Wanting to get my arc some play
bump for another run. TY for the time
I would have given this a decent rating. It's not too inventive but it's as better than many of the canon stories. However making the asylum, with wandering mobs and invisible mobs a kill all is just plain mean. That all those screens and other objects means there are tons of places for a lone mob to hide. I swept through bottom to top twice then quit.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
The point of the hidden mobs and screens were to give it the "horror" feel where things jump out at you. How dangerous would vampires be if they just hung around for you to see . Thank you for playing it and attempting it twice. Some can solo it and others can't. If you had got to my EB at the end he is rather simple to beat. I have been told a few times the mission is mean. I take that as a compliment. It is a short mission but I enjoy it.
On another note, pt.2 and pt.3 of Last Caress are finished and it tells the whole story. I would like to get these some play. I hope I don't get too many low ratings just because it isn't a cake walk, it is a challenge for solo but very doable. Again, All three parts tell the tale and i have put alot of time into it. Thanks for anyone playing.
Mandu wasn't saying it was too hard. He was saying that he couldn't find the bad guys to kill because they were invisible. I haven't played it, but if you do indeed have a kill-all with invisible enemies, that's going to be annoying to lots of people. Maybe lose the kill-all objective if it's not essential.
I misunderstood, I apologize for that but entire mobs aren't invisible either. One type of foe is and one type can make them temp invisio. I just walk thru if I missed one and they will jump me. As a matter of fact, several have really long range aggro so they will be sure to find you. If any others find it to be aggravating I can change the story and the mission goals
I would absolutely lose the kill all aspect of the mission. That map plus hidey mobs makes it a nightmare, and not in the fun way that you're hoping. Put some other objectives in so people wander around a bit, and you'll get the "jumping out attack" factor while not frustrating people with hunting that last cloaked guy in a corner somewhere.
Defeat all is rarely essential for the story and often irritating to the player who would otherwise find the story fantastic.
Fukushu, what's the Arc ID number?
pt.1 is #69088
thank you
dropped the defeat all so I hope people will try it now
If you guys can try my mish, I think sine the "adjustments" it isn't auto SKing. Anyways, thanks for playing
I just ran this arc. I've run it before, on level 2 difficulty. The kill-all that used to be here was only part of my problem - the custom mobs were also extremely hard to beat. Since it was just the one mission, I gave it a good try, and enjoyed slowly picking off the baddies, or at least confusing them into picking each other off. It was a very tough slog, but exciting for the same reason. But every time I'd get almost there, and then my computer or connection would fail, and I'd have to start over.
The latest incarnation of this arc is very different. The contact's dialog is evil, with a definite nasty streak. The baddies are still spooky, often coming from behind (and above, or other well hidden place).
In the past, I could not beat Marius. But with the power adjustments, edits to the arc, and finally succumbing to level 1 difficulty instead of level 2, it was very easy. I guess I didn't need to go that far. Marius still shrugs off everything but fear.
In the end I beat the Blood Djinn. That didn't immediately end the mission, so went after another Dr Death - who was standing next to an invisible swordsman. I had let my guard down, so he wiped me. Then the mission ended - was probably supposed to end 20 seconds earlier. It's good when a horror mission keeps you on your toes.
The nasty messages have me wondering if I find my loved one in part 2, but I guess I need a little more convincing that I do, in fact, love him/her. Mention are all well and good, but perhaps you could find a way to endear me further - although I know this is difficult given the fact players could have any background, and/or gender.
Nice arc. I fived it.

Arc: 379017: Outbroken See all your old friends in the Outbreak Tutorial sequel!
Arc: Coming Soon: The Incarnate Shadow Shard of Fire and Ice Mender Rednem needs you!
Massively.com opinion poll: Please Help Save CoH!
Thank you for playing. Blood Djinn is not difficult to beat. The path to him is and I wanted my vampires to have "personality" and alot of variety. The mission was meant to give off that horror effect. I wanted it to be a chalelnge not a cake walk and it wasn't meant to be a farm. It should keep you on your toes. I was really trying to tell a story and in the same move it along as fluid as possible. Thanks again for playing.
I think after some time my mish is back to auto SKing so please give it a try.
I know right now there are alot of people pushing arcs right now. Mine has so many custom charecters in it that I need to do it in parts. I have one done but before I go thru with the others I would like to know if there is an intrest. I really like it but of course I am bias and now where the story is headed. If some of you guys get time, the first pt. Is short and sets the ground work. If there is no intrest then I won't waste any time. The name is Last Caress pt.1. Thank you for your time.