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  1. I have Dark with my Thugs and lovin it though i hear Traps and Thugs make a good combo as well.
  2. Like others got my Dom to 40 and due to too many alts have only puttered about the odd mish , i seem to have her to 43 not sure how i managed that?

    I find soloing her very tough and a lot easier getting my Brute to 50 and now am enjoying my first MM who at 28 will probably get to 50 before my Dominator
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I always make sure to ask low lvl heroes if they want heals first, there's nothing worse than annoying a blaster working on his defiance, or a char trying to die for a quick trip to Atlas hospital.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh dear. I've been useing my Empath Medi-Kate for healing and TP service in the Hollows for months now and as a non-blaster player completely forgot about Defiance

    I just hop around healing and Fort'ing right left and centre . Not been shouted at by a Blaster yet and i'll be more careful from now on.

    good luck with the Cab service
  4. Bout time matey , gratz on a job well done.
  5. Cheers guys , with Thugs i'll skip the Leadership pool like others have said Dark secondary has a lot of good options and at 20 i've somehow managed to hold of getting any pistol attacks!

    Any Thugs have a reason not to get pistols? I like the sound of being able to lend a hand if my Thugs get into trouble. If i skip Health and Stamina for my next 2 powers i could get the Pistols [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
  6. Hi Guys

    I hear a lot of MM's avoiding and not thinking Leadership worthwhile but anyone who's got it think it's worth it?

    I'm a Thugs/Dark only 16 just now and wondering if the extra Damage,defence and Acc would be worth the effort?

  7. Many gratz to Akinomed on hitting 50. Nicely done matey.
  8. Gratz LONDONER [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
  9. Gratz to Mercurial on hitting the big 50 , job well done
  10. Once again Gratz Nova on hitting 50 , nicely done.
  11. Post time and date and i'll be there with or without my PA.
  12. Hi guys

    Took Lightning Relexes on my Brute yesterdy and 1 slotted with Run so far. Does this power work like Hasten and make your powers rechrge a little quicker (i'm sure it does) and if yes does it work quicker like Hasten by 3 slotting it?

    Also was going to take Grounded for KB protection sometime today i hope. Does grounded work as well as Acrobatics which i have on all my Brutes so far and does it have any other advantages over Acrobatics?
    I took Flight as my travel power just to get Air Combat which is a great power i've missed through the whole game by going SJ all the time and don't really want 2 travel powers just for the Knock Back protection.

    As a side note once i got Stamina 3 slotted at 21 Elec/Elec became so much more fun , so anyone out there getting fed up running out of End after every 2nd fight stick with it
  13. I second that. Careful use of your aura does give a very nice effect when combined with CoD.
  14. Hibernia

    Electric Melee

    I have stuck one End Mod in each of my attacks right now and don't notice a huge difference on the baddies End bar.

    Might it be better to use an End Red instead? Only lvl 12 at mo so no DO's let alone SO's which might have more of an impact on the End Mod slots. Time will tell i guess.
  15. Yellow Orchid - Dark/Dark Brute
    Patron Ghost Widow.
  16. No where near myself but a lot of 50 Ding's in the Villains forums and most seem to be Brutes so was wondering who's leading the way for us Dominators?

    (Only 42 myself though my brute is 49)
  17. Thanks guys.

    Phaer you've gone and thrown a spanner in my plans now by mentioning MM's. I complety overlooked that option for soloing have never tried an MM of any kind. MM's are a better option for soloing then?

    The 3 Brutes i've tried have no problems at all on their own and i dislike the Stalker approach , have a Dominator which is not so hot soloing but great fun when teaming.

    Might move over to the MM forum for a quick looksie.
  18. Hi Guys
    Only Corruptor i've rolled is stuck in the mid 20's as a Thermal/Rad and not enjoying the experience so much. Seems more of a team orientated set and i hope to solo more.

    Any suggestions as to a solid "Solo" combination for me to try?


    Edit: Should have said only for PvE play.
  19. Hibernia

    2 Videos

    Nicely done matey , got me humming that tune all day now...
  20. Hibernia

    Ok help me here.

    I'm in tne same position , time for travel power.

    On all my Brutes i've gone for SJ just to get Acrobatics , nothing worse than ending up on your bum during fights. I was hopeing to go for Air Sup and fly this time but i did think Grounded was better than it now seems? Can it be slotted to provise more KB protection?

    I'm all in a quandry now
  21. I rolled one of these luvlies last week and am now at lvl 8 and no problems with end so far. Some one mentioned earlier in the thread Stamina still needed. Is it?

    I was hopeing to be able to by-pass the Health pool for a change.