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I ended up inheriting a moderatly large base, that only a few people still use. I also have a 50 who has large amounts of inf as my base owner/ base builder.
Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
I had just been able to get enough prestige to buy my base up to the 3rd size. The repricing means that I will be able to buy a much larger plot, both in cost and in lowered thus offordable rent.
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
Yes. My plan is to upgrade to a larger plot, build new rooms, and move the stuff I want to keep to the new rooms, then dump the old ones, thus getting the maximum prestige gain posible.
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
When I went from the second to the third size plot, I spent about 4 hours dragging rooms around, deleting decorations so that I could put in new doors, moving stuff from room to room, getting the floor hights to match up, ect. I exspect it will take about the same amount of time to do it this time also.
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
I can now afford to get a much larger base than I could ever before, and some of the items that would be years of prestige gain away I can now afford. All in all I very much like the drop in prices.
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
Short term I'll spend about 4 or 5 hours remodeling the base. I should be able to upgrade to the next larger control and energy systems. I'll likely have a large amount of extra space on my plot that I will not be using right now, I may open the base up to the few others in my SG to make their own private rooms in that space.
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
In my case I don't see it making much of a difference. Most of the stuff I want/need for PvE I already have made. What new stuff I make, I'll be able to easily make from market salvage. I have a 50 with lots of inf, and I know how to work the market to get bargains.
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
I don't see any upside. The base salvage was just something that built up, and once a year or so when I was bored, I would deal with it. Now I don't have to spend that 30 minutes a year dealing with it, but that does not really seem to be a reason to change it.
Honestly, I don't believe that the stated reason 'because base salvage confused people' to be the real reason. I think a lot of the base angst could have been avoided by a better reason. For example if you said that the Devs wanted to remove base salvage as it took up a huge space in the data base and if removed you could replace it with better stuff, I don't think the level of complaing would have been nearly so high.
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
Already done, took about 5 minutes of reading to understand how it all works.
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
The salvage market is going to be unstable for a long long time. Lots of people will convert thier base salvage to invention salvage quickly, and flood the market, but there will also be lots who will for one reason or anouther, do it later. So you will see wild dips as salvage gets dumped on the market, dropping the price, and then it starts to recover.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
I have enhancement bins that are kept filled with common IOs so that alts and friends toons can just grab them instead of having to buy SOs or deal wth the market, something they do not enjoy. Thus my base salvage bin, and the high end bin where I keep purpels and proc IOs that I plan to slot later are also open to being grabbed. I trust my friends, but it would be nice to be able to set permissions per bin.
Additional Notes:
Right now, no matter the size of the base, you can only have 18 storage bins. I find that number to be limiting. I like to organize things, and if you try that, you run into the limit very quickly. Even more people are going to hit the limit now that they can have to room to put in banks and banks of bins, but the system will not let them.
Someone suggested recently, that you be allowed to belong to multilple SGs at once. This or the ability to have personal sub-bases. would be a good solution to most of the problems that I have with base security. If I had my own base, I could keep the stuff I want locked away where only I can get to it, while leaving the stuff I want people to use in the main base. Everyone gets thier own base to play with, decorate however they like, store thier own stuff in, and the main base holds the groups stuff, and all the transporters. -
One thing I will note, I play a lot of static teams that are on a weekly schedual. If the on patrol bonus is a percentage, then when I log in to play 6 days and 21 hours after I last logged out (we tend to play about 3 hours) then I will have almost 10 full bubbles of double xp. Which is fine.
If it is all or nothing, then I get a full bubble ever other week, and loose lots of patential logged off time. If the second case is how it works, I would like to see it lowered to a bit under 7 days instead of 8 days to completely refill your timer. -
I sure hope it does. No offense, but it's kind of absurd. That means for the badges you have LISTED, I have to log my main, my badge hunter, my favorite character out... for AT LEAST A YEAR.
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No, it means that to get all the badges, at the earlies possible second, you would have to not play your favorite character for a year, except to log on ever 720 hours and dash to the new spot where you will log off.
Here is an experement, go find out how many hours you have played your toon. Subtract that number from 36,000 hours (24 hours by 365 days by 4 years rounded up). That is how many hours of day job badge credit your toon would have gotten if it was made at the start of game, and day jobs had been in from day one. How many years (8760 hours) has your character already been logged out.
