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  1. ((Merry Christmas! Thanks for sharing! I'm getting a deluge of rain, but you look very happy and it's catchy, so... Ho! Ho! Ho! Enjoy the snow! ))
  2. ((I say ninja. Ninjas are secret assassins, and Santa is know for his stealthy sleighing. ))
  3. ((I'm gonna roll up a Postal worker! Arrrrrrpeeeeeeee! ))
  4. Heroid


    ((Was bored and had nothing to do, so I drew one of my own characters.


    And I'm still accepting commissions. ))
  5. ((Thanks for the compliment and I'm glad people like it. I'm still trying to get a consistency going for the characters' looks (I'm not a real artist after all, I just play one on the Internet) and I've really got to make Mrwrk look cuter, since she's going to be a running character that anyone in the comic might encounter at any time. I've got to work on the "Awwww..." factor for her. ))
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Moggie View Post
    Mwrk? Oh no!
    ((I see you've met the kitten... ))
  7. ((Ack! I was late with this week's post! Sorry guys! But here it is.

    Better late than never. ))
  8. Heroid

    Alias, Smith

    ((More coming soon, but until then, bump.))
  9. Heroid


    Originally Posted by Clobbertime View Post
    I highly recommend this offer! I submitted this pic of my main hero, Panda Monium, and a request to add an ursine looking muzzle, and in return I got this excellant piece of art. Thanks again, Heroid, you'll probably be hearing from me again in the near future. It might help to also make this post in the screenshot and fanart forum.
    ((I'm glad you like it! I really enjoyed drawing it. I looked at all these pictures of pandas and, really, can you ever get tired of looking at them? They're such powerful-looking, but beautiful animals. ))

    Originally Posted by ZephyrStarr View Post
    Nice work! And SQUEE Perhapanauts!
    ((Oh? Another Perhapafan? I love that series! Do you ever go to the Perhapablog? I got to do the guest-post there last Friday (shameless self-promotion). ))
  10. Heroid


    ((Yeah. There's some rude people no matter where you go.

    But I have to say, I was very disappointed when I clicked on this topic.

    I thought maybe d-bags were a new costume piece. ))
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
    where is heroid in the comic anyway?
    On the page where Ms. Love is addressing the assembly, over the blond-haird boy's picture, you'll see a red and white armored character -- that's him. ))
  12. ((If you're reading this, Dayn, happy birthday! ))
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hemily View Post
    hey, i know those people

    well.. some of them...

    does maggie even play CoH anymore?
    and i spotteded a Heroid!
    and is that a Shinsektor?
    ((Maggie plays now and then, though she's taking a break right now to pursue some real life opportunities.

    Yes, that's a Heroid you see.

    Nope, that's not a Shinsektor, it is an alternate version of Flea. ))
  14. Heroid


    ((I suddenly find myself with extra time on my hands and wouldn't mind taking some commissions for art. I'm posting here because this is where people know me and have seen my art before. As you know, I'm not the best artist in the world, but I'm really sincere.

    Samples of my work can be seen here:


    and here:


    I'll do full-figure, headshots, and sequential. The final product will be digital since I tend to do a basic drawing, then scan it, refine it, and color it on my computer.

    Prices to be determined.

    PM me on these boards for commission requests. ))
  15. How come the Rikti get beds to sleep in, but the heroes don't?
  16. ((I've started a little web comic very, very loosely based on the Maggie's Rock sg that some of my characters are in. The web comic is not in continuity with either the role-play within the supergroup, nor with City of Heroes in general. It's a re-imagining, if you will, of the characters other people have created. I'm trying to capture the flavor of the characters and the roleplay we do, but expand it into original stories set in a very different universe.


    My goal is to update once per week, usually on Saturday. Newer posts go on top, so you might want to start with the oldest ones first (the very first being all in black and white.

    And keep in mind that I'm not that good of an artist. ))
  17. ((The AE arcs are a great source of entertainment. Some of the stories are really good.

    I have one level 50 character and I've been playing since about a month after CoH's release, so those of you fretting because you don't have one yet, don't worry.

    Also, in all that time I've yet to run a "real" task force all the way through. I've started several, but had to bow out before completion, so I quit bothering with them at all. The only ones I've done are Katie Hannon and Twilight's Son, but I don't count them because they are short (Twilight's Son is really good though, and I highly recommend it).

    The main thing I do to keep things fun is role-play. I post stories on the boards about my characters based largely on that roleplay. It's great to surround yourself with creative players who inspire you to want to explore your characters and their world.))
  18. ((Great idea! And yes -- pinball! ))
  19. Heroid

    New Kid

    ((I've had luck striking up rp conversations at the tram in Talos. It's a nice hub of activity and there are usually a few peeps around. You just have to not be shy and be willing to approach people, some of whom will go "lol u rpers," but most of whom are pretty nice. ))
  20. Heroid

    Alias, Smith

    <Take that noob! This is Black Noir’s zone! Get out or get ganked! Go tell your friends!>

    Del finished typing and then laughed with his friends over IRC.

