8829 -
My Fire/Rad group and I would be willing to jump in one one of these on a Monday night.
Normally we assemble around 9PM Eastern. -
A graphic illustration for the non-technically inclined.
Loads of fun. My team and I had just pounded our way through a Posi2 prior to the Lusca+Yin run.
All in all a VERY productive night! -
Won't help a lot for CoH, but I figured some of you guys could use this.
CEO unilaterally triggers giveaway after pledge tampering discovered;
CEO run down and flogged by employees following internal announcement
SAINT PAUL, Minn (October 29, 2012) CodeWeavers, Inc., developer of CrossOver software which enables Mac and Linux users to run Windows software on their computers without the need of a Microsoft license, announced today that it will give away CrossOver for free on October 31, 2012 to everyone on earth with a computer.
How to Get the Free Software
On Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2012, beginning at 00:00 Central Time (+6 GMT), anyone visiting CodeWeavers Flock The Vote promotional web site (flock.codeweavers.com) will be able to download a free, fully functional copy of either CrossOver Mac or CrossOver Linux. Each copy comes complete with 12 months of support and product upgrades. The offer will continue for 24 hours, from 00:00 to 23:59, Oct. 31, 2012.
This announcement came as a shock to insiders. The company had recently launched its Flock the Vote challenge a voter turnout initiative in which CodeWeavers promised free software for 24 hours if 100,000 people pledged to vote in the 2012 Presidential election at www.codeweavers.com/flockthevote. However, the numbers of pledges was still far below 100,000 as of today. Observing lower-than-anticipated numbers, CEO Jeremy White began poking around in the web sites code base.
Apparently still harboring ill-will from our 2008 give-away, our IT man, Jeremy Newman, had been diverting pledges into an old Hotmail account, said White. This promotion was a big deal to me, continued White, such a big deal, in fact, that Ive recently taken to wearing a duck costume as my normal working attire. When I discovered Newmans agenda, I was forced to trigger the giveaway immediately and to suspend his Diablo 3 privileges through the fourth quarter. Take that, Newman!
Employees, including Newman, have serious concerns about the giveaways effect on the companys financial stability and point to the utter chaos following the companys previous Lame Duck Presidential Challenge in 2008 (summarized below). Upon hearing the 2012 giveaway announcement, employees exploded into an angry riot the event was captured on video and can be seen at (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkKiMJFvXbc).
Codeweavers 2008 Lame Duck Presidential Challenge
The companys previous initiative to stimulate voter participation was 2008s CodeWeavers Lame Duck Presidential Challenge. On October 28th of that year, gas dropped below $2.80 per gallon, thereby triggering one of the five goals CodeWeavers presented earlier in the year to then outgoing president George W. Bush. The promotion culminated in a mind-blowing 650,000 online registrations to receive a free-license for its flagship product CrossOver. One million people visited the company website in the following month.
The firms servers melted under the intense in-bound web traffic, and fear of eroded sales haunted the company from top to bottom. Oh, and their IT guy was really pissed. After the dust had settled, though, CodeWeavers survived, enjoying a healthy uptick in brand awareness, and eventually sales. For his sake, a feather-covered Jeremy Newman muttered darkly, Hed better hope the same thing happens here.
About CodeWeavers
Founded in 1996 as a general software consultancy, CodeWeavers focuses on the development of Wine the core technology found in all of its CrossOver products. The companys goal is to bring expanded market opportunities for Windows software developers by making it easier, faster and more painless to port Windows software to Linux. CodeWeavers is recognized as a leader in open-source Windows porting technology, and maintains development offices in Minnesota, the United Kingdom and elsewhere around the world. The company is privately held. For more information about CodeWeavers, log on to www.codeweavers.com. -
Right now it's Monday, 10:15 PM on October 29th.
Tomorrow is Tanker Tuesday guys!
Come on out and beat some face with us! -
I might see if the Freedom Fire/Rads want to form up a third team (or fill out a second if there's space).
Between this and the Humble Bundle, CoH has raised nearly $10K in the last month. Most of it in the last 2 weeks. And Real World Hero hasn't even started yet...
The underlying OS isn't bad or anything. But I absolutely CANNOT stand the new start screen/metro interface.
If you're running a touch interface, yeah, it's probably not so bad.
But if you're doing gaming/desktop productivity, it's clown shoes. -
Captain Mako looks up from feasting on Ronald McDonald and asks "Does this taste funny to you?"
