8829 -
Quote:Damn Secondary Mutation!The bane and boon of City of Heroes is that the devs tossed pistols and hand grenades into a room full of chimps and then charged admission. And we loved them for it..
/em flingpoop
Thanks for all your hard work Arcana. I probably would have picked up a lot of the game "eventually". But your participation and explanations made the assimilation effortless and nearly instantaneous. As such, I could concentrate on just sitting back and enjoying the game. Which I did. IMMENSELY. -
Quote:Oh. My. God.
We started at the normally scheduled time of 9PM eastern and we just stopped after nearly four hours of continuous raiding, when one ended we took a short break and started again for a total of five runs.
I have said it many times and I will continue to say it.
You, the players, who come out to take part in the raids every week are what make it possible!
I tip my hat to all of you who have come out to take part in this raid and Rushed the Rikti over the years.
We still have one more week left for the scheduled raid and I would love to see everyone out there. I may not be able to do another four hours but we can go out with a bang at the very least.
Wish I could have stayed for all of it. But I was promised out to another event for a friend. Would have been awesome.
Glad everyone had fun RtR'ing their *** off. -
Quote:Actually there's another way.I haven't posted in forever so this is really out of the blue. There is a secret "matrix room" hidden under the arena buildings. The only one I know how to get to is in Peregrine Island, and it requires trickery. Make sure your character can fly by some means, or else this is pretty impossible. Also, have way to tp out, like an ouro portal or something.
1) Go to the "monkey island" in Peregrine. (The one with a million rikti monkeys on it.
2) Find a building with a door partially sunken into the ground, there should be multiple. Stand by the door and log out.
3) Log back in. When you log in by a door your character will walk out of it. If it works you should log in under the map and begin falling.
4) Stay under the map and fly towards the arena. There should be a "box" under the arena building. Fly into the box.
5) Enjoy the awesome view! And take screen caps, its seriously the coolest room in the game.
Also, you have to be careful with flight. If you're too high in portions under the map, you're auto-ported back topside. -
Okay, buttload of screenshots!
Quote of the night above here.
"Holy crap! It's true!"
We started the evening off by bushwhacking Rangle in Kings Row.
We then plotted (and did) kick some Paladins in their "rangly bits".
Afterward, we ran a Mothership Rangle...errr...Raid.
Then a few of us stayed over and rangled a Doc Q in 3:27. -
Stargirl: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courtney_Whitmore
Originally she was known as the second Star-Spangled Kid.
However she was presented with Jack Knight's (Starman) Cosmic Staff. -
From left to right.
Black Lightning
The Flash (Jay Garrick)
Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)
Firestorm (Jason Rusch) (Guessing on this one since I don't know for sure as it's just...a face.)
Power Girl
The Flash (Wally West or Barry Allen, can't tell)
Wonder Woman
Green Lantern (Alan Scott)
Batman -
Quote:I'll resurrect the dead thread for something I didn't see mentioned.
A friend today took us to a mailbox in RWZ that has a message if you click on it. Location is:
774.8 42.0 120.2.
Very neat!
Was close but kept going right by it. Cheated by resorting to demoediting.
http://cox-supergroups.com/RWZ-Mailbox.jpg -
Quote:Actually, there is zero evidence about Cryptic having any intentions to end CoH. They would have set it back into low-maintainance mode (like they did with Champions) but I have very high doubts that they would have shut it down, ever.
Mind you: I also doubt NCSoft would have let them have their chunk back so NCSoft would have been the one forcing it closed if Cryptic had refused to sell.
I dunno. I think, had Cryptic gone the way they have with CO, this game would have died a long LONG time ago.
Being put on the kind of maintenance that CO is on would have been a death knell 5 years ago. Remember, we were five months out from i12. Being put on "maintenance" by Cryptic then would have pretty much STOPPED development. This was years before F2P became a viable option. There was no cash shop. And the game was still hemorrhaging players.
As angry as I am with NCSoft, they allowed this game to continue to grow. Yeah, their strategy of nixing advertising budgets was an asinine move. But still, the game continued to grow and change. -
Quote:I'll worry about December 1st sometime on the 2nd. I've actually taken a *gasp* DAY OFF!I'm gonna hope against hope. I'll worry about December the 1st on December 1st
To be in-game for the last day. Essentially my own "24 hours of gaming".
I'll be complete toast afterward and probably won't be coherent for 10-12 hours after. -
Strax (and especially his introduction) was hysterical.
