25 -
Quote:I know what you mean, 50,000 words is daunting. All of my stuff is usually shorts, the max I've done before is probably 15,000.There's a few of us who're slightly subverting the idea - getting 50,000 words, any 50,000 words down, in an effort to actually finish stuff (in my case, preferably before lore goes sideways).
For some people I'm encouraging, it's an even simpler goal: Finish Something (sounds so easy, feels so hard).
And then I'm spending December editing for folks.
But the whole point is to encourage the writing habit and even if it's a pile of trash I really want to write 50,000+ words of trash.
Got myself a new bit of writing software that's great for outlining so I'm hoping the framework is ready to go on Nov 1, though no actual words on paper, I don't want to cheat... -
Ok, so NaNoWriMo isn't really roleplaying, but as roleplaying and creative writing go hand in hand I feel this has a place here in the RP section.
Not sure if I'll make it but I'm going to give it a shot this year. When I'm 'in the zone' I can crank out 4000 words or more in a day so it should be doable, though I've no idea what I'm going to write apart from it being a sci-fi\fantasy novel and probably total garbage!
So, anyone else going to give it a shot? And to link it into CoX, anyone going to make it CoX fanfic? -
Watching it made me wonder if Felicia Day was a CoH player as the main subject of the show this week is them freaking out at their fictitious game possibly going F2P and Micro Transaction. The episode (like all of them in fact) is hilarious!
Not that I have an issue with the new CoH model, anything that both increases the userbase and increases income to NCSoft which with any luck will be used to make new and cool stuff for CoH is good by me! -
Welcome to all you new and returning players (including my partner, yay!)
Oh, and the new trailer is pretty epic. -
Honestly I think this is a case of bad wording rather than anything else.
All this means is if you have a problem they can't help you unless you are running 10.6 or higher. Admittedly they may change the system in the future so it can't even run on 10.5 but I don't think that's right now.
As an aside, I run CoH on my Macbook Air (2nd ed, the dual core version, not the i3\5) and it runs on Lion perfectly. Or at least no worse than CoH runs on a PC as far as I can tell.
As a 2nd aside, as long as your Mac is Intel based you should have no problem running Snow Leopard. I have Snow Leopard installed on an original Macbook with no issues. I wouldn't want to run CoH on it mind, but that's just a minimum spec issue. -
Just logged into Union.
Quote:After that you deserve another quotable:Just want to chime in on the "to compensate or not" issue.
Most customer services company employees will recognise the following piece of corporate-speak: "A complaint is an opportunity".
There are three stages to any valid complaint.
1) Cause.
2) Making the complaint.
3) Resolution.
In this case, we have the first two stages pretty clearly out there: The high quantity of server downtime this month has severely impacted EU playtime. Some EU players are unhappy (and I am one of them).
The only thing outstanding is the resolution to the complaint. This could range from nothing, all the way up to free playtime forever for affected players. What some players have chosen to do is make known what they feel would be adequate compensation for the complaint. It has ranged from "80 Paragon Points" up to "a week of free play time".
I have personally chosen to leave the form of compensation up to Paragon Studios, rather than pinning a value on it. If I find their chosen form of compensation inadequate, I will deal with that then.
Hyperstrike, the reason you're experiencing so much vitriol is because you have effectively said (intentionally or not) "you do not have the right to ask for a resolution to your complaint, nor to propose what you feel is suitable recompense".
Which, I'm afraid, is tantamount to saying that the complaint is invalid.
Me, I'm going to leave it up to NCsoft to decide what they're going to offer me as compensation for effectively nuking my available playtime this month. But I do not believe that "nothing" is valid recompense for customers making what even you have said is a valid complaint.
NCsoft have the "opportunity" I mentioned to make me a happy customer, regardless of my complaint. We'll see if they seize it.
Shadowe was both eloquent and wise, incredible considering it is 2am.
Quote:I'm going with the fact that most of the EU players, the most vocal bunch (with good reason) are sensible unlike me and are safe away in their beds.Amazing how loud the silence is. It's kind of like when the jungle drums stop beating.
I would have a good moan as I do think it's starting to take the mick but to be honest, what's the point.
What I'm going to do in good obsessive gamer fashion is stay up and pull an all nighter to get my gaming in before the servers get shut down.
Oh, after watching episode 9 of The Guild. -
I can see this becoming scarily expensive.
For those of us who are RPers or suffer ALTisis, or simply must have everything, the new micro transaction system it just too tempting.
It took a whole 15 mins after they fixed the Mac font bug for me to blow my 1600 on an extra 10 enhancement slots, then my fingers itched, I dropped £34 (I assume the equiv of the $50 bundle) and then it was the backpack, the hover board (I know it's too expensive but the idea is just so cool!), etc. And just for paying them money I got to move up a tier in the vet rewards!
It's very tempting for an impulse buyer like me. I can see my characters having everything, and me sitting at home eating beans. :-\
I think given how insidious this is, NCSoft now officially count as an villainous crime syndicate!
NCSoft, you evil fiend! Now shut up and take my money! lol! -
It was the Vanguard set causing the problem.
The market lists it as buyable, the costume parts are locked in the character creation screen, but I can't buy them. Not sure if this is a market or a costume part bug.
As an aside I'm getting a lot of items I already own listed as buyable in the market. -
I don't own the backpack and the Vanguard stuff is padlocked in the creation screen which made me assume that I didn't own them.
