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  1. Just would like to provide some numbers (just for heroes, as this is about the STF) as some I have seen here are wrong...
    FA is a 20% tohit buff.
    BU is a 20% tohit buff (10% on blasters).
    Aim is a 50% (defender) or 62.5% (blaster) tohit buff.
    Fortitude is an 18.75% (defender) or 15% (controller) tohit buff.
    Tactics is a 7% (blaster/tanker/scrapper), 9% (kheldian), 10% (controller) or 12.5% (defender) tohit buff.
    These are all base values; to get the approximate 3 slotted values multiply by 1.56.
    So the best buff you could get from one Tactics is 3 slotted on a defender, about 20%. Less than a small yellow.
    I'll leave the rest of the math up to you.

    EDIT: Just because it's viable:
    Vengeance is a 26.25% (blaster), 28% (controller), 31.5% (kheldians) or 35% (defender/scrapper/tanker) tohit buff.
  2. I think the main reason we couldn't beat Mako is we didn't have a blaster with Fort, PB, Aim, BU to be able to hit him maybe 30% of the time.
    Sure, 8 tactics helps, but you're not gonna find that on a pug.
    The scrapper I was using had FA, even unslotted that's better than a fully slotted defender tactics.
    I'm sure the Lingering that was on Mako was HOd out. Possible that it wasn't.
    But, in the end, it's more fun and more doable by a random team than the last mission of the LRSF.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Mako and his Elude - Buffed up Acc, and Damage output easily takes over.

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    "Easily", eh?
    I've run one STF so far.
    We pulled Black Scorpion. He eventually went down.
    We pulled Mako.
    Hit him with rad infection. I was on a scrapper that had Focused Accuracy. Had an emp buffing me with fort (possibly PBUd). Hit him with a chem nuke. Had 3 shivans out at one point.
    We. Could. Not. Hit. Him. In. Elude.
    I didn't hit him more than the 5%*+66% acc = 8.3% floor WITH BUILD UP, FA, FORT, AND RAD INFECTION ON HIM.
    Elude went down, we hit him reasonably well. Got him down to about 20% health or so, again. With three shivans (we even tried hitting the shivans with Fort). He popped elude again. Nothing hit him, ever.
    Rinse, repeat. Went to Warburg for some more nukes. Two people DCd, one was a jerk. Disbanded.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm gonna look like a real noob here, but i've been 6-slotting stamina on my kat/sr for some time now. Have I been doing this unnecessarily? had I hit a cap? I've done numerous test builds and always, always, i got more out of having 4 slotted stamina than 3, and 5 was always longer lasting attacks than 4, and ultimately 6 slotted gave me more continous end than all. So... help me out here. what's the story? was i only imagining that I had more continous attack time with 6 slotted? any enlightenment/help would be greatly appreciated.


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    Yes, you get more with more slots in stamina.
    No, it's not worth it.
    Using +3 SOs:
    One = +38.3%
    Two = +74%
    Three = 97.2%
    Four = 103%
    Five = 108.7%
    Six = 114.5%
    In essence, after it goes over 100%, each additional SO only adds 15% as much as it normally would (about 5-6% instead of 38%).
    In 99 out of 100 cases you'd get more out of an end reduction in a particularly sapping attack or shield than you would out of that fourth slot.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    There is no END set, so Stamina will remain a 3 slot wonder.

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    Unless you 2-slot it with common IOs for +84.8% endmod, which gives you a total recovery buff of 46.2%. That's not much worse than 48.875% (which is what you get at my artificial ED hard cap with 3 SO slots) - only 5.5% worse, really, and for many people that third marginal slot will have better applications elsewhere in the build.

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    You don't really need to use an artificial hardcap; the formulas for ED are quite simple. 3 end mod SOs = (33.3%*3) * .7 + 25% = about 95%. 3 +3 = (38.3%*3) * .15 + 80% = 97.2%
    There was a wiki article that laid the formulas out but I don't remember where it was.

    EDIT: 3 (lv50) IOs: (42.4%*3) * .15 + 80% = 99.1%
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    The greens CANNOT harm Phantom Army, so once the yellows & Hami are under control PA are still highly effective in tanking the greens. A Granite Armor tanker with the +Toxic RES FF bubble could also easily tank greens for a reasonable amount of time, enough for a clearing team to hold & kill off the greens.

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    I am so glad you mentioned this. It's things like this that people like me forget about, even though we understand it's a toxic attack, we get in that mindset that PA is going to have all of Hamidon's attacks be undefended.

