someone who hasn't reanimated. Another explanation is that whoever said they only eat living flesh was simply wrong.
  5. Maybe there is fault to be had on both sides, but I think management deserves the lion's share. The average baker's salary at Hostess was $36,300, which works out to $17.45 an hour.

    But when the CEO gives himself a raise from $750,000 to $2,250,000 and other executives got pay increases of 100% while simultaneously cutting pay by 8% and benefits by 32% during the bankruptcy, it's kind of hard to blame the company's financial woes on the guy making the bread. If everyone needs to take a pay cut to keep the company alive, fine. But don't tell people they have to take a cut while you give yourself millions of dollars.

    I suspect this is a classic case of vulture capitalism, where a company is taken over by some investment firm and then broken up a couple years later while the guys at the top make millions. I would've been pissed off, too.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Awesome video!

    ...wait, is that Glee? gack... somebody kill me...
    Now, now, no hating. Marcian will be rolling over in his grave if he heard that.

    ...what's that? He's not? Oh, sorry. Carry on.
  7. I can't believe I don't have a Tank on Freedom. However, one of my all-time favorite concept Tanks, Barbarian Boy, lives on Pinnacle.
  8. "We ain't a sharp species. We kill each other over arguments about what happens when you die, then fail to see the f***king irony in that." – Sh*t My Dad Says, 6-4-12
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkBlaster_NA View Post
    Can someone please tell me how we got from giving up, To ponies, To religion, to more ponies, to more religion (or lack thereof?)
    God's pony works in mysterious ways.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    The kinds of products Hostess has been selling have fallen out of favor amongst a section of the populace. Sure, there's a lot of people that would still eat them regularly, but the loss of the other buyers sure didn't help matters.
    Hostess makes a lot more than just the snack cakes. I just returned from the store where they had a sign next to my preferred bread -- Home Pride wheat -- saying the supplier had gone out of business. There's only one bakery that could be. I've never paid any attention to that, but apparently Hostess is actually known as Interstate Bakeries (or some version of that name) since 1930.
  11. I tend to go for orchestral stuff, but there are a couple pop songs I've wanted to use for CoH videos. These are the songs I associate most with CoH.


    Queen - Don't Stop Me Now -- I have a whole video scripted for this song, but I've never gotten around to it. Always thought there'd be time. But this is awesome fun, with terrific lyrics that can be illustrated perfectly with CoH.

    Nazareth - Hair of the Dog -- When it's time for a beat down. Let them know they're messing with a son of a *****.

    The Kink - He's Evil -- The Theme song for one of my gentlemen villains who likes to kiss you and kill you. Sometimes in that order.

    The Greatest American Hero theme -- Call me square, but I love this song. Happy heroes, hooray!


    Tank! (Cowboy Bebop theme) -- No other song gets me killed more often. I hear it and go straight into Scrapper Lock.

    Immediate Music - An Uncommon Hero -- this is epic and sad while being heroic and hopeful, so it might be the song I'll be playing when the servers go dark.

    Heroic Adventure:

    Two Steps from Hell - Captain Universe -- I can't begin to tell you how much I love this song. It feels like the John Williams Superman theme but with a Flash Gordon vibe.

    633 Squadron theme -- I feel like a soaring old-timey hero when this is playing.

    Two Steps from Hell - Racketeers -- Very much in the Pirates of the Caribbean vibe.


    Two Steps from Hell - United We Stand, Divided We Fall

    Two Steps from Hell -Ghost Brigades

    Two Steps From Hell - Norwegian Pirate
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    Einstein said that? I was under the impression he was the one that said time travel is not only possible, but we are doing it all the time

    Also: law of relativity proves we can travel into the future, although not to the past.

    I also think he stated if you traveled faster than light you would go back in time, but that there are some gotchas like everything pointing at it not being possible to travel faster than light and even if you managed to make "something" travel faster than light, I doubt it will be a vessel for humans

    PS: I suck at physics and never read Eisnstein’s stuff. I just love watching Cosmos and Neil Tyson’s Nova
    Yeah, Einstein said the thing about relativity. But then Goedel pointed out to him that his "rivers and eddies" of gravity implies one could go around the gravity well and end up back where one started, timewise, or perhaps even earlier. Einstein originally agreed, then dismissed it. Hawking and Michio Kaku (among others) think that Goedel is right and Einstein wrong in this instance.

    Also, the Kerr ringwarp implies that both Time Travel *and* FTL are possible. And, interestingly enough, supports the multiverse idea, with the side-effect of decoupling cause from effect. Without causality, there's no Grandfather Paradox. (The Grandfather Paradox says a time traveler can't go back in time and kill his own grandfather, thus keeping the traveler from being born, which means he'll get born to go back and kill his own grandfather.) The Kerr ringwarp is a black hole that's spun and given an electrical charge, thus creating a wormhole.

    I honestly don't understand the math they use, but the ideas... man, the ideas are so awesome.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    Ironik gives good mouth.
    Twenty bucks, same as downtown.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
    You guys suck at making margarita.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CatMan View Post
    I still miss malaise pants. Still have a character with them...
    Same here.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by redtornado View Post
    I love you mousedroid, but, would like to point out the fresh irony in your name...
    /em applause
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
    It's like RAAAAAAAAAaaaaAAAaaaaaIIIIaaaaaiIIIIIINNNNN... on your weeeeeeeeding day!!!
    I don't want to kill you and you don't want to be dead.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    Personally I would give that edge to LOTRO or DDO, where you can also earn the market currency ingame....
    I don't think DDO had that when I played it. I'm always willing to be corrected.

