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  1. I should be there. I may bring a red side Iso so I wont have base access.
  2. He was stalking those underage girls in fishnets you were telling us about.
  3. PFFT! I Can actually make it today as I'm in country!
  4. Horatus

    Assassin's Creed

    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Yup... late 2007, and it looks amazing. Running around the rooftops of Damascus and Acre sure is fun... less so in the latter because of the pesky rooftop archers.

    I did think the game would be more stealthy than it is... I routinely brawl with four or five guards at a time to help out civilians for some reason.
    We have all been looking at CoH for so long we missed some of the graphic updates in games!
  5. 0. I was in Montreal getting engaged. I’m kinda hoping I can make Iso’s tonight if I’m not caught up in house purchasing paperwork.
  6. Horatus

    Assassin's Creed

    I only played the first game and it looked great as you run across the city like a spider monkey/squirrel hybrid on crack (prince of Persia like). Game play was actually limited to a few kinds of mission types dressed up in different txt. I'd say the game is a mix of prince of Persia and Hitman and Grand Theft Auto (when you are running away from the cops)

    I'd discount the choppy adds. Remember, they are showing console game play which is usual pretty suck when compared to the PC.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    Steam sales! Got CiV5 for free, bought Gods and Kings.
    Meh, I'll wait.

    If you are liking Civ look into Warlock: Master of the Arcane. It is very Civ like in a magical real setting.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    Eh. Enjoying CiV5 so far. Have you guys tried it with the Gods and Kings add-on?
    No, I'm not willing to spend any more in civ 5. perhaps if there was some kind of crazy sale.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cag View Post
    Whats your steam username? I'll add you, or my picture is some triangle weird thingy.
    Steam ID: Horatus
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cag View Post
    Oh yes please I'd LOVE it. Steam username is : rebeliopl

    That name brings up two people. Where do you live so I can narrow down the search?
  11. Civ 5 is like Idiocracy for Civ players. Civ is the only game I have played longer than CoH. The Amazon reviews really peg it. 964 reviews at 2.4 stars. I tried so hard to like it and I think I could have if I had never played the series before. It is such a huge step backwards.
  12. I got a free copy of civ 5 on steam. Anyone want it? I dont care for it to much. I prefer Civ 4.
  13. I'll be late tomorrow. I got a thing going on.
  14. I filled up the AT storage Bin and added another in the power room which is full too. I suppose I should have put a torch by me. Grab what you want.
  15. Horatus

    It's Over

    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post

    It's an MMO. The client is useless without the server infrastructure. And vice versa.

    I understand that but people were running their own wow servers for a while. you never know.
  16. Horatus

    It's Over

    Ah well. It may resurface in a few years as abandonware or freeware.
  17. I'll give it a whirl soon now that the new watercooling rig is running.
  18. Is CO any good?

    I would have rocked it last night with my lvl 2! (who is now lvl 7 so beware). I may pick up team transport so Voo will like me mooching more.
  19. I am actually kinda interested so I may look into it. if and when I ever finish my machine.
  20. PM me your info and i'll let you know the next time I get together with my friends to brew.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Seen any beer gnomes lately?
    I started brewing my own lately! so I suppose that makes me one?
  22. It looks interesting, but I seem to short on time to do anything lately. how soloable is it?
  23. I believe Borderlands pre-dates CO, so CO looks like Borderlands!