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Where you replying to me? Okay then, let's knock these out one by one shall we.
You want to know what is silly? Complaining about lack of content when you bypass it to sell these [censored] powerleved alts on ebay.
I do think the lower level content is a bit thin, but I wasn't so much complaining about the content. In fact the entire reason I PL'ed my controller was to see the newly added content.
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Funny you can get to the new content without powerleveleing you [censored].
Leveling to 20 only takes 20 hours if you are good at the game.
Guess what people powerlevel to sell characters.
Not I, and I suspect a lot of others like me.
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Wrong. Just look at the websites of the people that sell characters. It's a business. They are responible for most of the powerleveling. Why would someone have two accounts for themseleves on two computers?
If you don't want to play the content which is the missions, tfs, trials then don't play the game.
I've finished every Trial, every TF except the Positron one and the final Striga one, have every arc souvenir but one, have every mission badge, have all the exploration and history badges, completed my respec missions, completed about 75% of my defeat badges, have all the special event badges. Sorry, but I don't think this applies to me either.
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Then stop saying you need to powerlevel. If you play the game as it was designed then you don't powerlevel.
That is definitely questionable. Levels is definitely a motivating force behind the design of this game. It is the only real way of marking progress. And there are definite patches of the game where this leveling slows down. Early mid 20's (depending on build), late 30's, late 40's, are all areas where the grind really sets in.
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Grind is a state of mind. Those areas can be gotten by in a flash if you don't have the state of mind that you are just there to be there and not to have fun.
And how the hell can you run out of missions nowadays?
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You didn't answer the question jackass. I only run out of missions when I don't want to advance fast and want my debt maxxed out 100% of the time. -
Wrong more Peacebringer and Warshade story arcs will be in issue 4. New temp powers and mission art will be added to issue 4.
But then powerlevlers never cared about those things. -
The Portal Wolves never counted for a badge.
Shadowhunter is one of the AVs that people fight over a dozen times like Tyrant.
Just make reset missions not give you xp for the defeated mobs.
For the naysayers just make the mission not reset until you had been logged off for ten minutes. It is unheroic to keep doing the same enemy encounter in the same location over and over again. -
You want to know what is silly? Complaining about lack of content when you bypass it to sell these [censored] powerleved alts on ebay.
Guess what people powerlevel to sell characters.
If you go through the same mission five times stop playing the damn game or making alts and concentrate on a game.
If you don't want to play the content which is the missions, tfs, trials then don't play the game.
Getting tells asking for powerleveling or not being able to get a team to fight AVs is why powerleveling gets fixed.
Explotiting a mission or anything in a game is wrong and is a violation of the EULA.
People who powerlevel are not in the game for the long term. Most of them went to EQ and WOW and powerleveled their then slowly are coming back here.
True gamers don't care about getting levels. You level fast enough as it is in this game.
And how the hell can you run out of missions nowadays?
Tons of people who don't powerlevel at all find they have several contacts each level bracket that are still empty on the contact bar.
Who the hell gives a damn if you got six level 50s?
Go to another game if you get bored. Powerleveling or additional content won't solve your boredom.
And herding is the most boring thing ever. It is not exciting at all for anyone.
Every tank I played and every tank I have ever seen fell asleep herding.
Fighting an AV at least you have a chance of dying. Herding wolves not so. -
Gimping oneself in this game is much much harder then in any other rpg game or rpg type game.
Even the outdated manual and character select screens and power select screens give far more information about how to play effectively then other games do.
This game is ridicously easy to figure out. -
Hazard and trial zones are fine the way they are. They should be abandoned most of the time. Why do you think they are overrun with the criminal element? Teams go there when they have a reason to go there. If you don't understand this simple fact then you don't understand the game.
Oh the crash site has tons of crey, and there are nemesis in there. Also DE. Only one rikti boss type uses psy. Most scrappers and tanks and controllers loved the crash site since it was incredible xp.
Firebase Zulu is on Peregrine Island where most of the level 40 and up contacts are. Tons of Nemesis, Crey there. Most people who take the ten minutes to learn about the zone find it wonderfull for xp.
The zones are fine. They already have attractive qualites and easy disposable mobs to the solo archtypes.
People who say they hate the hollows cannot express why without sounding like a bunch of [censored] liars.
Most people don't even know there are shard tfs or the kora fruit missions. You cannot have people complain lack of people going to a hazrard or trial when most people are too chicken [censored] to go there and look around. -
3 not six. Any more will boost the kheldian beyond the damage dealing of blasters if you get the right ats. Also the nova and dwarf forms are for soloing. Nova does great damage and you can aerial bombard the mobs. Four Novas will decimate any mob group faster then several blasters.
And the kheldian is not meant to be a scrapper unless you use the dwarf form. Some people will slot out the dwarf form more. Others the nova form. Also I have never had a problem doing my missions when I play defenders, controllers, tanks. I always manage to get my missions done along with the other people in the team.
And if I outlevel missions so what? Flashback will take care of that. Also since I recall what contacts sell what non power ten I know to do those missions to get what my controllers, defenders, tanks need. -
Kheldians suck solo.
