202 -
first two that hit me.
Positron - Weird Science
Sister Psyche - Vetran of the Psychic wars - Blue oyster colt
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hell will FREEZE before I make a video to "Veteran of the Psychic Wars," the MOST OVERUSED song for characters EVER.
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Sorry, I had no idea. Really. Maybe I should pop my head out of my hole once in a while?
But please don't say it is because BOC rubs you wrong. You got too much cool to hate. -
(what else did you think I needed a napkin for)
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footlong meatball sub with jalapenos?
And Capes!
For Citadel, Everybody Need a Robot. No love for the non-biological members of the Phalanx...
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This is much better. -
I'm working on a series of music videos, and I've got songs for Synapse, Statesman, and Manticore, but I just cannot figure out what to use for Positron and Sister Psyche.
I'm really looking for songs that convey their personalities and/or backgrounds, with stuff like powers as a secondary consideration. I am not looking for songs that are appropriate in name only (for example, "Can't Get You Out of My Head" by Kylie Minogue, while a very catchy song, isn't quite right for Sister Psyche).
Any ideas? (And if you post a suggestion, please just add a quick sentence as to why you think the song fits - it'll help when I listen to it to try and put it in a context.)
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Sister Psyche
[/ QUOTE ] When I think of Psyche I think...
[/ QUOTE ] There is only one logical choice. :P -
I honestly gotta say; As a confirmed alt-0-holic, who has wiped characters from several servers just to fill them up again and again. Added to that, the fact that I have the name "Name Squatter" reserved with pride...
Rorschach's Journal.
October 12th, 1985
The accumulated wealth of all their farming and alt-itis
will foam up about the servers and all the Badge-[censored]
and PvP'ers will look up and shout I need a name!
and Ill look down, and whisper no, but if you refer to my handy naming guide, you may find what you need." :P
Love your posts Dug... Dugfromearth. -
Hail to the king baby!
and I don't mean grab a burger. -
As I posted elsewhere, I just finished polish on my 5-20 arc Out Behind the Outcasts Arc # 48970. If you like the outcasts, it may be for you.
Ok. After sitting quietly and tinkering with the architect, I have finally gotten three arcs published. This in no way takes away from the mess of em I have locally, but these will do for now. I have not advertised or pimped myself for no real reason other than I don't want to be the kid jumping up and down in the back screaming "Look at what I can do!" Due to my habit from game-mastering Super-hero Rpg's since the early 80's, you will find plenty of variety in each mission I will submit. Give em a try, and let me know what you think.
Arc Name: Out Behind the Outcasts
Arc ID: 48970
Faction: Outcasts
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Harrycanyon
Difficulty Level: standard
Synopsis: The Outcasts have been having an internal power-struggle. One of them has had enough, and has gone to the heroes for help.
Estimated Time to Play: Long
Arc Name: It
Arc ID: 20670
Faction: Council, Rikti, Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Harrycanyon
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: It is an ambiguous tale of intrigue. Once you are done, it will be you who are It!
Estimated Time to Play: Very Long
Arc Name: Web in the Shadows
Arc ID: 21318
Faction: Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Harrycanyon
Difficulty Level: Challenging
Synopsis: A simple task leads to a dire threat to the city. A spider-themed group has surfaced, and holds great power. A Powerful ally will be standing by.
Estimated Time to Play: Medium
Let me know what you think. -
Hey NCSoft - THIS is how you market your product. Take notes.
You are truly the Spielberg of MMO fan vids. Can't wait for the next one(s).
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Hey now! Don't bring her work down! He never got me as giddy as a schoolboy as I get watching the fine works of DR. In fact going to tell her on her CoHFaces right now! Wicked Slick! -
Totally forgot to add my experimental design: Coppercat
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I so grok the way your mind works.Coppercat and Umbra Lynx have some... Similarities. Here's a few of mine.
Umbra Lynx : Silent sentinel of Paragon City. Highly trained and physically fit.
