1204 -
Ignoring your rant...
The only way I would come back is if the game was restarted, most of the devs returned, i24 was soon to be published, and some of my in-game friends came back.... so in other words - don't see it happening. -
You could always ignore those who you find to be disruptive. I know...crazy thought using the tools provided to ya
A friend of mine said they never ignore people on forums and I quote... "Because then how would I know if they are saying anything bad about me?"
To which I replied "Who cares?" -
Basically this. I have to admit some of the "comment bombs" I have seen make me giggle - it's like watching a spoiled kid throwing a temper.....
Quote:I can't help but wonder how this might look to someone who didn't have a stake in the game.
I wonder if they might not look at all this hubbub and think "if five games in five years is so bad, why were these people still around to get burned after four games in four years? Why is five so bad, but four is 'ok'?". Or even "These people have known since at least the Garriott case in 2010 that this company was capable of dodgy, if not outright illegal, practices. Why didn't moral outrage compel action then? Why were they still supporting a game owned and run by such a company?". In short, why did this urge to 'defend mmo gamers against the business practices of callous publishers' only show up when our game was on the block instead of any of the others that shut down, NCSoft owned or otherwise?
An outside observer might think it appears a little hypocrital, and perhaps a touch self important. A "This didn't matter until I was effected, but now everyone should take note" situation. A bit late to start complaining about something that's been going on with little protest from us for at least five years, isn't it?
Then again, I don't really think most people outside the CoX community care. At least not any more than most of us did when some other game we didn't play shut down. As I recently mentioned elsewhere, I suspect most of them, if they even notice, will shrug it off as the bitter complaining of the last holdouts of an eight year old game that had to go F2P, one that most outsiders hadn't heard of or didn't like to begin with. -
Meh Glitch has been plagued with problems since the get go. They even had to "unlaunch: and return to beta 2 months after launch due to so many bugs. That alone makes them sound kinda flaky to me. I get bugs at launch, but not ones that make you UNLAUNCH 2 months later.
I have no interest in Wildstar. Your comment while basically polite still just comes across as a bitter CoH player; unfortunately not a lot of MMoers even know what CoH is/was or care that it is being shut down. Kinda like when Tabula Rasa was being closed down...no one here cared; even though it was NCSoft. I have nothing against NC and if they ever make a game that looks like something I would enjoy I will gladly give it a go. Unfortunately for them...I am not a fan of MMOs in general though.
I don't play any other MMO but would never wish for people to become unemployed or for fans of another game to lose their game. Seems silly/petty/cruel to wish financial hardship and/or sadness on complete strangers because you don't like a company they are associated with.
Yes because disgruntled EX employees always make a great reference for how good a company is. I would rather work at a job where I hated the company..than not have a job.
So yeah when I see people saying they hope X-Game shuts down...reminds me how petty people truly can be to wish that on other people; employees and gamers.
Quote:From employee comments, working for another company would be considered a benefit.
It is going to happen. There will be a time when NCsoft shuts down another game. The company is a pathological game killer. I consider NCsoft going out of business so they won't kill more communities to be the one of the best things that could happen to the game industry. -
And Glitch has been plagued with problems since it's launch. It even had to be "unlaunched" and taken back to beta 2 months after launch due to so many bugs.
I think 2013 is going to be seeing a few "major" MMOs shutdown; especially in the "hero" market.
1. Bases. I get that they are a tangled mess, but who is to fault for that? That would be the dev(s) who initially created the base system. Maybe someone should have been overseeing the project a little more in case ..you know.. in the future they wanted to change things in it or add to it without breaking everything.
2. CoV. I beta tested it and even bought it. I never played it though once it went live. I never played "villains" until GR came out and I could make my villains heroes. Making this a separate game was stupid imo. CoV should have been an expansion of just new archetypes and zones, but leaving the "morality" of it how it is now...in other words - side switching should have been ingrained in CoV.
3. Gifting. This should have been something that was actually feasible; especially after FREEDOM went live.
4. Exalted: Stupid idea. Why do the devs constantly try to separate the population: CoV, GR, and Exalted.
5. When ED was introduced...IOs should have been introduced.
6. Global badges: Anniversary etc. Because I didn't make a toon in 2005 I can't get the year 1 badge on that toon...kinda silly.
7. Power Customization should have been MUCH sooner AND should have included power pools as well as APP/EPP.
8. Inherents: I am looking at you Blaster/Defender inherent 1.0.
9. LFG: This system was borked from the get go. It made no sense and the LFG channel should have been implemented much sooner.
10. NO I am not a soloist, but I would have liked to have seen some incarnate content for the soloer/small group. Some days I wouldn't have minded more diversity and just teaming with 1-2 more people for incarnate goodies. -
I would want a similar enhancement system/IO system; that is the one thing that keeps me from playing other games.
Right now there is no MMO out there that remotely interests me. Unless a true CoH2 ever comes out I guess my CoH times is done. I have no interest in a spiritual successor or an emulation. Right now all of my friends are in GW2, but I didn't really like it much. ChO, DCUO, and SWTOR do not interest me as I doubt they will be around much longer. I MAY check out Marvel Universe Online...note MAY.
Regarding the forums; I have no plans. I'll check out a few MMO sites every now and then and that's about it. -
Only two things I didn't do that I would like to have:
1. Win a costume contest. 7+ years never even placed third in one. Granted I think I may have been in a whopping 4-5 CC. I always thought "Meh I'm busy doing something else right now."
2. Got a toon to 1000 badges. I think the least badges one of my 50's has is like 500 but the most is like 750. I never did get "Avoids The Green Stuff" for my MoKeyes; only Mo Trial I don't have. It's not that I didn't try, but it always got messed up at the last 10-20 seconds of the trial. -
I am going to sleep as well..
OMG that's the rumor I am going to start now.
Anyone think it's odd that Black Pebble and I Burnt The Toast are going to bed at the same time?? HMMMMMMM
1. Either I am insinuating that BP and I are in the same house and going to bed together.......
2. Black Pebble/I Burnt The Toast are the same Asian poster!!!!!
Now I wanna see that film: Smiley
Quote:If you go to the YouTube link I posted for the trailer, one of the recommended videos below is for a Japanese movie called Smiley. The thumbnail alone creeps the frick out of me. Omg that's disturbing.
Everyone should take a look for themselves.....if you want to seriously be traumatized. -
Yes you have to try it. Of course I love chocolate; I dip my french fries in my Wendy's Frosty too.
I LOVE TOAST!!!!!! My favorite thing is burnt toast with just a lil bit of butter...and dip it in my hot cocoa!
I wondered why you had one letter in lower case....
And btw burnt toast is yummy! Not saying I am yummy...but actual burnt toast...also not saying I am not yummy.