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    Are you sure about this?
    The Phantom Army has a magnitude of untouchable (the part of Phase Shift and Detention Field that prevents you from getting damaged, but Hami can shoot through). It also has translucency and resistance to heal. It does NOT have any toxic resist of any sort, and I've been hit through phase shift by greens (admittedly before they were nerfed). If their attacks have been changed so they don't hit through phase anymore, then this is worth knowing. If they haven't, PA will still get hit by them as well.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Sure! Then Weave could give 15% Defense, and Combat Jumping could give 25% Defense (or whatever) and combined, they'd give 30% instead of 40%. When the local FF Defender buffed the character, instead of the normal 25% for the FF, it'd be 5% for 35% defense.*

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    *drools* Useful defense powers? NOWAI!
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    Would it be fairly obvious to say that it ill be levels 50-55?

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    I'll go ahead and squash that one now. Level cap is NOT going up in I10!

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    Eh... I'm on the fence. Yes, I want new content and stuff for my 50's to do but... I'm running out of room in my trays!

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    My mastermind is in DIRE NEED of a fourth tray. Ctrl+Alt+number would work excellently for that tray, or I wouldn't mind having to click those powers (I could keep my accolades and temps there) BUT I NEED ANOTHER VISIBLE TRAY!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    It makes me wonder though if it's only the 'Special' damage from the Yellows, Blues, and Nucleus that shoots through Phase Shift and destroys Phantom Armies.

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    When the Greens still had 600' auto-shield attacks, I can confirm that they also shoot through phase

    Sad that I couldn't be there Good job everyone!
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Read the patch notes please:

    [ QUOTE ]
    <ul type="square">[*]Added Fear and Confuse Protection to Thermal Radiation "Thaw"[*]Added Fear and Confuse Protection to Poison "Antidote" [/list]
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    Sonics aren't the end-all-be-all. The devs finally made Thermals the "evil empaths"

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    No, still not even close to comparable.
    If I'm on a hero, and a Brute comes into the zone with a pocket Thermal, I probably won't leave as quickly.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    In PVE you can stack Stealth with a -per power like Super Speed to get functional invisibility. I've done it for nigh on three years. I'm well aware that you can't stack two Stealth powers, thanks. And that -per has no effect in PVP.

    Here's the thing - they could just swap out how +stealth IOs work for the way Superspeed works in PVP. There's nothing saying that it HAS to be "stackable stealth". Unless it does (I'm not a programmer, I'm a database guy).

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    Yes, that was a suggestion, and I believe this would be a viable solution.
    [ QUOTE ]
    On the other hand, the objection is that it makes Stalkers less special? Or just that you need to do more work to see folks?

    Eh. That's what IR goggles (and stacked Tactics) are for. Even folks in Bloody Bay can have Tactics.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    This requires taking powers that you normally may not. Which, as I have pointed out, is no longer true for the Stealth side of things.

    While adding +Perception IOs has been offered as a counter, it was mentioned (and I agree) that this would just be taking it too far; all the level 50s in PvP zones would be all slotted out with +stealth and +perception without having to squeeze in Stealth or Tactics or anything, and the PvP noob curve would become drastically steeper.
    Changing the +stealth IOs to be PvE only, while inconsistent with the reasoning for SuperSpeed, would be entirely possible, and is the only change at this point I can think of that would seem right to me.

    EDIT: And IR goggles are only available for Heroes, offsetting stacked stealth on stalkers. And only available at certain times. Not a valid argument.

    FURTHER EDIT: Just to clarify something; SuperSpeed is not -per in the slightest. It's a stealth, but only contains one of the two +Stealth factors that are present on other stealth powers.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Of course, I don't really PVP, so I don't care.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Which is precisely why you're wrong about it
    Being able to stack stealth by yourself was NOT POSSIBLE for ANYONE other than stalkers. Period.
    Now you can do it without even sacrificing a power choice.
    You'd have to min/max a Regen stalker for Siren's Call's level 30 limit to understand the ramifications of that, though.
    Short version: There isn't a single power I can even sacrifice on my Stalker to fit in Stealth to stack with Hide. I barely even fit in Stamina at 30, and if I wasn't Regen (designed with long-lasting battles in mind) I wouldn't even bother with it for SC.
    Now, I can drop a stealth IO in Hurdle and have stacked stealth even in Bloody Bay.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    I really love this TF. The only thing that needs to be changed is MAKO, his regen extremely overpowered...break out the nerf bat on him plz.......

