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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Orehrepus View Post
    Wow, great feedback and I was totaly in the dark about Emp. Defenders. I was just used to playing clerics/healers in different games and sterotyped Emp defenders the same and I am sorely mistaken.
    My Empaths hardly have to heal when teaming (unless I'm teamed with people who have no idea what they are doing of course). I keep the buffs up as constantly as possible, making the best use of them I can. Combat buffing with your RA's instead of buffing before a fight allows those buffs to be used to their full capacity, instead of throwing them off before a fight, wasting some of the buff time when people are already at full health and full end.

    After levelling 3 Empaths to 50 I am still not tired of them because I make far more use of them than you would if you played them only as a "Healer". I currently have 2 or 3 more (drawing a blank) Empaths in play, each with different secondaries, I'm very interested to see how the different secondaries play out.

    That all being said, I highly recommend trying a Dark Defender. The heal they have is amazing, and they are just a lot of fun to play. If you ever see me mention my "Tankfender" or how I take alpha on my defender, I am almost always referring to my Dark/Dark Defender.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rigel_Kent View Post
    Powergamers have already left the defender AT in favor of controllers. The defender AT's playerbase mostly looks like this now: concept players, nostalgia players, newbies who minmax heals, whackos who tank with their defenders, and major whackos who actually like vigilance.
    Now now, I'm not whacko, I'm just delightfully mad
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
    Such a thing would 100% kill my chance of returning, not that i ever played SWG, but conceptually.

    The Auto Assault Server Merge cost folks some names, and that alone caused plenty of cancellations. Having to fork over cash ontop ? Crazy crazy crazy.
    I did play SWG until the NGE when they ruined everything that I loved about the game, including the entire way the game handles. *shudders*

    I will not be paying them money by either subscribing for a month, or contacting them after to have my characters moved. I have a ton of stuff on my characters that has been all packed up for a long time now, I don't foresee myself ever playing it again, not least in part because I don't think they deserve any money.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Player (with no other info other than "I think" and "Maybe") : "Populations are down."

    Developers (with actual data from billing, server info, etc.) - "Subscriptions are up."

    Which should I believe? Hint, it doesn't start with a "P."
    *Whaps MB*

    Subscriptions != Population

    Subscriptions can be up without people actually playing on a server.

    For example, I have both my accounts subscribed for a year, but I didn't play for a good month or more, therefore, I was not contributing to any servers population, but I was still a subscriber.

    With that out of the way, I'll echo what others have said. This time of the year tends to slow down, people have less time to play or have to change what time they play. There are quite a few things that contribute to a server feeling more empty than usual.

    1. Hidden players
    2. People in school/people with kids in school no longer being able to play as much
    3. Time of day/night you play

    While I can't say I have been experiencing any lack of population, I also tend to play at peak times.

    The best things you can do to help yourself out with being able to find teams are to join global channels for the server(s) you play on, and if you don't already have one, get into a nice active SG, or just find yourself a group that you can play with on a regular basis.
  5. Have to say that I'm a little irked that this falls on Canadian Thanksgiving weekend. They have always been so good about avoiding holidays, then this. I guess our holidays don't matter as much, even though there are a lot of Canadian players.

    Oh well, I'm sure I can get in a good amount of time anyway.

    Happy DXP to all!
  6. That's really good news. And a rather short chemo period as well, which is great!

    Keep on updating us.

    *hugs for the whole family*
  7. So sorry to hear that hun. Your family is in my thoughts, I hope everything goes well.

    Very happy that she got to go home with you all for a while.

    Keep us updated.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    So you are angry because you don't have a credit card and can't buy the pack from a regular store? Guess what, it's not available in a regular store for anyone, it's a digital product.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I never said that. I have a credit card. A VISA international credit card. I bought CoH/CoV, Good vs. Evil, and the entire Guild Wars line with it. I also used it to pay for my monthly subscription fee for two years. (Until today.) I can't buy the Bonus Packs with that exact credit card. Or Paypal. Or any other form transaction.

    They simply don't allow Brazilian customers to access these products via the NC Store. Logging into the account, before a payment method is even selectable, it tells me this product is not available to me.

    No Brazilian brick and mortar store has the Bonus Packs for sale. Level Up! Games doesn't offer it online either.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sorry for the assumption, the "I quit" post (against rules btw) threw me off.

    As Hellguard pointed out, this is already being address. Lighthouse mentions it here.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    That's some beautiful, beautiful content pack...

    ...that once again I can't buy through normal means, (Or proxy-tampering means, for that matter.) simply because I'm in Brazil.

    It has become increasingly clear to me, despite subscribing to this game without interruption and going out of my way to buy all the extras, (Even when I was forced to jump through hoops to acquire them.) that my money is unfortunately, not as good as North American or European money in NC's eyes, even after almost two years of patronage without a hitch.

    I hadn't been playing the game lately, but refused to let my subscription go, out of gratitude for all the good times CoH/CoV had offered me. In fact, I was eager to purchase the Cyborg Pack, just in case I decided to hop back in.

