143 -
Actually this happens to players if you fight the clockwork or the stunner freaks.
Not even con. An archvillian is a duo effort at least. When people solo them even con the devs find out why and tweak the ai. Of course since so few people do even con it is not a high priority.
If you want to solo all the time there is a game you can play with your hand that is free any time you are. -
Funny my forcefield controllers and defenders insulation shields have never had a problem with vhaz puke. Every positron team my forcefielders have been on have been absoletly shocked how many people didn't die with a full team. They were amazed how little of the puke got to them. And this is just with one forcefielder with two fewer died.
Sure it took a long time to beat through the seven hundred vhaz but it was done. Embalmed and Mages blowing up and at most two people dying from over ten explosions and four or five bosses attacking the team.
Vhaz puke is fire. Steamy mist resists vhaz puke as does resist elements.
Did you have DOs in your bubbles? Were you level sixteen? Because the only time the vhaz puke really piecered the shields was when the vhaz were level seventeen or eighteen and therby conned red or orange to my forcefielder. -
Funny I only bite the big once running to a contact in there and that was due to a bugged spawning. I never died on the way to a mission there either. Only way you could get atta or frost fire at level six is to die so many times you are in perma debt but even that is a real hard stretch.
Frostfire is just a boss. Electric Eel was a pushover. Most people I know didn't have a problem. Bone Daddies and Damned were just as deadly. -
odd i didn't find the hollows harder then my regular missions.
My scrapper had his [censored] handed to him by red named bosses a few times but I either leveled up or came back from the hospital and whupped him even con.
Frostfire at level nine was a joke. I leveled to ten on the last minion before getting to him and he barely took me to 75% health. I could have soloed him easily enough even con. He didn't summon pets at all. Even then I have meet tanks who soloed him with the pets.
Atta at level 11 I found much harder since he knocked me back constantly and did a hell of a lot of damage to boot. I leveled to 12 and had a hard as hell fight. Had to burn every inspiration I had and with dull pain he nearly got my scrapper. -
Ah yes Nemesis snipers at the door are always fun with teams. Or a big [censored] patrol that came walking by.
Since a trial is a major ordeal why would a team want a big level spread? It is real dumb for taskforces so why should a trial be any different.
Also the only gimps that will fail this trial or cause failure are in the head not in your toon because of a mistake you made in slotting cause it was 4 am or because you want to switch out a few powers that were real usefull early on but aren't now. -
Someone named Comfort decided not to leave up to word in the dictionary but how it is known in prison slang.
Natterlings do not chain anything to you.
And yes Crey do chain sleep and chain stun you. I have been chain stunned by nemesis before dumdum. So have other people. You use pinks to deal with the mobs. Or your only alt is to be a whining [censored] named Comfort since that is a name Bubba gave you to remember you by when you got out of prison.
And yes many people roll alts. -
There are more nemesis in the shadow shard then in PI. Also why are you caring about risk versus reward when such is not what the game is about and boring as hell to boot?
If I have to do a hunt mission which thankfully I don't have to I always tried to get the packs with eyeballs. For my blaster it was the easiest way to get the mission done.
And no one or two or ten natterlings don't hold you. It is a pack hitting you in succession a bunch of times.
99% of people don't get held or know to use a purple for any fight with a plus level 35 boss or certain lts. Fake Nemesis stun with their staff. Yes they stun. Crey stun and sleep you.
Guess what pinks are the favored color past 35. Deal with it! -
Out of the hundreds of groups of natterlings just by themselves no eyeballs in other words I have demolished only three times was I held. I takes a huge number of solid hits to form the sinew.
In the mission maps I never get held by them. In the taskforces I have never seen anyone get held by them. Most people who fight the packs of natterlings never get held. Want to know why? It takes a bunch of them to land hits with their glop to form a hold. Odds are by the time you get held you are in the red. -
They been logging them since the trial was on test. Why else do you think they adjusted the difficulty?
A team of four all similar level or sidekicked or exempered down to similar level is better then an eight person team on the respect trial.
Only trials you would want eight are Hollows which is coop for eight, Sewer trial never noticed a change in the number of the mob spawns with one or eight people, and the funniest trial which is Eden since it is neither really hard and you have to be level restricted so no level 50s blowing things away for you -
- Shadow Shard: Only accessable by flyers. Nothing to really do excapt fight pointlessly difficult mobs. Why even fight the creatures on the shadow shard when they are ridiculously hard compared to PI street counterparts?
