SS/Dark Brute - graphics qquuueeerrryyyy




explosion, BLERGH!


if you have cloak of darkness on *spooookkyy*

and you also have rage on *rawr!*

do you see like a fuzzy light yellowy aura coming from underneath the dark?

yay or nay?




I really should do something about this signature.



CoD is a base graphic. All buffs, all other powers from DA and powerpools all appear on top of it.



Anything with a lighter colour as an aura will appear over it as the brighter colours out shine the dark in CoX, which is why I hate regen so much, I couldn't hide the gree glow, it drove me nuts

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



On the other hand, if you take just an eye aura (well, after you get your aura) in a reddish/orange color, together with CoD it looks extra spoooooooookyyyyy



I second that. Careful use of your aura does give a very nice effect when combined with CoD.



yeah, if you have em all on you look a bit like the dark servant. Apart from opressive gloom and cloak of fear. So try to get glowing eyes as an aura. It loooks so cool.