    So on that note, my subscription is canceled. I'll take my money elsewhere, and will avoid any current or future projects taken under the wings of NC or their Brazilian retailer Level Up! Games. Unless of course, their stance towards South American customers changes.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So you are angry because you don't have a credit card and can't buy the pack from a regular store? Guess what, it's not available in a regular store for anyone, it's a digital product.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They're angry because it's not possible for them to buy it because of the way they have to purchase things from NCSoft. They can't purchase it directly from NCSoft's store like you or I can; since they're in Brazil they have to go through a third-party company (Level Up Games, which I've heard can really cause headaches for players). Apparently, these add-on packs just aren't available from Level Up Games, which is something NCSoft and Level Up Games should really work on.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You can make a master account from anywhere, you can make a purchase (as far as I can tell) from anywhere, so why the use of a third party?
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    That's some beautiful, beautiful content pack...

    ...that once again I can't buy through normal means, (Or proxy-tampering means, for that matter.) simply because I'm in Brazil.

    It has become increasingly clear to me, despite subscribing to this game without interruption and going out of my way to buy all the extras, (Even when I was forced to jump through hoops to acquire them.) that my money is unfortunately, not as good as North American or European money in NC's eyes, even after almost two years of patronage without a hitch.

    I hadn't been playing the game lately, but refused to let my subscription go, out of gratitude for all the good times CoH/CoV had offered me. In fact, I was eager to purchase the Cyborg Pack, just in case I decided to hop back in.

    So on that note, my subscription is canceled. I'll take my money elsewhere, and will avoid any current or future projects taken under the wings of NC or their Brazilian retailer Level Up! Games. Unless of course, their stance towards South American customers changes.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So you are angry because you don't have a credit card and can't buy the pack from a regular store? Guess what, it's not available in a regular store for anyone, it's a digital product.
  11. HexGirl

    Rude Tells

    I had my search comment set to "No I do not want to join your team" for a while because "Not LFT" wasn't working. One day shortly after logging in my Kin I get a tell from someone saying "just saying solo would be more pc". To which of course I'm boggled and reply telling him that I don't care. He then proceeds to tell me "one day u might need some help", "and i have a good memory with many friends in high places".

    At that point I was almost falling out of my chair laughing as he continued to make a huge deal out of my 'non-pc' search message.

    I shudder to think what other completely unimportant things set this guy off if something as simple as my search msg saying I don't want to join your team got him that worked up.
  12. WOOT!

    *huggles Aero*

    Gratz hun.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    you live in space man, Dragon_King you probally have 12 level 70 characters on Victory right now. And you have all the items in your base. Raise the level cap to 100? NEED more POWER!!!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Someone get this boy a sedative.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    *cough* RIP OFF *cough* why spend money on slots when there are many servers to play on and other games give MANY more slots for free? just my opinion.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm with the others here. Name them Canuck. I have played plenty of other MMORPGS and none give you as many character slots or customization abilities/power set choices. And the others that allow you to buy more slots are upwards of $10.

    Far as I know, this is the cheapest character slot purchase price and we already have the most available to us.

    I'm spread out all over different servers (something I'm sure you are more than well aware of) and I am dying to put more slots on Guardian and Victory because I play the most there.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Each slot can be assigned to a different server Hex.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    While I believe you, did I miss a Red name post on it?
  16. <QR>

    I don't know if this has been asked already, but if we purchase the 2 or 5 slot package, do they all end up on the same server or can we place each slot on separate servers?

    Buying in bulk is good, but I personally would want to be able to spread the slots out over different servers.
  17. So now is probably a bad time to ask for freebies right?


    Congrats! that's awesome.
  18. YAY you finished it!

    Looks great!
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Looking up a girl's skirt is reason enough for dying...not that I'd know anything about it, of course. :-p

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ya sure you don't.

    I'm actually surprised with the number of people who have done art of Hex that no ones done an upskirt shot lol.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    How hot would they look? Like Damsel in distress type of beat up, or completely had the sh*t kicked out of them beat up?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They'll be hanging on a stick, beaten up...like, nearly crucified. =p

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But, will they look sexy on a stick? lol

    doesn't really matter. I have no characters to offer up for you anyway.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
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    [ QUOTE ]
    LOL omg I have drawn something supremely horrible thanks to something a friend said about fairies riding potatoes and hunting leprechauns.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Pics or it didn't happen.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    oh god it's so embarrassing though >.<

    It took me all of 3 minutes and it's undoubtedly the worst thing I have ever drawn because I just didn't care what it looked like since it was just for a joke.


    [/ QUOTE ]
    That is funny. XD

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *sigh* Now I have to do something good to redeem myself from that craptacular doodle.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    LOL omg I have drawn something supremely horrible thanks to something a friend said about fairies riding potatoes and hunting leprechauns.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Pics or it didn't happen.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    oh god it's so embarrassing though >.<

    It took me all of 3 minutes and it's undoubtedly the worst thing I have ever drawn because I just didn't care what it looked like since it was just for a joke.

  23. LOL omg I have drawn something supremely horrible thanks to something a friend said about fairies riding potatoes and hunting leprechauns.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    The nerve.

    I bumped your birthday thread and this is what I get in return?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    1 week old is not a necro post. This thread is a couple years old.

    And I really didn't need that thread bumped.

    Plus, bumping just for the sake of bumping is also against forum rules.