Impervious Fist

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  1. Nice day, isn't it?

    It's especially nice once you realize that phrase of evil isn't said to those that ARE evil. Not sure why, but I was at Paragon hunting down some sorcerers so I could do Old Man Viridian's arc, so while waiting for some to spawn, I accidently hit a citizen. Guess what? It wasn't Nice day, isn't it, but an ACTUAL sentence not telling me the time/how many times I went on the prowl or whatever. So, I figured I would give it a try with a hero, and I got Nice day, isn't it. I am probably late to figure this out, but does anyone see this not make, oh I don't know, ACTUAL SENSE?
  2. Why did Citadel steal Zapp Brannigan's title?
  3. Impervious Fist



  4. Hmm, we may need to take care of that. Is it possible to hire "the fambly" on it?
  5. Simple, MIND CONTROL!

    Say that Bob, the evil count of all evil who takes heroes and transforms them into villains, has taken over your char's soul, forcing him to do bad things. Only to be brought back to light by Bob's Praetorian which is just his name spelt backwards (aka, Bob). Praetorian Bob is a therapist, who specializes in Mind Control, so Praetorian Bob gives you his special Bob milk, which brings you back to light. Actually, I made Bob in game, here is what he looks like:

    He's magic.
  6. Do I need to sing an off-topic version of Double Rainbow?
  7. I was glad I'm not the only person who noticed the music sucks lately. It doesn't even start if other neighborhood music is still playing. Also, if you enter a zone, the neighborhood where you appear in's music doesn't start altogether. Really a drag when entering zones like Eden, Arcadia's music gives it that DE feel.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    If you want your characters to be heroes when they go to Primal Earth then it makes the most sense for them to be playing through the Resistance arcs in Praetoria first. There's no real right or wrong way to do it, but as far as the game is organized Loyalist=Villain and Resistance=Hero. You can tell that via many hints in the game not the least of which is the artwork used by the Agent of Praetoria and True to the Last badges - Loyalists get the red arachnos symbol and Resistance gets the blue star. But if you want a Loyalist to become a Primal hero just come up with a good RP reason why that's the case. Like I said there's no real right or wrong way to play it.

    Because Responsibility Loyalists who save people, keep the 1 shred of humanity left alive, and stop hospital bombing plots are villains.

    Also, I guess Resistance Crusaders who kill people, try to nuke 1/4 of humanity, and start hospital bombing plots are heroes.

    The badge artwork means nothing, I always thought it was just left over from when it was mandatory that Loyalists were the villains, and Resistance were heroes.
  9. I am probably late to say this but...

    Well, obviously, we have a shipper in the CoH Forum, they climbin in yo topics, they messin yo subjects up, tryin to derail them, so ya'll need to hide yo thoughts, hide yo rants, and hide yo jokes cause everything goin' off-topic out here.
  10. You know, when I first made this thread, I would of never thought it would transform into a homosexual shipping discussion, like, wasn't it originally about how Statesman's meeting is teh sux0rz? Then Niklarus mentioned he is like Fusionette, then GG, with her evil GG powers, mutated the thread into what it is now, bringing her 1 step closer to bringing down everyone's favorite Emperor. Which, will actually be in the season finale of the Praetorian TV Show, Everybody Loves Cole. And it's Resistance equivalent, Everybody Hates Cole, which is all about Cole's life as a child and what it was like when he was living in Bed Stuy.

    Everrrrrryyyyybodyyyyyyy Haaaaaaaatessssss Collllllllllleeee

    Heeeeeeeey! Little Emperor from across the street, let me hold an inf.

    Wait... I forgot what I was talking about...
  11. Aww, he has Jim's 6 pack and Statesman's arrogancy...wait, he was born with his powers! We can officially call him BNY a mutant.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    Statesman and Lady Liberty are by far the worst
    I remember doing the Maria arc, I died, and while I was on the ground, Statesman flew around the entire room (it was a big room by the way) and cleared it, it would be awesome, except for the fact it made me feel weak, all I did was hit something, and he would fly over to it and deliver a Knockout Blow straight to it's face, knocking it all the way back into Praetoria.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    oh, yes. Let's not forget that every other dimension he visits, he learns if he do much as gets out of bed every morning differently BAM! he apparently goes evil.
    B-b-but, all the cool Marcus Coles are doing it.
  14. *TEH SPOILZARS!!!!!!*

    Nope, last Alan Desslok mission.
  15. *sniff* In the mission where you need to fight him, if you solo it...only 1 person decides to show up to his meeting, next thing ya know, he gets socked with my Bane Spider Mace, what a horrible day.
  16. [NPC] Telephone: Riiiing! Riiiiing!
    [NPC] Steng: What is this strange magic?

    "Take a pamphlet, yo."

    When I beat Viridian, I felt bad, because he said this:

    Now I'll never know...
    What Happens...
    On my...
    Favorite Soap Operas..

    *sniff* He just wanted to watch TV.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
    Ah now that does make some sense, they could just have 2 oro portals close to each other. with a hero symbol under one or something to denote them, assuming that you are correct, or they'd have to add said technology to only show the correct zones based on alignment.
    Didn't Pocket D and RWZ do something like that? I'm pretty sure they got the tech to make 2 entrances that lead to different zones based on alignment, which would stop us getting pulled back to the Isles/City if we use it from the other side considering an entrance back to the Isles is there too. (assuming of course, that is not just there to be a restriction on side switchers)
  18. Those Cities are not as great as our great Winter Empire of Snow. All Hail Winter Lord Cold!
  19. It turned out that Streams can't be black, nor bleed. Therefore it's impossibility defied the laws of existance, causing a black hole to open up, quickly destroying all of the universe. Eventually, the stream got sucked up and destroyed, causing the black hole to stop. However, too much of the universe was already destroyed, so some survivors gathered up and tried to keep each other alive. The survivors set up a new universe, led by the great hero who saved them all that day, the Architect Studio Manager. The Studio Manager brought the universe back to its former glory, and he built a capital, Architectoria, which was secretly a dystopia. So, to keep the city in line, the Manager put some people in charge of keeping order, they were called Supergroup Registrars. Everything was perfect. However, it turns out that the Manager was Nemesis in disguise! So, Nemesis took over the universe, turning everyone into frogs. The Frog people eventually were driven to madness due to their new form, so they began to kill each other. Eventually, only 2 Frogs were alive, and they both killed each other at the same time, leaving no one alive left in the universe, allowing the universe to eventually come to an end, bringing all of existance to it's doom.

    So overall, it was never developed.
  20. Hmm, if the zones were merged, I could see something like "You need 6 more people on your team, all of which must be villains." (Yes, I know that TF can be started without a team by the way, just an example )
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
    Actually they should be able to merge the two zones now even though there are alternate missions for heroes and villains. I see no reason that they couldn't use the vanishing contacts process from Praetoria to put in two versions of any contact that gives differing missions. One flagged to only be there for villains, the other to only be there for heroes.
    Well, look at Cimerora. We got Daedalus and Airlia, one's for heroes, one's for villains. Make a 3rd Ouroboros, disable the 2 others, make the portals lead to the 3rd where Twlight's Son doesn't talk to villains, Tess doesn't talk to heroes, done deal using as much as I know.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    But then what would Tyrant have as an excuse to continue his dictatorship?
    He takes a young child, holds a gun to his head, and says "JOIN MEH OR TEH KID DAHZ!"
  23. Hmm, thats true. I think it's time we get a merge then. Only problem would be we can't have Co-Op Flashback teams becaue of where the mishes take place, but we can just type which alignment we are doing, here's an example: lvl 50 hero flashback team forming, pst