I'd slot it 3 rech 1 acc 2 dam.
need more help
If you're just looking for a description of the power, here's the one from the CoV Planner:
You create a Creeper patch at a targeted location. THe Carrion Creeper vines thrive on the flech of the dead. Any foes that are defeated in the creaper patch will produce a growth of entangling roots that will Immobilize any enemies near the defeated foe. Additionally, a giant Carrion Creeper Vine will burst from the defeated foe, and start attacking your enemies. The Creeper vine does minimal damage, but it can knock down your enemies and venom from its thorns can also slow your foes. Recharge: Very Long.
[/ QUOTE ]
From that description, I'm not sure about slotting any damage in it, as it's described as minimal - I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who has it whether it does any real damage. An accuracy and recharges do sound like good ideas, though.
I have mine slotted just now for acc and knockback but not damage , maybe with 3 damage it might be useful but it's main use is disorient for me.
Looks and sounds really impressive as well and always get's "ooohh's" from first time viewers.
ive slotted some 2 acc, 3 recharge, 2 less end
oooh am looking forward to getting this. at what lvl do you get it?
i was going to say 24 but i see your 24 so it must be 26 i got Carrion creepers. Almost 31 and soooo close to my pet "Planty Death Eater" tm , i can smell her fragent perfume from here
Hi all, ive this type of dominator and i love it but i have some questions about it.
), ...
Which enhacement can i use on carrion creepers? I read knockback, slow, damage, and accuracys. Is this power like ICE SLICK? Pliz help me with a definition of this power.
I think is good, and i dont know if i must slot with damage, slow, knockback (on descriptions says KnockDown