Living Junk: Shambling abomination crawling out from the junkyards of the Rogue Isles, Comprised of parts from fallen heroes and defeated villains.
Gun Blue Paragons finest sharpshooter, Had arms replaced with cybernetics after explosion took them away.
Strong Box : C.E.O of Hammond Operations, and designer of the Strong Box armor, Took to the streets after Hammond went under.
**Edited to add Gun Blue and Strong Box and include a brief description of each. I can't believe I did not include them earlier, so I placed them out of guilt. -
I haven't even got a microphone, myself.
It's rough on roleplaying (cute little girl with the barritone voice).
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But roleplaying is in essence suspension of belief in some cases anyway (Hard to imagine a baritone voice? Try having it acted out in front of you by a 6'5" Norseman Now that is suspension of belief!). My friend and I (who have the worst time finding RP groups who actually RP!) Have used voice chat to coordinate our actions OOC, and reserved typing to our In-Character interactions. We even have a pair of aliens That speak in Mad Gab-like english ("Thisis haou eta kingaim, knotso bahd winu git dountwo iht. Beezihdz, tha re'akshun frum thooz whusi iht ihz daon writ prysliss.") and have RP'd the voice chat as telepathy between the two of us.
Probably nothing to fear from this, since it will be like any other option and you can simply shut it off. People can see you have it shut off and gripe? Do they know you have a mic? Do you really care? would you want to continue playing a game with a person who gets bent over such things? I used to have a buddy that would get pissed and pester me if I did not answer my cell phone every time he called... Notice I said used to have a buddy.
All in all, I think this is may be nothing less than more of the same over-the-top improvements to a game that by all rights should be old news by now (Seriously, four years is like twice the lifespan of most games as it is. How many MMO's have come and gone in the last few years?) This new reinvestment into the franchise has been full of nothing shy of win. Every patch renews my interest, even if I have no use for the offerings. More is better, and new is revitalizing. -
Just dropping these out there.
As of 4/15 in the p.m.:
False Alarm
Strong Box
Null Bomb
Sleezeball <~Seriously, this name is on almost every server!
Glory Boy
Hocus Focus
Purl <~Sonic
Gentleman Skull
Take Fire
Double Whammy
Captain Flashback
Venomous Vine
Rip Off
I should just do this on every server every week or so.....? -
I do not like this at all... first of all, I personally think (it is my opinion) that it makes the game a little bit too comic bookish, AND even though you can disable the visual sounds, they are taking out the actual sounds!! A big WT* to that, I love the sounds the powers make, and I hope this is just an April Fools joke because I do not like this idea, I really hope you have an option to enable and disable the sounds in the game...
Just my 2 inf.
EDIT*** I just read the above post, and I think that, that is a good idea. I also agree with the idea that comic book readers would like the idea, but action gamers, like me, do not like the idea of no weapon/power sounds.
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Awesome, you read the post above yours, now look at the rest....
I have but one thing to say:
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OK, Everybody grab your broomsticks!
*Edit* P.S. "Freem" Is now taken on one server, can you guess which one? -
Players can optionally disable the Visual Sounds in the options menu, but are encouraged to keep them on, as all the sounds in the game are being removed to make room on the players hard drives for the new Visual Sound graphics.
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But just for the sake of argument, what if this was the only part that was the joke? Wouldn't that simply be a slice of bliss wrapped in gooey happiness? I would sever some important member for this. Heck! I may do it anyway! -
I love the idea of viual sounds and all of the updates are great,...BUT...i think i speak for ALL when i say when are we gonna spend time on making the game better with new mishs ...contacts...same old gameplay always the same storylines, how bout spending more time on making the game exciting again by making maybe more lvls..or Having revolving storylines that switch from time to time...soemthing changing the colrs or costumes is getting old we need fun gameplay again everything is just same old same old.... come on we need fresh fun in this game yawn...
