3171 -
Castle saying he would consider reducing the Blaster unresisted damage component was not a knock at Blasters, but an attempt to rebalance Blaster overall damage infliction in PVP.
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He is apparently very bad at math. If anything, the unresistable portion is PRECISELY the thing that is the balancing factor, since it only affects those targets that have resistance in the first place, NOT the squishies. If you increase blaster base damage, the thing that it affects are the squishies, NOT the targets with resistance, against whom the increased damage has LEAST effect.
This is why I was not very hot for across the board damage incrase for blasters, it doesnt really solve anything. It creates more problems such as this one that is under discussion.
Castle is thinking about turning blasters on their heads again when only a small adjustment is intended, something the devs are VERY good at.
Goddamit we need that dev that specializes to pvp BADLY.
pp.s and somebody post what I say on US boards in case the devs have propably already forgotten that EU players cannot post there. -
Castle regarding Newfiance in PvP:
As I mentioned not too long ago, I'll be doing a big batch of datamine work soonish, and PvP is definitely one of the Red Flag items for the new Defiance. If it looks *too* good, then reducing or removing the Non-resistible damage and/or Toggle Drops would be the likely place for adjustment.
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That'll suck RE: the unresistable damage in team fights when everyone has +Res buffs up the [censored]. As for Toggle Drops, hey, I don't think anyone's really counted on those since... ohh May '06.
(And no, I still don't like the animation changes to Fire and Ice).
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Remove the unresistable damage and blasters are dead and buried in PVP! Not only that but heroes in general! Then villaisn would be the ones with FAR better unresistable attacks (assassination and scourge. [censored] this. Just take whatever defiance the stupid idiots come up with, stuff it in your [censored] and leave the unresistability!
Not for a long time have I heard such absolute pile of steaming [censored] suggested.
It pains me to see that they even consider the toggledrops to BE ANYWHERE NEAR THE SAME USEFULNESS AS THE UNRESISTABLE PORTION OF DAMAGE. Proof that devs have absolutely no idea of pvp WHATSOEVER -
In the gunslinger incident I didnt have blaster pull off aggro off me, but I couldnt pull aggro off the blaster with 2+ taunt, invincibility and some attacks.
only if the attacks dont have a secondary effect.
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Isnt this the 'new defiance' thing, that all attacks cause a 'fury'-type effect, therefore they all have a secondary effect of sorts? I havent checked. Anyway, Im against excessive amount of icons. -
To be honest, I don't know how anyone who has a fair bit of pvp experience (and dare I say is intelligent enough to have learned something from that experience) dies to a stalker.
Jump around all the time, if one manages to hit you, pop a bf. Because you were already jumping, they are surpressed, you ain't. Heal, turn around and beat them like a ginger step child.
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Because if you have a fractional bit of damage a decent stalker can probably land an AS to finish you off.
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Why would anyone be running around a zone, not fully healed when there are stalkers about? Who in their right mind would?
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This reminds me of one thing that will come to be after possilbe defiance change, no more defiance blasters. Whether this is a good thing or not is up to each of us to decide themselves.
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but that would mean I can't scream DEFIANCE [censored]! and 1 shot someone after I get AS'ed.
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Yes, thats why Ive been saying "oh [censored]" in defiance thread.. -
We (the comunity, not me especially) said "sometimes taunt fails to pull the aggro off a blaster who has just done a lot of damage".
The devs said "No no no, that can't happen, Taunt overrides all aggro".
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Ah, so this is it. I had that happen to me ages past and I thought it was specific to certain mobs cause it was so rare. -
To be honest, I don't know how anyone who has a fair bit of pvp experience (and dare I say is intelligent enough to have learned something from that experience) dies to a stalker.
Jump around all the time, if one manages to hit you, pop a bf. Because you were already jumping, they are surpressed, you ain't. Heal, turn around and beat them like a ginger step child.
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Because if you have a fractional bit of damage a decent stalker can probably land an AS to finish you off.
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Why would anyone be running around a zone, not fully healed when there are stalkers about? Who in their right mind would?