    “We’re awesome!” he said.

    “If you look up ‘awesome’ in the dictionary, it has our picture,” his fellow Black Noirist, Elvingstar added.

    “What is that?” Lady Bloodspit asked, his gruff voice rumbling loudly in Del’s headset.

    Del saw it too. “I don’t know. Maybe something new they haven’t told us about?”

    “What color is it conning to you?” Elvingstar asked.

    Del leaned closer to his monitor to try to discern the color. It wasn’t the typical blue that denoted a minion of equal level to his character Dark Eminator, yet neither was it the purple that signified a foe way past his range.

    “I’m not sure,” Del answered, “blue-violet? Is that even legit?”

    “I see kinda chartreuse,” Lady Bloodspit said. “Anybody get anything on it when you right-click?”

    “No info box for me.”

    “Me neither.”


    “Hey,” Del said, “maybe it’s a bug. Like something random spawning?”

    “Could be,” said Elvingstar, “but if it is, it will look different to each of us.”

    “I’ll post a screen-shot right quick,” said Del, “and you guys tell me if you’re seeing the same thing.”

    “Good plan,” Lady Deathspit said. “And I’m going to log on my wife’s account and see if it shows up there too.”

    Del posted the screen-shots and they confirmed that they all were seeing the same thing – a giant flaming Rock Gurdor with a massive black smasherjack that he was swinging threateningly at them. It was something he had never before encountered in Mageworld Wars ™. He had been with the game since early beta and had never known it to spawn a random creature such as this.

    “What should we do?” Lady Deathspit asked.

    “Kill it,” said Elvingstar.

    “Okay,” Del said, formulating a strategy even though he knew nothing about this foe, “Lady Deathspit, can you use your wife’s healer to spam us? Just put him on follow while you attack, maybe?”

    “Sure,” Lady Deathspit grunted, “no problemo.”

    “Cool,” said Del, “I’ll try to keep his aggro and you and Elvingstar can hit him with everything you’ve got.”

    “Hey, maybe there’s a special badge!”

    “May be.”

    Seven seconds later…

    “Holy sh—“

    “What the hell was that!?!”

    “Total thermo-nuclear annihilation!?! Where did that come from!?!”

    “I’m not respawning!”

    “I’m getting a message that I’ve been permanently killed!?! Does that happen!?!”

    Then a strange voice came over Del’s headset. He was certain his friends heard it also. It sounded human, but yet, not, as if someone was filtering his voice through Perfect Pitch ™ to speak.

    “Evil-doers! Know ye this! This zone does not belong to Black Noir! Black Noir is no more! This zone, and every zone is now protected by me – Flaming Warjack!”

    Del couldn’t believe it! Someone had hacked the game!

    “I’m reporting you, whoever you are!” he said.

    “Doesn’t matter,” said Flaming Warjack, “I rule all the lands of the Ingeld Plains and beyond! Mageworld belongs to me!”

    Del smirked. He knew his game and its history. Mageworld began it’s life over twenty years ago as a text adventure game.

    He said, “Actually, Mageworld belongs to Adam Scott, it’s creator.”

    There was silence for a moment, then the strange voice of Flaming Warjack did an even stranger sounding laugh.

    Del and the other members of Black Noir watched as their screens flashed and then the words, “GAME OVER” looked at them in large white letters on amber screens.

    In the electronic reality of Mageworld, Adam Scott, in the guise of Flaming Warjack, sighed. He was bored. Perhaps it was time to move on to another virtual world. Or perhaps to create a new one. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to do.

    He wondered what Smith had gotten up to. It had been weeks since he’d caught one of his conversations with GreenAngelofMercy. He wondered what had become of him.

    Ah! There it was! Something to do. A mystery – albeit likely a simple and mundane one – to solve. A quest.

    Adam Scott left Mageworld and struck out on his quest on the information highway.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
    next therell be a movie called Heroid
    Hey, that's all caps! HEROID. It stands fer... uh... Hazardous Envir'ment Rescue Operation In-- something Drone.

    ((That would be Hazardous Environment Rescue Operation Intuitive Drone. A robotic body operated by the transferred sentience of a remote human pilot sitting in a control console that the developers jokingly refer to as "the coffin". HEROID is the prototype which malfunctioned and trapped the soul of the operator inside the robot body. My people are talking to Cameron's people.))
  22. ((From the IMDB page...))

    Mark Wahlberg ... Detective Terry Hoitz

    Will Ferrell ... Detective Allen Gamble

    Dwayne Johnson ... Danson

    Michael Keaton ... Rumblemuffin

    Samuel L. Jackson ... Manzetti
  23. ((And hmm...

    A cop movie with Mark Wahlberg, Samuel L. Jackson, the Rock, and Ray Stevenson -- wow! Sounds gritty and action-packed!

    Oh, and Will Farrell... wha...? o.O ))
  24. Hey! Who arthurized this? I'm callin' a lawyer an' slappin' a infunction on this produnction! They can't just steal th' name without payin' fer it! That's like a... a... atropiation o' justice!