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  1. I know it's only available for defenders, controllers, masterminds and corruptors. My question is which AT would benefit most from it? I'm still fairly new to CoH, so i'm not sure if it makes a difference or not.
  2. Made a NB/WP stalker. Any forward advice before i level and slot him? Never worked on a /wp anything before, but i've heard they have good resistance, low endurance and are fairly cheap compared to other poower sets.
  3. Icesphere

    Ice Armor

    I went without it, but i kind of regret doing so. It can hold aggro pretty well, but sometimes when i activate hibernate my target leaves me and goes for my teammates.
  4. Icesphere

    Ice Armor

    Originally Posted by Dromio View Post
    I tanked an ITF over the weekend and at the end when I was tanking Rommie one of the members said "Man you're a great Ice Tank!" I took it as a compliment, but I there's a little backhand to that compliment.

    ITFs were made for Ice tanks. You have the roman soldiers that do smashing damage, that we can soft cap with ease. And the dark ones do negative energy, which glacier armor absorbs most of it. Hell, I ran an ITF with a stone tank and we made a bet to see who can faceplant the least and I won! I would say its cause he is a bad stone tank, but their shouldnt be an excuse with granite armor on.
  5. Icesphere

    Ice Armor

    I recently rolled an ice/ice tank and I love him! Keep in mind he is my first and only tank, but I have rarely seen him fall. Infact, I was recently in an it'd with a stone tank and he fell once and my guy never saw red.
  6. Icesphere

    Defense question

    Keep in mind some fire attacks also do smashing, so watch out for that.
  7. I was in the middle of typing(internet phone takes longer for me) when syntax posted, sorry about that. I still have a lot more to learn from this game and the site helped answer a lot.
  8. You just said tough isn't as important as weave, but suggest I should split my slots evenly between them? Wouldn't it be smarter just to go with weave? Because I have all the powers+energy absorption; wouldn't that in itself be enough?
  9. So I made my ice/ice tank and he is doing very well. But looking at other forums people say tough and weave are important. I have room to 6 slot one or I can even them both out. But should I? Will I notice a major difference or should I even bother? Any advice would be great, thanks!
  10. So changing my secondary to SS now; it seems that ice melee is too weak to compliment stone and ice so it seems like the safer way to go.

    Let me know how ice armor is in later levels, though. Don't plan on starting my tank for a few days. Still have to slot my alpha for a few toons. Plus, it will give me some money to transfer to my new tank for early io's.
  11. Lots of good advice i'm getting. thank you.
  12. Hey guys!

    Never made a tank before and was wondering what should my first tank be? I want ice because I don't see many people with it and it looks really amazing. On the other hand stone armor, i heard, is one of the hardest to bring down. People are always asking for a stone tank and generally want nothing to do with most others from what i've seen.

    I guess what i'm trying to say is: if i go with ice, can i make him so he is a badass tank and can take damage like other tanks? I know a lot of people will say "go with what i want", but if i can make my ice indestructable i would love to go that route. Any advice?
  13. Icesphere!

    My main in a nrg/nrg and i always liked him above my other toons. But when i purple slotted nova i never seen so much damage in a power before. Can do 600+ damage able to hit up to 16 targets. Thats a lot of flying dead bodies if you ask me
  14. I'm really considering going with musculature for my zombie/poison MM. Is there a real noticable difference in damage? If not i'll probably go with whatever accuracy is called.
  15. I just met up with an energy/willpower. He claims that his stalker has 29.00 hp/sec. I haven't been playing very long and this has been the highest i've ever seen.

    My question is; i have a claws/regen stalker. What is the highest i can get my hp/sec? Also, i plan on moving him to blue side to get physical perfection to add to it. Or is there a website with this kind of info?