Maybe the bug is with the costume part showing as unavailable then... I'll remove vanguard and give it another try. -
I was buying a few items on the market, an extra 10 enhancement slots, etc. then went to buy the backpack and vanguard uniform and got this message:
"The quantity exceeds the current maximum allowed. Please reduce the quantity selected or try again later."
I've enough points to buy the items and the quantity is set to 1, so what gives? -
Strangely I've have the opposite happen.
I wanted to get a good screenie of GG for the 9pm at GG Rp Group so I deliberately didn't attack anything once I went through to the 2nd section.
I lined up the shot, went to hit PrtScr and was teleported to the next section.
Go figure? -
Firstly, is there one of us RPers who isn't a budding writer?
But I know exactly where you are coming from. I am what I believe is described as a 'discovery writer' so I set up the initial scene and characters and have a rough idea where I want it to end and then I just write.
Sometimes it works out and sometimes the story goers off in a whole new direction all by itself and the ending I envisioned gets trashed in the process.
It can be great sometimes just letting the story run away with itself and just going along for the ride but sometimes I wish I could outline a bit better as it avoids rewrites. -
Quote:I just tried to run multiple instances using this method, but double clicking on the new CoH icon for the duplicated app just kicks off the launcher which then brings the 1st instance back to the foreground, no 2nd instance.
6. You can run multiple instances of City of Heroes by Duplicating the application (File > Duplicate) and calling the alternate one something like "City of Heroes (2)". You can then launch both applications at once. If you use this method, the second copy will not be usable with the NCSoft Launcher. The Launcher is not capable of launching multiple instances of City of Heroes on its own.
Is there something else I need to do to stop the 2nd version using the launcher?
I tried the above method and I also tried copying both the launcher and the game into another directory and using the properties to point to the directory with NCLauncher 2 as covered in another thread with no luck, it seems the launcher is always called and the properties file for it is global so 2 launchers does not help.
I finally got round it by having a duplicate CoH app in another dir, started the first via the launcher, changed the launchers properties to point at the 2nd copy of CoH, then just hit Play Now again. This seems to work fine. But is obviously a bit of a faff. -
Couldn't get out of work so I'm stuck here Saturday and Sunday till 6:30pm
If any of you are getting together in the evening I might be able to make it but other than that it's a no-go for me.
And to think I'm only working a few miles away in Aust too. -
Yes I'm Baaack! *runs around wielding an axe*
Was busy setting up my new company and stuff so no play for poor Guin...
Well. I honestly don't know where the source is but if you want it it's all yours, and if I can't find it I'll happily re-write it with all those crunchy new features you want. -
Hi Guys,
Room for two more?
The two being me and my t'other half.
Only thing of note is that we are both veggies so Steak is out for us. (Feel free to chew on charred corpses yourselves though.)
Will have to arrange time off before I can give final confirmation, but should be good to go. -
*goes to PlayNC.com, renews Subscription, comes to forums*
Hey! congrats Hiki!
I just paid £9 to say congrats to you, don'tcha feel special...
Couldn't have happened to a better person, glad you made it.
Hmm, now I'm live again, I got a hankering to make a new toon... -
Cool, I got a dealer!
Remember, don't sell it pure, cut it with a bit of Microsoft to tone it down......
(Yes, I'm having a silly day.) -
I've ben a bit hit and miss on CoH recently but I'm in if you need another voice.
I agree with Birdy though, a lot of us RP in CoH because we like the idea of Heroic RP, but we usually have to fight the system all the way. It might not look good on CoH... -
I doubt it depends on the build whether you can 1 shot a generic boss. I think the Assassin's strikes all do the same damage. It would be unfair otherwise. Build Up is the same for all of them ( I think ) too.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sorry, by mentioning my powersets I made my meaning unclear.
I was thinking more about Enh setups, obviously the amount of damage enhancements will effect this till you hit higher levels and ED forces everyone down to a standardised enh pattern -
ok thats it, i am leveling up my stalker RIGHT NOW!
[/ QUOTE ]
cool, so really you should be able to one-hit a leut/boss then?
[/ QUOTE ]
Can and have.
Leut with just Build Up + AS
Boss with 1 Rage + Build Up + AS
The Elite Boss took 4 Rages + Build Up + AS.
Obviously it depends on the build. I'm MA/NJ (What is the Ninjitsu Acronym?) -
I've been playing a stalker for a while now as I wanted to buck the "MM" trend and I was a bit ho hum about it. She was ok but a bit squishy when it came to multiple foes.
I kept going though as a lot of ATs arn't great till they hit a certain level.
Well, I got AS at six, and though it was good I still wasn't really impressed.
Then at lvl 10 I got Build Up (Well, the Ninjitsu equiv).
So, I went into a mission, working my way through slowly as you do with stalkers (Kill, run, hide, rinse and repeat), and when I finally reached the guy at the end I thought What the....! It was an elite boss.
Now, I remember trying to take down frosty solo way back when with my scrapper, and the multiple faceplanting that ensued, but determined to at least try, I popped a few Rages, hit Build Up, then out came the old AS.
Well, blow me down, it takes out about 80% of his HP, then with a quick hit from one of my better attacks he drops like a sack of potatoes.
Hmm, two shotting an elite boss.
My stalker has definately hit it's sweet spot.