737 -
Quote:Never said how screwed I was and I am not moaning. Not having sex atm. Thx.
But anyway, I will call when I find the time. posting this at work atm.
People moan for far more reasons then having sex. That aside...
I ran into this myself and I just filled out what I could in the email that support sent me. I had very little of the information that they asked for, but I provided all the Serial codes that I did have (from online purchases). The credit card I used when I created the account, I haven't had for 5 years now and to hell if I could remember the number of it. I most certainly didn't have the time cards that I originally used when I bought the game. And since both my brother and I bought the game, I didn't know which box belonged to who's account. It was kind of a mess, but I managed to get everything unlocked with support via email in only two communications.
Best of luck to you. -
Quote:This may seem strange, but would adding an option to remove certain buffs from your character be a possible option?Hey folks,
Thanks for the feedback. Ill take a look at Barrier and a couple of the other powers with multiple complaints. In the future, Ill try to avoid powers with an intense pulse, and spread the word to the other FX artists. This is about the best I can do with the limited time and notice that I have. Unfortunately, its impossible for me to fix every effect that causes someone discomfort, but I hope to fix some of the outliers that have triggered the most complaints.
A few of you have proposed a system that allows players to suppress certain effects or turn off buffs placed on them by other players. This is a possible long-term solution, but one that requires a significant amount of coding time. Since our programmers are swamped right now, this system is likely a long way off, if it is greenlit at all.
Sound effects are not a part of the VFX field, so I encourage those who are physically bothered by them to forward a list to Zwillinger or Avatea. Also, kindly keep this thread clear of complaints about effects that you merely find annoying or ugly. You are free to critique any effect in the game in other threads, but lets save this space for people who suffer migraines or seizures related to the VFX.
In WoW you can right click (I think it's a right click) on a buff that's on your characters status window, and remove it. Something like that would be extremely useful for situations like this. -
Sorry, but I have messed around with all the game settings in abundance and have yet to come up with something that can 'control' these particular problems.
Quote:As stupid as this is, I actually subjected myself to the barrier graphics for a few nights in a row, working through the migraine to have barrier put on me multiple times each night. I think I have figured out what is causing the problem for me (note that this is only for me, I don't know if it's the same for others).I'm looking for information on this. Is it the fact that the effect is going off so close to the camera? Is it the steady pattern? The reason I ask is that I'm surprised (as I'm sure most effect developers would be) that a shield power would trigger a headache, but the stacking effects of 8-24 team members don't. I have characters that produce extremely dramatic color shifts. I don't get headaches and know very little about how that is potentially contributing.
[PS while we're on it, I think the Sonic bubble graphic is still kind of bugged on low graphic settings. It is practically opaque and extremely difficult to see through.]
The speed at which the "lines" in the bubble pulse, and the number of "lines" that there are (there are a lot of them!), as well as the transparency of the bubble itself are what seem to be triggering my migraines.
I find that graphics for powers in the game that are less transparent don't tend to cause me issue. For instance, when people use the "dark" option for for other bubbles in the game, or sonic graphics, I don't have an instant reaction to them like I do with the "original" or "bright" options. -
My post count is significantly lower than it should be, I've been slacking for at least a year
I guess no one will listen to what I have to say, or follow my decisions!!! Oh Noes! -
Quote:If I only had to be exposed to a power once (granted, causing a migraine) to find out that "Yes, that graphics set sucks, I need to go get that changed asap", I'd be quite content.There's no official way to do it. It should, frankly, be able to be done, but from what I understand it's more of a PITA to get to work than sound replacement - and then you have to have people who know where to find it and how to use it.
Having an official override would be good - however, people would still be exposed to it the first time and until they know what it is that's actually affecting them.
The optimal solution, though, is to not have the graphic that causes the issue in the first place. -
Quote:Besides which, I AM Diabetic and I can eat cake just fine, thank you :PFortunately the cake can be changed.
And no, it isn't sound. It is visual. At least in the cases I've had reported to me. As far as "don't eat the cake," well - I've played, for instance, with Hex Girl for years, in this and other games. It's not "the cake," it's specific powers. We've run multi-hour task forces, we've run through things like Left4Dead and Borderlands - "Gaming" isn't the problem. Just very specific powers with certain visual components.
Regardless, I will fight to get this changed. -
Right! Those ones can cause me issues as well, thankfully they are easy to get away from.
City of Heroes is the ONLY video game I have ever played that has had a graphic/graphics that cause this sort of issue for me, and they could just stop using graphics that are known for causing such a problem.
The graphics for Barrier, just like the old sonic graphics cause me to have a severe and almost instant migraine, along with rather bad nausea (though that is mostly due to the migraine).
I have been on several teams where someone has it, and the colour variations don't seem to do much to change the trigger.
The other power set that still causes me problems is Willpower. That so called "heart beating" effect that's on "Mind over Body" and "Indomitable Will" cause me grief after about 10-15 minutes worth of play time. Which sucks because I'd love to actually play my Willpower scrapper. -
Both my brother and I had security questions that we know the answers to, and yet it keeps telling us they are incorrect. So much fun having to contact support about something I could access just fine (and have been able to since CoH launced) a few days ago.
Quote:Pulling with an AoE will pull one group that is close to another, allowing you to take one out without having to deal with the other. Where as if you jump in, a second group, if close, can/will see you and will attack.The point of pulling is to either separate close groups or string out a difficult one.
