1317 -
Heh, that was a great episode. "Look out! Jive turkeys!"
Well, Adult Swim has also announced that they are "developing new original anime programming for fans."
Whatever that means, exactly. Just a fancy way of saying they'll be licensing more recent dubbed anime? Or they'll be trying to create American-made psuedo-anime shows like Avatar? -
I guess April Fools was a test run? Anyway, YAY!
http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-new...swim-on-may-26 -
That only gave me horrifying flashbacks to Dan Ackroyd consuming mass quantities.
And then there's these three shows ABC is also putting out... all look like Mot poop.
http://io9.com/5910609/three-trailer...d-green-aliens -
Quote:I doubt it. Katara has already said that Sokka is gone. Also, Sokka'd be in his 80s by now, so he wouldn't be as fast and strong as Amon is.Had an interesting thought about Avatar. What if Sokka was so jealous of his friend and sister that he became Amon since they can bend and he can't? I get the impression that there is some link between Aang and Amon either through descendants or acquaintances of Aang's group.
Avengers: Great episode. Skrull paranoia is at a high, and Skrull-Cap didn't hesitate to take advantage. Also awesome to see Ms Marvel showing off how strong she is. I'm glad they didn't power her down.
Anyone else catch the "Cabbage Corp" reference in Korra? LOL
Quote:You forgot time-traveling killer robots.Until Man colonizes the galaxy, we are never completely safe from total annihilation. The solar system is not enough since some technology might be developed that stops nuclear fusion within the Sun.
Right at this moment, humanity can be destroyed by pollution, cataclysmic changes to the environment, nuclear weapons, science experiments, biological weapons, next stage of evolution, aliens, asteroids, out of control technology like nanotechnology, and I probably am missing a few possibilities. Of course, some are more likely than others while others will take longer to be a concern.
A hundred years ago and we were too ignorant about the possibility of our own destruction. The more advanced we become, the more ways we learn that can destroy humanity. -
This'll be full of teen drama crap, won't it?
The Mayans didn't even have a concept of an "apocalypse," from what I've heard. That's a Western idea that we slapped onto their calendar.
Thundercats: Wow, Mumm-Ra sure has reched new levels of evilness. He kills trillions to forge a sword. Nasty.
Green Lantern: Show is improving.
Young Justice: More and more, I get the feeling some time travel will undo all this "Invasion" plots and return us to the original team 5 years previous.
Legend of Korra: Dawwww, Aang's son and Toph's daughter used to be a couple! LOL -
Some new spring animes I've been checking out...
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia - I thought this'd be like "Another" (which I loved) but it's far more light-hearted, and far less gory. Still fun, and there's a creepy subtext to it all. Creepy in a good way. It's about a ghost girl who is trapped in a strangely large and labrynth-like school, and the "paranormal investigation" club that springs up around her.
Nyarko-san: Another Crawling Chaos - Do you love the Cthulhu mythos? Are you an H.P. Lovecraft fanboy/girl? Then you might hate this. Nyarlathotep is a cute teenaged girl (as are several other Cthulhuian beings) working for the Space Police to protect Earth from... stuff. Nyarko is also in love with a Japanese boy and wants to marry him and have his babies... while Cthuga is a lesbian who wants to marry Nyarko and have her babies, but otherwise wastes her time playing video games all day. It's a comedy, and a pretty funny one.
Mysterious Girlfriend X - Ummmm... boy meets girl, boy tastes girl's drool, boy becomes addicted to girl's drool, they form a relationship. If you can ignore the drool fetish (which is really more of a metaphor for sex), it's really a rather sweet story of a boy and his weirdo girlfriend. -
Fin Fang Foom and MODOK would be laughed at on a movie screen.
Quote:No, Leader works better. Hulk already had a throw-down with Abomination. Rulk would just be a repeat. Having him face off with the super-smart Leader would make for a better sequel.Of course it was, then the movie didn't do as well as Marvel had hoped and HULK is shelved until the AVENGERS. Since that time Red Hulk has entered the comics and now has his own series, and is in fact General Ross. So Leader as an enemy works, Red Hulk as an enemy works more since Red Hulk is a bit more prominent at the moment in the comic then the Leader
I dunno if I can post the q-word itself, but it is medieval word referring to the lower area of a woman's anatomy. A very old version of the c-word. Leave it to Joss to slip one past the censors.
Quote:Banner also referenced it himself, in that line about the last time he was in New York, he sort of "broke the Bronx."I wouldn't think that. The fact that they referenced the Ed Norton movie (that was the video Stark was looking at when he was reviewing the roster) and it's MARVEL's movie (so they'd want to keep it in the lore) I'm betting they'll use The Leader for the next Hulk villain, assuming they make another Hulk movie, of course.
Quote:Wasp and Mockingbird would be logical candidates.Well the idea was to have more female cast members, though I suppose the two Marvels could come as a package deal.
I heard somewhere that they had the rights to use Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch in an Avengers movie, as long as they don't mention Magneto or anything relating to the X-Men movies.
Other than that...umm... Sersi? Hellcat? Tigra? Crystal?