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Oh, I am not sure you speak for everyone on this...... -
The irony of this is I had just logged on to this game for the first time back in 94', played for a bit (after spending several hours in the character creator.), and said that the only thing I could ask for would have been to see the classic onomatopoeia (or onomatopia) balloons (actually used that term) during combat.
I am a clever man, and it takes a clever gag to even keep me off guard. I can honestly say without a doubt that since my first cogent thoughts, I have never (and baby, I got two older sisters!) NEVER been fooled on this day. Everything from setting off the smoke alarms or setting livestock loose in the house, to calling the Cops and sabotaging my vehicles have been met with little more than; "Boy are you foolish for thinking you could slip that by me. Who is the fool now?"
Well, I am man enough to know when to concede defeat, and this is that day. Well played old chap! You win this round. You had me right up until...
Players can optionally disable the Visual Sounds in the options menu, but are encouraged to keep them on, as all the sounds in the game are being removed to make room on the players hard drives for the new Visual Sound graphics.
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Freakin' Sweet!
As an aside, I skimmed right over the "Sometimes forget to buy speakers or headphones" comment with a grain of "Well, I know some pretty stupid people." -
Is it possible that the new "Costume Set" category could take away from the individuality or creativity of the costume creator? Yes it may be easy sometimes when you don't need to look through every list of costume pieces, but wont everyone eventually just ignore the custom costume option and just pick the pre-made costumes?
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Conceivably but it should also help rid us of those who have a complete lack of creativity (I'm talking about all you heroic "demonic wannabe's" types out there, yeh you know who you are!)
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Yeah! THOSE are the ones! You know who I mean. (who puts bovine horns on a guy wearing a lime green suit and parades about brandishing his assault rifle? really?) -
sadly, this thread is a waste of time.
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I do not waste my time.
I squander it! -
Very nice, I can't wait to see what some of the Costume Sets look like. Maybe some free costumes for i12, hmm?
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Just to clarify for everyone, to my knowledge there are no new costume items added. The sets from the pull down are just the collection of all the items in that list. For example, if you want to have all the "steampunk" items (say to start and tweak your character from there) it will select all of those for you. But it doesn't mean that there are items for every slot in that set; just that it puts what available costume items there are on your character.
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That is fine, I am sure Jay is saving up the good stuff for the big game. I know all too well what it takes to keep clipping and the like from becoming an issue, fixing it could mean simply tightening up your geometry to a complete rebuild. Still a major improvement. Kudos! -
It could, but then, there's nothign wrong with Scorpion being the "lots of defense" option. I mean, "powered ARMOR" is his big schtick, after all ...
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Oh what I would give for a real powered exo-suit AT.... *sigh*
since that is not in the foreseeable future, perhaps a TAoE sticky glue patch? It seems more in line with the "yucky insect" motif mentioned by ExLib. Color it green and give it a minor DoT (1 tic/sec). Call it "Toxic Mire" or somesuch. Not real creative at the moment, I have yet to sleep after my Night Audit... -
My creative take on Scorpion would be Offensive Piercing, and poison, and Utility stealth, but that is me looking at a Scorpions
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Hmm, a toxic vomit-like attack could work - or, a toxic grenade attack. Yeah, that'd be pretty darned cool. Keep i mind, the idea is for these to work with every pet, all primaries and all tiers, equally - preferably with as little animation-difference between pet types as possible.
For utility ... since he's all about the machines ... a very short-radius Smoke Cloud (with -Accuracy / -Perception) would seem to fit. So, then:
[u]Black Scorpion[u]
<ul type="square">[*] (Defensive) shield vs lethal and smashing[*] (Offensive) Toxic grenade (small targetted AoE)[*] (Utility) Smoke Cloud (very small PBAoE, constant, -Acc/-Percep)[*] (Visible aura) ... the smoke cloud should be sufficient.[/list]
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Usually not one to go against the Forum Cartel, I think that Smoke Cloud would count as a PBAoE defensive field no?