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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    * that it's harder to find teams of your level as MA teams are locked into a TF mode. It diminishes the free flowing teams experience we had before with new members joining the team as we progressed through missions. It was much easier for casual players like me to join friends. Now I have to wait endless minutes for them to finish their arc while I have perfectly capable characters able to help them.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's amazing how many people think this is true. There needs to be more information put out there that you CAN invite new people to MA Teams. Maybe in an update pop-up or something. I'm sure there are lots of people who believe this and are not even voicing this belief so no one has a chance to tell them they're wrong
  2. Mandu wasn't saying it was too hard. He was saying that he couldn't find the bad guys to kill because they were invisible. I haven't played it, but if you do indeed have a kill-all with invisible enemies, that's going to be annoying to lots of people. Maybe lose the kill-all objective if it's not essential.
  3. Check out the site in my signature. It offers a good alternative to the in-game search. lots of good arcs there.
  4. Ah, I don't know why I didn't know about this thread before. Anyway, I'm hear to announce:

    The Mission Architect Advanced Search Site

    Have trouble finding the arcs that you want to play buried in there among everything else? Want more search criteria than just the rating (which is completely unstandardized and basically tells you nothing), length (which is vague and inaccurate), servers (which you'll rarely change), and morality?

    If so, then buddy, have I got the site for you! Head on over to The Mission Architect Advanced Search Site. There are already almost 80 arcs listed which can be searched by a large number of criteria so you can find the one you want to play.

    At the site you can currently search for arcs by
    <ul type="square">[*]Name[*]Arc ID[*]Author[*]Dynamic Tags[*]Focus(combat/story)[*]Style(Standard/Comedy/Non-Superhero)[*]Difficulty[*]Number of Missions[*]Number of Elite Bosses[*]Number of Arch Villains[*]Combined Number of Elite Bosses and Arch Villains[*]Number of Required Objectives[*]Level Range[*]Alignment[*]Publication Date[*]Servers(Test/Live)[*]Whether the arc is currently published[/list]
    In addition to the incredibly robust search capabilities of the site it also provides a number of other services to the Mission Architect community.
    <ul type="square">[*]There is no limit to the length of arc descriptions so mission authors can post detailed information about their creations[*]Players can comment on the missions they've played and leave feedback for the mission author and other players who are considering that arc[*]Detailed staff reviews of arcs[*]Member profile pages where players can see all of a member's arcs and comments[*]Random arc suggestions. A random arc from the database always appears on the front page. On top of the search results page there is a random arc matching your search criteria[/list]
    As if that weren't enough, even more features are coming soon! Take a look at the following features which will be implemented in the next couple days:

    <ul type="square">[*]Public favorites. You'll be able to add an arc to your favorites and see other people's favorites from their profile page[*]Links in arc details. You'll be able to add a link to reviews on another site in your arc's description.[/list]
    More and more arcs are being added daily. I have honestly not used the in-game search function since this site started. This is such a better way to find quality arcs to play.

    Add your arc today! Then search away and play!
  5. A new way to promote your arc just cam into existence. I've created an arc search site at http://www.masearch.somee.com/. Check it out and list your arcs there. Even more advanced functionality is coming this weekend.
  6. I never thought this about HoF arcs. How did that rumour get started anyway? I have never heard anyone connected to the game even hint that HoF arcs would have normal drops like Dev's Choice arcs. It's amazing how these things take hold.
  7. I was running it with a fire blaster. I have the powers slotted pretty well on that character for maximum damage but it was the fact that my shots were deflected so often that ended up getting me killed. Blasters depend on being able to do a lot of damage fast or either hit and run, but I couldn't do either with this group which is why I died so much.

    This was the one where they didn't drop spikes, by the way. I look forward to trying again if you drop them to minions.
  8. "Adventures of the Space Marines" review

    Ok, I didn't finish it because after dying over twenty times in the 3rd and fourth missions, I decided enough is enough. I'll review what i got through though.

    Mission 1:
    I love it, really makes me feel like I am actually traveling somewhere with the space marines. this mission was excellent and I loved the unstoppable monster. unlike lazarus, I'd say don't change a thing here. a few things you might want to look at are:

    --Don't assume the character is from Earth. The contact at the beginning says something like "You're from Urth? Never heard of it" There are lots of alien characters in this game and you've just ruined immersion for every one of them.

    --All the space marine allies say the exact same thing when I get to them. Change it up a bit. It'll take creating each one separately or at least maybe divide them up into 3 or 4 sets so the same dialog is repeated less often.

    Mission 2:
    Also a good mission. Really easy like the first one so folks who just want to battle hordes of bad guys might be about ready to call it quits at this point, but I was in it for the story and was very happy with it.

    --This map doesn't look anything like a space port. Maybe try a warehouse map or something to make it look more like one. I know there aren't many good options for this.

    --It's spelled grateful, not greatful

    Mission 3:
    This mission was really hard and I died ten times before getting to Captain Batalia. spawns of three lieutenants all with immobilize, poison, healing, and slow which are almost impossible to hit? My god... Once she was with me, however, the mission got really easy except for the time she aggroed a whole large group while I was resting and got me killed again.

    --In the mission intro, the term "subtle entrance" doesn't make much sense to me. i get what you're going for but I'd change the wording a bit. it sounds awkward.

    --The c4 goal just says "1 c4" flesh this out more... 1 c4 to do what with?

    --When I interact with the c4, there is no text telling me what I'm doing and no messages about it sent to chat either.

    Mission 4:

    This is where I had to call it quits because I was dying multiple times per group and I was running on heroic! I was glad to have an ally when I finally got to Cpt Cracker, but then he died on the first spawn after I got him which left me high and dry again. I tried just flying past spawns to try to get to Captain Batalia, but the immobilize made that impossible. After countless deaths (probably more than 20 because I was really trying to finish it), I just gave up I never got to Batalia or whatever clue I was supposed to find about what happened.

    That bug enemy group needs some minions in it or something because spawns of only lieutenants with the powers they have is just too much. The biggest problem was that I didn't hit them 90% of the time and they have healing powers so when I occasionally did, they just healed the damage away, and I couldn't run in, shoot like crazy and get out because of the immobilize powers. It just eventually stopped being fun.

    It was very creative, though, and I did want to finish it. I just wish it wasn't a huge death fest. I'll probably try it again at some point in the future just to finish the story. It was interesting.

    My arc:
    Arc Name: A Strange New World
    Arc ID: 15800
    Morality: Heroic
    Faction: Custom
    Difficulty Level: Medium. It's not overly difficult solo on heroic but can be challenging in parts. No EB/AV!

    Synopsis: Hudia is a Utopian society in which crime-fighting has become so advanced that crime has been completely done away with. This, of course, greatly dismays would-be criminals, so a gang of villians has abandoned that dimension for a life of crime in this dimension. Paragon already has enough villains as it is, so it would be best to stop these guys before they can get started.

    still trying to balance the boss in the last mission. Feedback on how easy or hard you found him would be nice.
  9. Arc Name: A Strange New World

    Arc ID: 12119

    Morality: Heroic

    Faction: Custom

    Difficulty Level: Medium. It's not overly difficult solo on heroic but can be challenging in parts. No EB/AV!

    Synopsis: Hudia is a utopian society in which crime-fighting has become so advanced that crime has been completely done away with. This, of course, greatly dismays would-be criminals, so a gang of villians has abandoned that dimension for a life of crime in this dimension. Paragon already has enough villains as it is, so it would be best to stop these guys before they can get started.

    Estimated Time to Play: 1 hour 30 minutes

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