If you are using AoE powers why are you pulling and not just running in?
It has it's purposes. -
Quote:Anyone else feel like throwing this team together and recording it? :PA couple kinetic offenders (no transfusion or increase density), a shield tanker, a regen scrapper, 2 human form only kheldians, an AR blaster, and an illu/sonic troller with no buffs (at level 17 base), set to +2-3 with most of the team sidekicked sitting at 1 below mission level. Lets say mission level 21, so no SOs, and you are fighting 5th Column.
Try it, let me know what happens. If you don't wipe at all I will buy you dinner. I'm sure you could finish the mission, and have fun, but there will be a lot of deaths. I could make it even harder and throw in some petless MMs or blappers if you want. Or try it at +4. I bet I could come up with a team that could run through at +4 with ease. -
Quote:I do hope that's really not the case, but I do know people who do it. I still prefer to level up my characters the basic way, and I have a heck of a lot of them that are pre-stamina. Heck, I don't take stamina on about 50% of my characters as it is.I'm of the camp that believes a big part of the problem people are having is that they aren't used to playing the game at low pre-stamina levels. Due to Praetoria being 1-20 they are forced to learn/relearn how to play the game. They can't simply go to P_I/Grandville or an AE building and get powerleveled past the low level content.
Quote:I can see where Bill is coming from with the example of not pulling with Fireball, I've been on plenty of teams where someone does it and it ends in a wipe due to the amount that get pulled vs what the team can handle. That being said, I personally do pull with Fireball most of the time on my Fire/Fire Blaster, but there are also times where I will do a single target pull. I also sometimes do multiple single target pulls within the same group to get specific mobs put of there before grabbing the rest.I actually want to say something about this, because I keep seeing it used as obvious advise, and I don't think it is. "Pulling" as defined by some seems to consist of pulling one enemy out of a spawn, which to me is consistent with "pulling my hair out" through sheer boredom. How I define "pulling," on the other hand, is pulling an entire spawn, which is done either to cause them to walk over trip mines all at the same time, or is otherwise caused to make sure I fight this spawn, but not the one directly adjacent to it. In such cases, it is important to aggro the entire spawn, and single-target attacks don't always do that.
In my opinion, there is nothing as frustrating as wanting to pull a spawn around a corner, cause them to bunch up then AoE them to death, only to keep pulling them one by one by one. It wastes time, it's frustrating and it's BORING.
It's really a case by case basis. -
Oh my. Zaion, would you ever hate having one of my Empaths on your team. I buff and attack, rarely using my heals, because, quite frankly, they don't need to be used.
Give me any team make-up. I will never say "No you can't join the team, I need x powers, not y powers". -
I'm not going to read through 12 pages of stuff to see if this has been posted yet or not. But here are a few tips.
- Instead of regular sugar, try using Turbinado sugar, Evaporated Cane Juice, or Agave Nectar. They are all natural and are great replacements for sugar without that weird aftertaste.
- A lot of the time when you think you're hungry, you are actually becoming dehydrated. If you think it is too early for you to be eating again, try drinking some water and see if that helps. (You can trick your body into thinking it's full by drinking water, but I don't suggest doing this on an ongoing basis).
- Eat your carbs in proper portions with your protean. Check out the differences between fast carbs and slow carbs.
- Exercise does not need to be intense, walking for 15 minutes is very effective.
- Try to eat something every 2 to 3 hours. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack, and if you stay up later, eat one to two hours before you go to bed, this will stop your body from entering a fat storing mode over night.
- Try to keep your snacks between 100 to 200 calories.
- Spend $10-$20 and get yourself an air-popper for your popcorn, that way you can control what's going on it.
- Eat whole grains (unless you have a dietary reason not to).
- I know it's a shame, but Alcohol is bad for weight loss. I'm not saying stop having a drink now and then, but save it for once a week or something. If you are one of those people who has a drink every night (like me, a glass of wine with dinner...well, did have), you may well notice a change in your ability to lose weight very quickly once you cut down.
That's all for now >.> -
I've been told by support that the "Early Bird" badge missing from all my characters but the one who initially earned it was a bug that was suppose to be fixed with i17, however to my knowledge it disappeared when i17 hit, and I have yet to find any mention of it.
Keep in mind, the "Early Bird" badge is awarded to all characters on your account.
If anyone else is missing theirs, or have seen mention of it on the forums, please let me know.
Early Bird Badge on Paragon Wiki. -
Quote:New 50? Did I get another of those?Hexy-Baby!!!
Congratulations on your new 50... Now PL MEH!
Wrong message...
Was it supposed to be Happy B-Day!!! ? If so... consider yourself Happy B-Dayed... ^_^
Guess so, I'm at 20 now. When did that happen?
*Glomps Blu* BLU!!!!! Hi!
*Bites LA* MUahahahahaha.
*Tackles Nerf*
And RaiderRich. I'm still around, just not as often. I've been busy with ebil wedding plans. -
Who told you? *looks at User CP*.. oh.
Thanks! -
I would have preferred whichever one you could do the most good in, unless we absolutely needed those bubbles for some crazy reason. Don't get me wrong, bubbles are good, but you certainly can do without.
Maybe it's just me, but my Defenders get way more invites to teams than my Controllers (yes, late game included).