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  1. Its things like these that makes me wish i could draw better then stick figures

    all the work has been amazing..totally not jealous
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Excellent...our evil plan is working.

    haha almost makes ya think your great evil plan is to get every hitched
  3. This is why im kinda glad they brought in new stuff when villains was launched. cos those hero ones are abit....pants.
  4. I would love more skin designs for sure..and glowing ones would be ever so sweet.
  5. HardRider

    incarnate XP

    I too would love to be able to see what my IXP is for both types of IXP.
    Having it under the health and endurance bars would be abit...hmm much with all the buffs etc that also gets displayed (and before ya say i prefer to see my buffs so i know what i have n when)
    So having it displayed in the Combat Attributes would be seriously wicked - Though if they do add that to CA can they also increase the amount of stats we can view - IMHO i would say double the amount to 20. Because even now, 10 isn't always enough on some characters.
  6. HardRider

    New GM event

    It would be kool to see something happen redside that would begin a GM event - like how the rikti TF launches random attacks.
    Ofc heroes would be able to get to do the same thing to villains.
  7. Wow..Never saw that before and what a load of....i Lulz @ the UI compared to now :P, Costumes 2 hehe.

    And was that really how the costume creator used to look like..my lord has it been that long already since issue 6 :O
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post

  9. COngratulations Thor

    /e Confetti

    It's awesome when ya hear stories like this.
  10. Considering the enemies in game have Staff fighting i dont think its due to sound effects, im guessing with the new dark powers thats out they wanted to keep something back for a short while, while others play the dark powers. - makes sense tbh.
  11. It sucks that the enemies have it before us ;(
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlackTech View Post

    I do not apologise for posting this, even though I'm just going to get the 'whiney villain player' posts about it.
    No whiney villain player here - just got a villianous ego

    In this case, though, I think it was just the good fortune of having a barely used zone with an existing story that was easy to work into a Praetorian storyline to justify the 'solo incarnate path' that some players have been screaming for. To me, it was a logical choice for the devs to make (rather than the alternatives of creating a new zone or using a Praetorian zone).
    True, be it a hero zone or villain zone, If they go about revamping them instead of new zones and add it loads of story, events etc then i'm not gonna moan.

    Frankly, if the death of States and the myriad of other threats (which, obviously, do hit villain zones and players, too) results in revised zones for heroes, I'm all for it. I don't even care if the next SSA leads to the death of Recluse if it would mean that the Rogue Isles/villain zones and content got some attention and some space in conversations and media releases (hell, ANY public documents that aren't patch notes would be nice).
    Tbf When states died, i did think if villains got a shot in the SSA (thought this back in the day ofc) i thought it could happen to villains as well, maybe not LR but someone big-(Ish).
    Which would be awesome for the story evoluation, and would expand what we already got.
  13. Was kinda hoping for a freespec as well considering ill need to use one on not just my grav toons but others 2.
  14. Tbh i don't currently do PvP atm, But the idea of PvP modes like CTF etc would be pretty awesome if it could be made.
  15. So Devs and players hate villains...Well as a villain i say job done on that part. i didnt become a villain to be liked n loved. But to be hated.

    While for heroes it be nice to have a big win on their behalf, Villains Needs a massive win over good and have needed it for a while now. Past issues its all be Co-Op to stop a bad guy from ruling, which is basically villains stopping evil, the same evil their trying to create...

    Heroes need a big win, Villains need a big win.. never ending cycle of wins.

    Yes, Stateman is dead- but as this is a comic, i wouldnt be surprised if he returns one day.
    For heroes, what? you want a main villain to die 2? (who might just return as well )
    - we don't have enough main stream villains to loose one (which is more reason why villains need evil love )

  16. If it aint broke dont fix it.

    Snipe is fine, With Io's it can be used in most situations, either as first strike or to kill a runner.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Second Measure View Post
    It will be some time before we can share anything about our plans, but I can't wait for the day.
    Argghh, will you stop doing this lol..teasing us is not fair on us xD

    what eva the project hope you enjoy it and look forward to see the fruit of your work
  18. Fault: A mob is ready to take us on..knock em in the air and watch as they walk around drunk xD
  19. HardRider

    Paragon Hats

    Tunnel Rats Hat ruled!
  20. HardRider

    Issue 22...

    haha oh lord the memes are out..it's within our paws

  21. This..
    And villains can justify using cats as live ammo.

    Hero's can use robotic cats :P
  22. * Can we please have it account wide bound and not character bound

    you'll find asking and not demand gives better results.
  23. HardRider

    Grave news.

    Even as a villain..i give u the best wishes.