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This reminds me of one thing that will come to be after possilbe defiance change, no more defiance blasters. Whether this is a good thing or not is up to each of us to decide themselves. -
Yeah, just saw it. Basically we where right and they where wrong all along.
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What else is new, haha -
buff CM pls
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You mean nerf it -
Ok I have a friend with a 50 Kat/Regen scrapper and i personally have seen him try the same thing as you said, but still doesnt stand a chance, he is fully slotted with IO's, but vs AS then placate and another attack (not sure what was used) he just falls over dead because the damage he dishes out doesnt even make the stalker sweat in the time it takes for him to kill him.
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Sounds like your friend needs more practise. He didnt a.) have dull pain running, or b.) didnt click reconstruction after AS. If the scrapper managed to use both correctly then the stalker has little chance other than run (unless its a regen stalker).
If you are placated, jump away, its not harder than that. Heal, attack again. Its not exactly rocket science, but you need decent reflexes. no time to stand around and admire the scenery. -
too bad many of you didn't show up !
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Unfortunate, but predictable. -
I've been checking WP on the provisional figures from Mid's Hero Designer, you can get decent defense figures to cover the holes in resistance, the major WP hole is toxic damage, so I guess Spines Stalkers and Thorn Dominators should give any WP toon a hard time.-
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Spines doesnt give anyone a hard time in terms of toxic component only... Its practically all lethal. -
the Devs just fixed the "no immo" issue it seems
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My question is what were the Devs thinking there?
If they can just easily fix the "no immob" on Willpower, why can't they do the same for Knockback on Dark Armor, Fire Armor and Ninjitsu? And the same for Fire Armor with Immob? Willpower sounds pretty good, like Dark Armor, yet WP gets its issues fixed and DA doesn't? I'd love to use to DA... but the only reason I wont play it is because of the no KB res and if I do take Acrobatics, it is usually pretty late in the game. Same goes for Fire Armor and Ninjitsu. Can we expect to see those Armors/Shields fixed too?
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"Fix". huh.
Some of these sets are SUPPOSED to have some sort of hole in their defense. Otherwaise theyd all be the same and that would be pointless. -
50-man limit screwed the whole 'the real raid of the game' spirit imo.
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word. -
Warshades get to percep cap solo in sirens if im not mistaken. Other than that they are pretty weak in pvp.
I guess TG was trying to get our attention on the 13 second recharge..
FYI I made that blaster far before anyone had ever heard of COH PVP.
Umm... why do power blast and power bolt both use same animation?
I'd love to see you perma fort 7 people and keep 7 people perma cm'd as well as keeping them alive.
And since when are trollers crippled in team pvp?
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Teams come in other sizes than 8 too.... -
And all the stalkers have hide + stealth + stealth io anyways so it's not like it matters to them if people are at the perception cap or not.
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Yes Ive tried, no it isnt at all easy, but it sure as hell DOES matter. -
Didnt like all the moaning about cage lol
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Valid, though, seeing as you can pretty much get near Perma again.
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Not really. You can only cage one person and even then it's hard to keep it on them perma. If they give -res to caging, FF gets nerfed even more. DOES IT REALLY NEED MORE NERFS??
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While FF is pretty weak overall, cage needed nerf for the sole reason that it is stupid and un-fun PVP power in the first place.On theo ther hand, creating some sort of antidote to it would suffice.
As for CM, I'm not sure about nerfing Cm or clarity as much (but corrs need their power order switched so that sonic corrs have access to clarity in sirens as well). Maybe something to prevent emps CMing the ENTIRE pvp-team to percep cap so frigging easily. Increased recharge in pvp possibly. -
Pretty good wishlist. I agree with it.
If this is true, doesnt this mean that, yet again, stalkers get a kick in the teeth from the Devs?
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Well, proper stalkers already play around the fact that the enemy is at +percep cap. This however allows for a lot of people to have higher perception by themselves..not just SR scrappers and devices blasters etc. Which may be hard on the not-so-proper stalkers.. Maybe it creates for more options overall, I dont know.
ps. Ok the bonus is lower than I thought, less to worry then.. -
It's been a long time since I've felt then in game...lost when they decided to put a herd cap on it.
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This.Herding was one of the great moments you could have as a tanker.
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No it wasnt.