Quote:The "gotcha" here is these next-gen games, especially from competing properties, are under the dual expectation of "do all the fun stuff the same, only better" and "don't make it TOO similar because it'll get you sued".You know, if I could send a big message to the next generation of super hero MMOs, it would be this: being a next generation game ought to mean you're outdoing the previous generation. CO has a LOT of CoX players who went over there over the years and never came back. You don't hear that as much about DCUO. It sounds like DCUO could probably snag more of the old guard if they gave their costume editor a lot more love.
This leads them off in all sorts of goofy directions. Like to doofy chat interface in CO. Instead of simply being able to double-click on someone's name to send them an in-game PM, you have to right-click, and select "Send PM" from a menu. Or the fact that they hide the exit button to exit from completed missions. Now, as someone who reflexively hits "Exit" on missions, even when I don't mean to, this can be both a good and a bad thing.
But, in general the interface in CO is designed like some VB coder's worst, tabbed monstrosity nightmare. -
Quote:This.Sucks for GW2 to fly under the banner of NCSOFT but I vote with my wallet and will avoid anything NCSOFT.
I wish ArenaNet all the luck in the world. It's just a shame their product is being marketed under a company banner I am ethically unable to support financially.
Hopefully their next projects will be free of such unfortunate encumbrances. If not, c'est la vie! -
CO's hideouts are really rudimentary. Now don't get me wrong. The second I saw I could have a moonbase, I was all over it like stink on a turd.
But the base-editing ***** in me is left kinda limp over it. As it were... -
Quote:That's not what was said.Right mind? So anyone that disagrees with your personal preferences in terms of where to spend gaming dollars is not in their right mind?
NCSoft has proved that participating in one of their properties is dancing on a razor's edge.
If you want to set yourself up for this again, that's fine. But, for those who've been repeatedly burned by NCSoft's decisions, going back to them after being kicked so many times is crazy. -
Had an excellent run on the Moonfire this evening.
See all you guys next week on Protector! -
Next Tuesday (Oct 30th) will be Protector.
Quote:Heh. My brother's triplets are coming up on their first birthday. And even now, my brother gets a bit wild around the eyes when he thinks about how many kids he has...Congratz on the new addition to family.
Shortly after our children were born I got the early shift each night to be on call. I wanted a game to play for the time from 8 to midnight, that I could jump away as duty called. Enter city of heroes, 2004 was a good year .. healthy triplets and COH.
Celtic Fist
He'd have been happy with NONE. But he figured one kid, MAYBE two if his wife bugged him enough.
Enter fraternal TRIPLETS (one boy, two girls).
It's kinda funny too. His son is almost the spitting image of my father. And his one daughter, till her hair grows in, looks like my grandfather.
The last daughter, not sure. She doesn't have any overt resemblance to anyone in the family that I can see. Which can be a good thing. Then you don't have schmuck relatives like me going "You look just like..." -
Quote:Melee's pretty viable.Has melee become viable in CO? I only tried the game for like a month when it launched and I seem to recall anything ranged I tried completely owning anything melee I tried. Unless I was just "doing it wrong". Unfortunately, my favorite CoH characters are Stalkers. In CO, I think I ended up playing dual pistols when what I really wanted was a sword-wielding Samurai Ninja Robot Cowboy. Was that too much to ask?
Cause CoH had it covered.
You want to take some sort of closing attack early on if possible. This basically is some sort of leap attack that jumps you right up in an enemy's face. Otherwise just running around at base speed, you get plinked to death eventually.
Also, Melee has Accelerated Metabolism, so other attacks besides your primaries can build energy (just not as dependably) for you. Tossing it in Havoc Stomp is great.
You have a couple types of attacks. Straight, click-and hit type powers and some "builder" type powers. You hold the button down and get an energy bar. The more you allow it to build up the more damage it does and additional effects happen.
Havoc Stomp:
By itself it does "okay" damage and can be spammed one after another, basically earthquaking your opponents to death.
Allowing it to build up makes it do significantly more damage (oneshotting some enemies) and some knock-up.
Allowing it to build all the way up tosses in a fairly decent mag KB as well.
Right now, my Hyperstrike analogue plays more like a Brute/Scrapper than a tank.
You want to get an AoE fairly early on as well. It makes taking on larger mobs much safer.