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  1. Took AB when ever i could and though like others have said it's not the best power in the set i've lost count the number of deaths this has saved especially near the end of battles.

    I don't count the number of times i may have died using it , spesh against Ruin Mages with AoE damage getting thrown about as opposed to me agro'ing danger.

    I couldn't drop it now and even in the best teams surely the time must come when "Death" comes knocking on the door , theres no way to completly avoid it and this power WILL save lives if used right.
  2. Yet to actually get the fury bar filled up
    What happens when you do? . It doesn't seem to work like a Dominator where you click to activate Dominance for a certain length of time.
    I read the way to build up fury is to use brawl but by the time i do that im usually gettin beaten to a pulp and have to back off causeing the bar to drop again , maybe at 12 im just too low lvl?
  3. Sry for double posted , seems a forum wide prob.
  4. Gratz on another 50 Ace. Medi-kate used to team with you in your Diamond days but missed you in the Clubs

    Hearts next?
  5. Gratz Mack , job well done.
  6. Mass confuse ,vines then strangle anything not held already (which is unusual) then for fun throw in carrion creepers and wait for all the accolades and oooh's and ahhh's from my team mates
    Another 30 secs of Domination would be nice as well mind you.
  7. Frost Wolf Ice/Ice Dominator

    Master of Mutes MM
  8. Should be able to make that ok.
  9. I've mine 5 slotted now , 2 acc ,2 imom , 1 damage and it's hilarious to watch. Once your past your set of bad guys and move on to the next (even up levels) the creepers appear and help out again. It is a bit like the ice slick power only thorny.
  10. Hibernia

    Carrion Creepers

    [ QUOTE ]
    i got
    2 x accuracy

    2 x recharge

    2x imobilisation

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What he said....
  11. Hi Lodestar , as a Villain we met a few times last night as i was defending our base from your "Heroic" onslaught

    My first go on PvP and i had more fun than i would have thought possible. Lag was a bit of a downer at times but hardly unexpected so i didn't let it bother me at all and i didn't think dieing so often would be such a blast but it was.
    It helped in my case as most of my SG were Heroes and as the only Villain it was a bit of a cat and mouse game by me being deliberitly targeted by them all the time and a great laugh on the coalition chat channel.

    I did learn that my toon is certainly not geared or slotted for PvP as my Dominator holds hardly slowed anyone down throughout the night long after the Break Frees should have run out.

    Don't think i'll play much in PvP as an individual but would take part in another event like this one.
  12. Someone mentioned hitting the debt cap here tonight , there is no debt in PvP is there? , or is this a different setup?
  13. Controller reporting for duty , actually remembered to respec for Hami this time.
  14. Hibernia

    Flytrap slotting

    I have mine 2 acc , 2 immob and 2 damage just now. Maybe drop a immob for another damage as i hold just fine myself.

    As for a screenie , this is the only pic i have just now of my "Rose"
  15. Well if we're being democratic and voteing , i vote 6-7 seeing as it does seem it's going to take longer in the holding stage now and i have work the next day
  16. Right then just to make sure i don't miss this , we are talking Monday 19th December with the usual 1900 GMT meet for 2000 start?
    I will have my Elf's outfit dry cleaned and pressed for the occasion oh and this time will have had time to respec my holds just for Hami.
  17. Once again well fought , you do the Legion proud
  18. As an Empath Hero playing CoV now im really enjoying my Rad/Thermal Corruptor for actually being able to blast the [censored] out of something and not just do the "expected" heals.

    I do have the buffs and heals but IMO Villains should not expect to be healed just take it as a bonus when it arrives.
    The AT set-up is more obviously aggressive in Villains and while i enjoy helping out with heals in teams i do not go out of my way when blasting myself to keep such a close eye on everyone's health bars like my Empath does. If all i'm expected to do as a Corruptor is Heal i'd go play Hero's instead.

    I do advise at the start of the mish my heals are relatively low power so beware and i do find more in Villains compared Heros it's a lot more a case of "every Villain for himself" , which to me is in keeping with the theme and tone of the game.

    Just my thoughts as a new Corruptor. No doubt as i lvl up my heals will become more potent but i hope i don't reach the stage in teams of being "expected" to only heal and buff and not take part in the slaying mayhem
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I think had they made the 2 Heal powers moveable it would be a lot more useful. Spirit Tree , like a Triffid could amble along behind you and the Triage could move on suspender field or something. Given it's relativly low output that at least would have been a bit of a compromise.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The idea of placing something static in one location is incredibly out of touch with normal gameplay.

    How obvious must it be, ah yes you have to play to notice. :-)


    [/ QUOTE ]

    You what chuck???
  20. Hibernia

    New Game found

    Yeah found that as well on these missions. Always wait for all the team to arrive outside these missions and all enter together although your game sounds fun i hate unnessasry debt
  21. I think had they made the 2 Heal powers moveable it would be a lot more useful. Spirit Tree , like a Triffid could amble along behind you and the Triage could move on suspender field or something. Given it's relativly low output that at least would have been a bit of a compromise.
  22. Hibernia


    i was going to say 24 but i see your 24 so it must be 26 i got Carrion creepers. Almost 31 and soooo close to my pet "Planty Death Eater" tm , i can smell her fragent perfume from here