I have a bunch of alts, about 6 of which I play semi-regularly. I'll be getting the badges on all of them, so every 30 days (or whatever the number turns out to be) I'll move all my not played alts to the next job spot I want the badge for. The ones that I play will most likely be moved a few days to a week later at the most. I don't see where this is a big deal. You keep paying your subscription, and moving the toons to the new spot, and you will eventually get the badges, just like you will eventually get the next Vets badge. -
anyone else know what day job they want?
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Right now, based on the list that they published, all of my alts on all of the servers get moved to the jail, for the experence bonus award.
After that I would go for caregiver and professer, to get the ally rez accolade power.
Next would be midnighter for the ally heal and free salvage.
I will then most likely go for banker next, to get the aoe hold accolade power.
Then Intern, to get the insp drop and the sleep accolade power.
The rest I don't really care much about so will just fill them out in order of the check off list. -
Thankfully my daughter is an Anime geek and likely won't lose her virginity til the ripe old age of 42.
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If she is into anime, she may want to go to some of the cons. I have seen some girls, they could not have been more that 13, doing some very adult things at those cons.
My wisdom, (what little of it I've been able to gather) is that if you try to lock down your child, they are going to do really stupid things as soon as they can get out from under your thumb. If you teach them high standards, and show them by example your living up to those high standards, and expect them to live up to those standards even if you are not there looking over thier shoulders, they will still make mistakes, but they tend to be lesser mistakes.
Also, take the time to talk to them and warn them about some of the upcoming dangers. Explaining with examples, that alchol makes you feel good, but it also makes you do stupid things you would not do otherwise, would seem to work better than simple telling them never to drink, without explaining why.
Explain that boys/young men/some older men, for the most part, don't have to maturity level to get beyound the want sex/will do anything for it level, so as the only one who has a functioning (mostly) brain she is going to have to be able to say no 'and mean it'. Self defense training and a gun of her own are added bonuses in the 'and mean it' department. -
One thing you are not taking into account is how gameable this would be for the players. I have dozens of alts who have slots that are not being used for anything. Under your system they would all be bidding for the best sets, so they would be more common. Enought people do this, and Numias drop more than all the other heal sets together. Right now the sets are divided into good/better/best. With the best sets being far more expensive. Under your system, no one would use anything but the best sets, and that would be pretty much all that would drop.
I know it is a joke, but I would not mind seeing it actually added to the game.
Here is what I plan to do for my own characters, who are going to be funded by my own 50s via my SG (yes, I twink):
pre-level 12: Use drops only
Level 12: Outfit using lvl 15 IOs
Level 17: Nothing
Level 22: Outfit using level 25 SOs
Level 27: Outfit using level 30 IOs
Level 32: Nothing
Level 37: Nothing
Level 42: Upgrade selective 1 or 2-slotted aspects to lvl 45 IOs
Level 47: Upgrade selective 1 or 2-slotted aspects to lvl 50 IOs
This is only 3 rounds of "required" enhancement purchases for the entire career of my character, compared with 8 currently. The last two rounds will not be full upgrades and may depend on whether I can respec to change slotting around.
- Protea
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Here is my plan. Each new toon gets 5 million inf to start them out.
pre-level 12:
Buy TOs. They are very cheep and 4 or 5 accs in a power mean I hit ok.
Level 12:
If I can find cheap lv 15 IOs on the market, outfit with them, otherwise buy DOs as usual.
Level 17: Nothing
Level 22:
Outfit using level 25 IOs bought cheap at the market, or made from the salvage I have been collecting since lv 4.
Level 27: Nothing
Level 32: Nothing
Level 37: Nothing
Level 42: Nothing
Level 47: Upgrade to level 50 IOs as I can get the salvage.
Having seen your chart now, on the toons that are lv 22 or more, I may go with the lv 25 SOs and have them build and store the lv 30 IOs since they will be getting the salvage they need to make them. It all comes down to how noticable the 1.3% loss per enhancment is in actual play. -
Necoposting for the win. I use the following slotting. For tier ones, I use 3 acc 3 damage. For tier twos I use 2 acc 3 dam 1 end red. Find them running out of end without the end red. Its all the bubbling of the photon grenades. For my Assbot I go 2 acc 3 dam. I also have tactics with 3 +to hits. I could get buy with 1 acc in the Assbot, but its only one slot and I really hate to miss.