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  1. I have done my fair share of respecs in this game so it is nothing new to me. Today I tried using one of the free respecs one of my characters has under his belt. I typed in /respec in the console and started the normal routine. Once I got to the end and I was all done slotting and selling unused IO's and clicked the final prompt saying all enh will be locked into the powers etc etc thus ending the respec a box popped up saying respec failed. I didn't try it again because I had to log but I am baffled as to why it failed. I have never encountered this before. Can anyone shed some light on this.
  2. Imbalmer


    Damn and i have been fiending to play all day. Curse you servers!
  3. Here are a few people I always saw around. I didn't really know posi bot but always saw them robot cheeks around. Jack Zodiac, Feral Kat, Tackles, Laser Jesus, Positron bot, LaserJudads, Thors Assassin, Spaced, Glacial Ice, Amrien Talfrey, Livinghellfire and anyone who was around when justice first started to take down Hami.
  4. I was thinking maybe someone with some great demo editing skills can make this match up really happen?
  5. Kronos all the way!

    Poor Babbage would not stand a chance.
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    Did you know that Fury was originally intended for Tankers but showed to make them to powerful so they saved Fury for Brutes?

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    Don't know if it's true, but Fury _might_ have been my suggestion, created in order to solve the damage problems tankers were having at the time.

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    Yup true and it was decided that fury made the tanker AT a little to powerful so it was scrapped and then resurfaced for brutes. (This change never went live or to the test server it was internal testing)

    The devs then decided to just lower tanker end cost and just give them a little damage boost.

    I remember Statesman at the time saying how he wanted to make tankers more like comic book tankers with the fury idea.

    I dug up Statesmans post check it out click
  7. Did you know that Unstoppable, Mog, and Elude were once able to be made perma? Many ran perma builds until around I4. I believe Unstoppable was the first of the "Oh crap" powers that took the hit around I3 and Mog and Elude soon to follow around I4.

    Did you know Burn was actually a very very powerful power back in the day? Tanks used to be able to mow down mobs with that power in the matter of second's. A solo fire tank was a major xp machine in a hazard zone back in I1-I2.

    Did you know some scrappers used to be able to tank mobs without a problem? Some scrappers were able to tank as good as a tanker and even herd mobs without much of a problem. Scrappers were also able to lay out some serious damage. This started a war between the scrapper and tanker forum and became pretty heated for a while. Not only were they able to tank as good as a tank but they out damaged tanks leaving tankers less favored in teams.

    Did you know that Fury was originally intended for Tankers but showed to make them to powerful so they saved Fury for Brutes?

    (Correct me if I am wrong my memory is kinda foggy on this one) Did you know if you saved a citizen from a mob that they used to give you influence?

    Did you know some armors sets were not stackable? Dark Armor, Ice Armor and Stone Armor were not stackable early on (I could be wrong about Stone Armor). They were fixed around I3 and some of the sets even got some brand new graphic changes and animations.

    Did you know that the late game Tyrant mission was once in a generic cave?

    Did you know controllers were once able to have more then one pet out at a time? Fire controllers were once able to have about 6 or 7 imps out at a time. The other controller sets were able to manage 2 perma pets and a 3rd pet out for a short amount of time.
  8. I remember Digital End. I teamed with him a few times from levels 7-20. He probably doesnt remember me though. This was back with my first toon a fire/ice tank named Hacksore (deleted him when cov came out to use the name for my brute). He was hella cool.

    I also remember TrapperKeaper he was cool as hell. I was always trying to top him in the punishers list when I was leveling Imbalmer. One day he would be #1 and the next day I would be #1. I ran into him once by the P.I ferry and we became friends. Man so many good players lost.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    If the rewards haven't been decided yet and still open to suggestions:

    (1) Every AV gets a badge, for defeating them "at the peak of their power". You don't get it for the EB version. (EB versions should count for portal jokeys, I think that's the only AV-related badge.)

    (2) Instead of picking one lucky person to get a random SO, everyone at the end of the mission gets to pick and SO, set at their level +2 or the AV's level+2, whichever is lower.

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    I would like to add some ideas.

    1) Special temp power related to the AV. (mentioned by another poster)

    2) Special costume piece from the fallen AV unlocked at Icon. (Like Infernal's helmet or Brawlers Metal gloves )
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    Dude. Frosfire the AV. Now I know I'm going to be running the Hollows again.

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    Heh, good point. Good ol' Frostfire... I hate him so much.

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    This would be nice if it worked the other way around. If some of the existing Elite bosses who were never AV status were able to be upgraded to that status due to these new changes on the way. It would be a lot of fun for those who want the added challenge. Frostfire the AV would be fun
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    So how will this affect Giant Monster spawns, such as Kronos Titan, that aren't connected to TFs?

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    This does not affect world spawns stated by Posi.
  12. One thing I always wanted to see in an AV mission are two AV's in the same room not fighting each other but working together to fight your team. I think the added difficulty would be very nice to help spice up some AV battles. Most of the time they are over really fast with the right team on your side.
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    In order to incentivize larger teams, Positron is going to add a bonus to AV rewards!

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    What kinda bonus you gonna add Posi? More XP? How bout some sort of super Salvage drop? Dual SO-type things? Special Inspirations?

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    I agree with this. I think the extra bonus should be something out of the ordinary. A lot of people I know find AV fights kind of boring.
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    First...I confirm that we're working on right now (as in pohsyb in the next room) to add CoV costume parts into CoH if you own both games....

    Then we repeal the hated stealth nerf. The reason why: many well reasoned posts. It's that simple. You guys pointed out the problems.

    AND now...we're changing the way Archvillains spawn. A ton of forum goers disliked adding so many AV's into missions a while we've come up with a solution. If the team size and mission difficulty are ABOVE a certain level, an Archvillain spawns. Below that, players will face only an Elite Boss. If the mission is set on the first two levels of difficulty, it takes 4 heroes or more to spawn an Arch Villain. On the third level, 3 heroes or more. On the fourth level, 2 heroes. On the highest (Invincible), a solo hero will spawn an AV. Note this works in BOTH City of Heroes and Villains.

    In order to incentivize larger teams, Positron is going to add a bonus to AV rewards!

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    Just to calrify: The Archvillain thing is ONLY for Mission AV's, Archvillains in Task Forces/Strike Forces and World Spawns will not be changed.

    In City of Villains, Archvillain-class enemies are called "Heroes" and this change applies to them as well. (With the exception of Strike Forces and World Spawns of course).

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    This will be very handy. My brute has been sitting on an Infernal mission for some time now. So this makes me happy.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    First...I confirm that we're working on right now (as in pohsyb in the next room) to add CoV costume parts into CoH if you own both games....

    Then we repeal the hated stealth nerf. The reason why: many well reasoned posts. It's that simple. You guys pointed out the problems.

    AND now...we're changing the way Archvillains spawn. A ton of forum goers disliked adding so many AV's into missions a while we've come up with a solution. If the team size and mission difficulty are ABOVE a certain level, an Archvillain spawns. Below that, players will face only an Elite Boss. If the mission is set on the first two levels of difficulty, it takes 4 heroes or more to spawn an Arch Villain. On the third level, 3 heroes or more. On the fourth level, 2 heroes. On the highest (Invincible), a solo hero will spawn an AV. Note this works in BOTH City of Heroes and Villains.

    In order to incentivize larger teams, Positron is going to add a bonus to AV rewards!

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    That sounds cool. I like the AV idea.