Kheldians suck teamed.
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Ah you don't like a challenge then. Kheldians do have varieance in their builds due to the fact you can skip the shape shifting powers. The abilities of kheldians when properly built will quite the whiners. Heck you cannot cookie build them like other powersets so there is challenge.
They have unique story arcs and missions so there is a benefit to actually playing them since each of the epic ATs are two different game play expierences. -
Their complaints were all the proof that is needed. The devs own statements showed that experienced players and not those who cheated would understand how the kheldians are meant to be played.
Read what I was replying to. The person sounds like they wasted all their respecs. I might only respec twice in a characters lifetime.
You get a free respec later in the week. Did you burn all your respecs? If so then obviosuly you aren't very thoughtfull and constantly f-ed up your build.
If anything the inv changes make it more a comic book feel. I played with several inv scrappers on test and they didn't mind the changes.
Oh Perma Unstoppable was taking away. Guess what Jack that was a save your [censored] power not a mainstay. The lower level powers you first took where meant to be the mainstays. The later powers are mostly if you bother to look at them nice to have but they aren't mainstays. -
Are you playing them solo or in a group? For solo play the kheldians were meant to be a challenge. For players who had played the game and learned the mechanics of proper slotting and power selection and who could determine from the enemies up ahead what powers and what inspirations to be used to win.
Kheldians are not a bash bash the space button character. A lot of complainers are those that powerleveled and therby never learned anything about the game besides how to cheat. -
Never got lost in Faultline and it is easy to avoid the mobs.
Just don't fall in the pit. SS users know superspeed stands for stupid spazzer. They often fall into the hydra during the sewer trial and hate mazzes since they don't look around where they are going.
Hasten isn't all that. Most people get along without it and I have seen far more blasters and scrappers kill far faster then hasten using blasters and scrappers. -
Well quess what a lot of people get first right off the bat missions to send them into the hollows and perez. Later on you can avoid the missions to send you into the trial and hazard zones.
And you can duo the groups in the hazard and trial zones.
Vhaz in faultline not really a problem with teleport foe.
Also it makes sense these zones would be mostly unused by heroes. They have been taking over by villians.
Remove the hydra from perez and most people wouldn't go there either.
Groups get far more xp in a hazard and trial zone by design then a city zone when they street sweep. And you have to form a team to work the zones.
You had to do this from day one. -
Only two powers from each set was listed. So it is not known how many new powers there actually are. Also some powers may only be available to the mobs until now or from the new power sets coming in future expansions.
Mind controllers need damage.
Basically what fire and illusion are the two most cited.
I highly doubt the damage will make them compareable to blaster output.
Scrapper ranged weapons. Long recharge and maybe minor damage with the range.
You think they didn't balance it?
Maybe they cannot be slotted powers.
We have no idea what the term epic would comprise or what comprisimsizes would be used.
Repulsion Field for blasters okay that will help them solo and survive in teams a lot better but that has a hellish end cost and draws agro like crazy. So no mr. i don't need anybody to help me against these two boss pairs or av or monster. -
Although Eden is the funniest trial. Sewer with morons makes jungle rot look pleasent.
Dimension shift is not worthless. Ever have a patrol which a team spawns come at you when you are fighting another group or an outdoor ambush group comes as you are fighting another group?
Guess what dimension shift is very valuable.
Howabout entering a corridor or room and get attacked from two or more fronts?
Dimension shift very usefull.
With malta or carnies you would want to shift them in such a situtation.
Same with rikti or rularuu. -
Dimension Shift is real usefull for patrols that get into battle with you and when you are attacked from several points or pet agros another huge group.
In the post 40 game the shadow shard tfs have huge indoor ambush groups. Having a grav controller with dimension shift or a dark defender with the similar power would have saved the team numerous deaths. -
Any one that says a certain AT is not needed at the higher levels is doing mindless street hunting all the time.
People your level don't get the mission complete for hunt missions. Only door missions give complete xp to team members when they are not the mission owner.
Since Frostfire was added I don't see why those wouldn't be added later. Also the only Shard missions that are likely going to be repeated since Statesman admitted changes to the shard missions and should be are the Kora fruit missions. They need to add revive and resist status inspirations to those. There is material for the shard story arcs since the taskforces do enlighten you to what is going on.
Some spoilers below.
Also Frost is the last name of the Don. There needs to be a warriors av too. The hellions seem to be working for him.
While the Skulls were working for the Don. -
Hamidon is not SG content. Also not all SG have 20 members that are active for one time a day. SG content would be so restrictive it would be demanded to be removed. Ask for content that would just require a taskforce of 20 or more people.
Form your own team. If you have to wait more then ten minutes on the team seek or near the respec contact it isn't going to happen unless you make it happen.
Send tells to people in the right level range on the looking for team asking if they are interested then send tells to people that are not teamed. You would be surprised how quickly a team forms when you grow a sack. -
Incorrect if you right click on the vhaz puke icon it says Fire. Much like when a Damned boss hits me with an attack or a Nebel flamethrower or a lead scorcher.