    I suppose I should amend it to say that CoH has done it the best of the games I've played at the time I played them, acknowledging things change over time.

    Doesn't really fit on a bumpersticker though.
  19. If you're going to do a vanity search, make it epic. Maybe you'll see yourself. Maybe someone you vaguely remember. Just keep in mind that I rule all. After all, you said so.

    I completely and utterly agree with Ironik. And I so rarely completely agree with anyone.

    Isn't it ironic that someone called Ironik would comment on spelling?

    ZOMG! A grammar nazi post without any grammar mistakes! And not only that, proper use of emboldening, quotes, hyphens, and ellipses!

    I love you!
    Zombie Man

    When I have a bad Pug, I roll up a newspaper, smack it on the nose, and say "BAD Ironik! That's a bad Ironik!"

    *smacks Ironik with a rolled-up newspaper*
    Bad Ironik! Stop scaring the devs!

    *smacks Ironik in the nose with a rolled up newspaper*
    bad Dog!

    I think you may want to get your sarcasm/comedy detector fixed if you took Ironik seriously.

    Thank you, Ironik. That was the most I've laughed on the fora in a while.

    I've thought about posting such a thread many times, but never do it...
    Good job, Ironik!

    And thanks Ironik, for your post. You said everything I wanted to say, but saved me the trouble of having to say it and you probably said it better than I would have, anyway.

    Thanks for posting this Ironik. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
    Shadow Ravenwolf

    Good call on the so far tally, Ironik!

    *jots down ‘Ironik Fan Club’ ideas and moves on*

    It actually made more sense and was a little less clever before Ironik's post was modified.

    Oddly enough, I agree with every criticism Ironik has.

    Ironik's right: This episode's awesome.
    Marcian Tobay

    But yes, I have to agree with Ironik's summation.
    Dark One

    I agree with you entirely, Ironik.

    Once again we've found common ground, Ironik.

    you've done it again ironic

    Ironik wins an internet.

    I hear where Ironik is coming from.

    Ironically I agree with Ironik...

    I like your take on this Ironik.

    I agree with Ironik.

    I like Ironik's interpretation.

    What Ironik said. (I work in the field related to climate change research, and considering how knowledgeable he is, he might also.)

    Ironik is pretty much correct about why trademark owners do seemingly irrational things like this.

    Ironik is right - you very much CAN write a good, compelling, interesting story taking place in a rich, diverse, immersive world without actually trying to write the fine details for the player playing through it.

    Ironik, I’ve enjoyed reading your reviews on Superhero fiction

    Ironik is right

    Basically what Ironik said.

    I can't read one of your posts without learning something.

    Ironik and I are in agreement.

    Awesome post Ironik, and of course I'm totally non-bias...

    There's a name for people like you. I think it's "Ironik."

    /em gets off Ironik's lawn

    Ironik's response might be a little cold, but I have to agree.

    What Ironik said...

    heh I'll agree a bit with Ironik

    I concur with those above, especially Ironik.

    Holy Cow, Ironik! That's an awesome story!

    Ironik started it! I have at least two or three monkey based toons... All because I saw Ironik's Space-Monkey way back when...

    OK, "all this and a bag of chimps" made me legitimately laugh out loud. Well played, Ironik.

    Haha, great post, Ironik!

    First of all, that is a LOT of alts, Ironik.

    Thusly did Ironik set out in a mighty fleet of 500 score alts
    to right age old wrongs that no man could recall
    But to start this tale, we'll regale ye with all 500 names
    see-th attached link to his alt-alphabet

    In the isle of Rogues did Ironik face the siren who's name
    Must never be said, though some called her Tim
    which doth cause quite a bemused and confused visage

    And in Paragon at the feet of Atlas would he be sent
    To read a plaque and quickly return with knowledge light and meaty!

    End of the first intro to the 500 part intro

    You, Ironik, are clearly the king of alt-itis afflicted players. ^_^

    Great concept on your toon Ironik...

    Love your costumes there, Ironik!

    That's a very nice look Ironik.

    Awesome costume Ironik!

    Wow Ironik, those are just well... amazing!

    That is so AWESOME IRONIK!!!

    Damn you Ironik, this makes me wants to draw...

    Ironik - I hate you for your great punny names!!!

    But we did get Ironik to post up some nice backgrounds and costumes, so not all was lost.

    Ironik, IMO has posted a variety of costumes demonstrating creativity and a sense of humour.

    I wasn't going to post in this now epic thread but I must just pop in to applaud Ironik for a much needed laugh today. Those bios are brilliant, well done sir!

    Thanks Ironik! You talked me into [it]!

    What Ironik said will get you the best results.

    Thanks for the tip, Ironik.

    Thanks fur the halp Ironik.

    Ironik - good thinking.

    Good call, Ironik, thanks.

    thanks Ironik for the original design

    credits for the face go to Ironik of course

    Thanks again for the suggestions that inspired the name and battle cry, Ironik!

    Ironik, have to say, this si still one of my favorite threads to visit. WOOT!!

    @Ironik's first shot: Awesome screen cap!

    Ironik wins the obscure, but appropriate William Hurt quote achievement.

    Ironik gave great advice and I'm going to try to follow it.

    Thanks for the advice.
    A Man In Black

    Thank you, Ironik. You just proved my earlier point about the helpfulness of this community.
    Nova Knight

    Well I think Ironik covered everything

    Ironik wins.