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Rualruu in those missions I find easy unless I get careless and rush ahead. The mobs in the storm palace are pretty easy if I am not foolish.
I know plenty of superspeeders and superjumpers after being in the zone and exploring learn how to easy transerve the place.
2) Hydra Sewer Trial: Still broken since it was added. Guns that are required to defeat the hydra don't spawn when they should or don't do enough damage. Either way, I've run out of ammo before completing the task more often than not. Usually this mission is used as a boss XP farm since it isn't good for much else.
[/ QUOTE ]
The guns used to damage the hydra are the particle cannons three or all four firing twice when the forcefield is down or at most three times is all that is needed. In fact the number of mobs in it has been cut to a third. Maybe if a lot of the powerlevelers weren't stupid and listented to what needed to be donw 99% of teams would win.
The guns are in the crates and if you had bothered to look there is always eight crates. Four thermite for the tentacles four particle for the hydra.
And you mean kracken farming. Not boss farming. -
You must mean that place no one ever goes because the mobs are tweaked out where even the minions chain hold.
[/ QUOTE ]
What minions would these be?
Shadow Shard mobs only in the large packs with eyeballs or bosses are hard as hell. But this is a hazard zone. Not meant to solo a huge pack like that.
There is one hundred times the numbers of nemesis and crey in the shadow shard then in any other zone.
The storm palace is the only place with level 53 mobs.
Naviaging takes patience and memory.
Once you get the hang of it going through the zones is fast.
Kora fruit missions are the only place to get an endless supply of third tier inspirations. Want a hard taskforce or hard missions shadow shard got them.
Want a challenge and the monsters in PI bore you or AVs do so head out to the shadow shard.
Oh one thing there is a reason disicplines exist and only the overseers hold.
Natterlings it takes 15 hits to buildup to hold you.
You get held more often by ink men minions then natterlings.
As usuall the people that powerleveled themselves up are wussies. -
They allowed clear mind to stack since it is a protect buff and doesn't really buff up the person being clearminded. No increased damage or reduced damage just that status attacks don't do their secondary on the hero. They do damage however. Smoke grenade from the same user was not allowed to stack.
Most debuffs do not stack and most buffs are the same. Would be too powerfull if they can stack from the same user. -
Jurassik was created in Crey's Folley. Crey's Folley is the only original hazard zone without a monster spawn. Thereby it should be in Crey's to fit in with Adamastor, Kracken, Babbage.
e for completing all trials (cant go back for trials)
[/ QUOTE ]
The only level restriced trial is eden at 39-41.
I did the cavern of trancesdenance and you can still get in on the sewer at level 50.
So only one you cannot do at level 42. Cavern of trancesdance and Terra Volta badge giving is bugged.
one for completing all the kill badges (cant go back for isolator badge, cant get skyraider skiff badge if your past the Sky Respec trial)
[/ QUOTE ]
They are making sky raider skiffs spawn in terra volta and postiron has stated isolater will never be a requirement for any accolade.
So problem with that one solved. Just have to live with isolater being on an alt. -
That is "The Terra Conspiracy" arc which has an AV in it.
35-39 mission givers.
Hamidon was the guys first name from what I recall. I got the mission on an alt so let me check. -
Although the Terra Conspiracy did tie in with the Will of the Earth much like General Z tied in with an earlier skyraiders arc.
I think he means The Terra Conspiracy where you learn how Hamidon came to be and where his name comes from. Gotta read the clues.
Notice what was being unsaid. Positron is not in charge of overall game design.
Just like the timed in story arcs which were not supposed to happen the person in charge didn't hear about the coding of timed into the story arcs. Therby it was not intended.
As for spicing things up that can be taken so many ways. Even [censored] up code can be called spicing things up.
I always figured it was unintentional and the group missions would be removed from story arcs. If you didn't have your head about your *** you would have realized the same. -
That was Positron [censored] and he said it wasn't their intention to gate content.
Notice how much he left unsaid. Therby this was something not planned out throughly. Therby they didn't test it properly or code it properly. -
Positron has no AV at all.
The clockwork king which is Synapse in Skyway and a Portal mission (as the portal corp missions should be refered to) is often a team wiper if the team does not load up on rages and attacks at once.
If you waste time being an idiot the team will die and you will not recover. Psychic damage from AV is a one shot killer.
All tfs give SOs if you have an open tray slot were present most of the tf and most of the time in the final map.
At level 17 he will not con orange but deep purple. At 22 he cons red to damage dealers. He is set at level 20.