Quote:Head to bed early the night before. And TT rarely lasts more than about 2 hours or so. So you can crash back out for a bit or take yourself out to breakfast and still have time to spare.Would love to roll along on Freedom, but 9PM is like 5AM local time, having to work at 8AM, not a good idea
And if you're on a missions team, simply leave when you gottta leave. -
Quote:Seriously? Some horse's *** was griefing this stuff?Thanks to everyone who came out. I'm sorry we were griefed like that. After going to the DC/MD/VA meet and greet earlier today, I have decided to run 1 more MO Magi for the other badges as well as the Really Hard Way. Will make another thread tomorrow, but for now I am going to sleep. been drinking with Turg and crew since 2PM, then drank while watching the Ravens play, so I'm pretty drunk right now....
The remaining Tanker Tuesdays are:
Tuesday, Nov 20th: Freedom
Tuesday, Nov 27th: Pinnacle
9PM Eastern
8PM Central
7PM Mountain
6PM Pacific
In Kings Row at the Independence Port gate. -
TheRing, thank you so much for this look back at where we've all been.
And I agree. The game itself is great. But the total community (devs and all), even the annoying parts, were what REALLY defined this game. -
Okay. Yesterday was the final International run of Tanker Tuesday (yeah, it's not a Tuesday, but it's something convenient to the natives of said euro-servers).
I'd like to thank all my fellow meat shielders who showed up primed to fight.
We fielded two teams and did some excellent mega-violence unto various and sundry enemies.
I'll see some of you guys on Freedom this Tuesday.
For those of you who can't make the Tuesday evening meets, it's been an honor people. Keep that aggro flowing! -
Quote:You lose scale efficiencies in a small game. There's no way an MMO-style game could work with 800 people playing under the current economics. That'd be $12k/month, or $144k/year.
You could run servers in the cloud, but you would still end up with hardly any development or bug fixes, no updates, and no support.
Now if you could charge them $100/month, you might barely manage to limp along.
No matter how small the business, you need a certain minimum number of customers to make it work.
A lot of it has to do with what the proprietors will accept as "profitable" and what the players will accept as maintenance.
One of the reasons large publishers can afford to keep things afloat longer is because their bandwidth costs to their hosting facilities are more or less fixed. And, depending on their server infrastructure, the cabinet space for paid-for hardware is negligible.
As long as said game doesn't directly impact on the bandwidth reqirements or rackspace requirements for more profitable titles, and the basic maintenance costs are covered, a large publisher COULD, theoretically, keep a title on life support indefinitely.
Unfortunately, smaller companies don't have the ability to leverage that type of economy of scale.
Not saying CoH couldn't still be run at a reasonable, acceptable level of profit. I, quite honestly, am convinced that it could. And maintain it's standards for content release and support.
It's would just take some very VERY careful management. -
Quote:Has anyone been able lately to get GUI screen shots?
When ever I try pasting Screenshots from the clip board I get nothing but a black square. I know i seen people do this before but I wondering if I have issue myself or powers that be have change things to forbid the GUI shots. what I really like copies of is my character Ids so I can remember them later, maybe in a screen saver. I running Windows 7 and been trying to paste into paint.
Are screenshots NOT showing up in the Screenshots folder underneath your CoH directory?
You shouldn't have to cut and paste anything.
By default, screenshots are without UI.
If you want a screenie with the UI
/macro SS-UI, screenshotui 1
After you run the macro, you'll take only screenshots with the UI until you turn it off or exit the game.
/macro SS-NoUI, screenshotui 0
This will turn it off so when you get screenshots you have no UI.
/macro SS, screenshot
Does the same thing hitting PrtScrn should do. Captures a JPEG screenshot to your Screenshots directory.
/macro SSTGA, screenshottga
Grabs a screenshot in a lossless TGA format. Better suited if you're going to be manipulating the image extensively as you won't have to deal with compression artifacts.
If you're just grabbing screenies of static scenes, you can also use the Snipping tool and grab all or part of the screen. Then you can save it directly to a format of your choice. -
I'd say, with Hostess, there's enough blame to go around.
With the string of execs for their idiotic, avaricious plundering of the company.
With at least one of the unions involved, who'd rather crash the company and put everyone out of work than try to come to terms (some of which included a 25% stake in the company and a hundred million in secured debt). -
Old article. They're even worse now.
They're lower, right now, than they've been since April 21st 2010.