New Kid




Well, I might as well be. Finally returning post roster-wipe many moons ago, CoX doesn't even seem to be the same game these days. As a result of the changes, I'm pretty much learning from the ground-up again. With that in mind, I'm pretty much limiting myself to one character (for sanity's sake), the silent storm of steel-for-hire, Ebonstryke (Dual Blade/Willpower Brute).

Though I'm not sure if Virtue's the hub of RP activity anymore, I -am- still a Roleplayer (and exceedingly disturbed at the number of -- well, characters that wouldn't see celluloid outside of a X Rating), and have NO bloody clue where to start to get in on this. Tried a bit of lurking at the D, and I have NO clue where the RP Hotspots are).


If anyone has suggestions or comments? Feel free to PM me or post 'em here. I'm looking forward to it!!



In my experience, most RP is done in supergroups, sometimes in teams.

The D, on the whole, tends to lean towards the more... bizarre and is quite clearly not for everyone (me, personally, it scares witless) though exceptions certainly exist. Sometimes RP happens around universities, markets and the Architect buildings, or so I hear.

Regardless, Virtue is still the hub of RP. It's easier to find an RP SG here than anywhere else. There is a whole swath of them in the thread stickied at the top of this board, and there are several ones that haven't gotten around to adding themselves in yet. Most of these are populated by good RPers and characters that have never sniffed a catgirl.

Feel free to prod me in game(@Genia) for teams, or look into our SG. Though, to be honest, I am hesitant extending any sort of invitations at present because I and my husband are out of game for a few weeks (till next month, probably) due to unforeseen internet provider issues. Still, I never said no to a person who was interested in RP and caught me online.

Good luck and welcome back.

Cynics of the world, unite!

Taking Care of the Multiverse



Well firstly congrats to you for returning. Genia has pretty much filled in all the blanks about roleplaying and if you look around in game there are still plenty of people who do.

If you are looking to get ahold of some Roleplayers you can always connect to the VirtueRP Connect Channel or you can contact me in game at @Lady Malevolent and I can invite you. Though the channel is mostly about getting roleplaying people to be part of your backstories. Such as nemesis's,Duo's ect I'm sure they would warmly welcome a fellow Roleplayer.

And just like Genia offered if your ever needing a team. Don't be afraid to ask. It's wicked good to come across other roleplayers.



Well, yeah, the D can tend to be a little out there with the RP, although there is some "normal" RP to be had there.

There isn't hotspots as much (like Gemini or atlas used to be) but RP can be found in a number of places.

Best bet though is to get into an RP SG or use the globals. Also keep your eyes open for Events being run on the server as a lot of them offer a good chance to RP.

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



Supergroups are always the way to go for good RP, the D isnt a bad place to go, but not exactly a good place either. Feel free to add @Mazzo Grave to your global list and I'll be sure to answer anyquestions you may hve and help point you in the right direction for a RP SG.

@Mazzo Grave
Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
you *******!!!!



((I've had luck striking up rp conversations at the tram in Talos. It's a nice hub of activity and there are usually a few peeps around. You just have to not be shy and be willing to approach people, some of whom will go "lol u rpers," but most of whom are pretty nice. ))




I remember you, dude!
(Nothing else of value to add)



Welcome back Code.

You should Rp in your PuG's, you'll find more folks who do as well.

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



Most of the RP I do is with my SG but I tend to stay IC with PuGS as well, you can look me up in game as well @Manny CS

Member of the Hyperion Force