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Always gotta complain about the stalkers, doncha heroes
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm still also very concerned about the +stealth IOs stacking for everyone. Until now, only Stalkers were able to stack stealth in PvP. Now it seems anyone can. I think it's going to severely imbalance the PvP game, especially at lower levels.

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    Keep in mind Castle has said that they are being changed to be unique with each other. E.g. if you slot the one from the Run set, you can't slot any of the other three anywhere on that toon.

    Better, but still broken to me.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Here is the advancement table. It lists the level of the enhancement and the bonus it gives to a single attribute.

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    Does this mean that the improved advancement table for set IOs that was leaked was reversed? Perhaps a more clear question for those without that context is: do set IOs and common IOs now have the same base values (before factoring in the number of effects on set IOs)?


    [/ QUOTE ]
    Set IOs and Common IOs are both IOs. They all work off the same scale. To see for yourself, compare a Common IO to a Set IO of the same level that only enhances one attribute (there's a bunch in the healing, resist, defense sets).
    A level 50 IO is approximately 1.25-1.275 the enhancement of an even SO.
    A two-part IO enhances each part .625 as much as a single-attribute IO.
    Three-part: .5
    Four-part: .4375
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    There's a group fo 8 villains running a respec in there, so watch out.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    If only
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    To-hit set bonuses - This one is going to be sneaky. I don't think it's the best PvE option, but I'm a little concerned at how much to-hit there is out there. Defense is basically screwed in PvP, even more so than it has been before I think.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Where are the tohit buffs? I only see one in the paragonwiki info, which is the unique in Kismet.

    +accuracy can cause issues, but +tohit is considerably worse for defense in pvp, I think.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There are a lot of to-hit set bonuses. The uncommon high level melee damage set for instance has to-hit. I think you can get around 20% to-hit without much trouble.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's more tohit than most of the defense sets fully slotted...

    Normally I have no sympathy for defense in PvP, but that's broken. People who cried doom over I9's tohit bonuses will have been 110% right if that goes live.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Er, defense sets fully slotted usually get you 25-35% but yes, 20% in set bonuses is basically perma-build up values of tohit. This is unacceptable.
    (I've tanked +5s on my SS/Inv and know what kind of advantage perma-BU [Rage] gives you )
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Keep in mind that Back Alley Brawler, who watched us several times attempting to raid, stated that we had all the pieces but didn't put them together right. At least the way they felt it should be done. So there is something we didn't see or ignored that could be the key to this.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    See sig. He clearly told us the key.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LOL! Does anyone still have the link to that picture?

    [/ QUOTE ]
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Keep in mind that Back Alley Brawler, who watched us several times attempting to raid, stated that we had all the pieces but didn't put them together right. At least the way they felt it should be done. So there is something we didn't see or ignored that could be the key to this.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    See sig. He clearly told us the key.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Make that good Mez protection.

    I've been stunned and detoggled out of Unyielding+Unstoppable plus 4 breakfrees by the new Hami. Just insane mez power, it is.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well each yellow has two attacks they can fire off quickly that stun, as does Hami, and I think the blues have a second attack other than their fear/slow one that stuns as well, all doing between mag 6 and 9 or so. So that mag 50+ mez protection can easily be broken
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Do the attacks from hami / the mitos still ignore defense?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yes. Defense is of zero importance.
    The only things that help your survival are Toxic Resist, EoEs, Mez Protection, and HP.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    The split crafted enhancements on the other hand look to be almost exactly along the lines described here and significantly weaker than a Hami Enhancement.

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    One for one, yes. A two- or three- (or four-) aspect IO is worth less per side individually than a comparable HO. HOs get 100% of their value per aspect; that amount is reduced for IOs. This was necessary so IOs wouldn't completely overpower HOs.

    Complete six-piece sets of IOs continue to compliment each others' values though, so high-level finished sets are often competitive with HO slotting.

    It's hard to beat three Nucs + 3 SOs, or three Golgis + 3 SOs, but some sets are close, and some of them also provide nice bonuses. You can also mix HOs with IOs in any combination that suits your purposes.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    To be exact:
    1 lvl 50 One-part IO = 1.25 even SO (according to Castle - I've seen them up to about 1.275, but with the rounding done ingame it's hard to tell)
    Two-part IO = .625 One-part IO for two attributes
    Three-part IO = .5 One-part IO for three attributes
    Four-part IO = .4375 One-part IO for four attributes
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    A bigger list of -fly powers, based on City of Data and patch notes.
    A grand total of 61 powers with -fly attached (and I may well have missed a few). Every archetype is represented, though warshades have the least opportunity for -fly, since they can't take AS and only get one in Dwarf form.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Also, Mind Control's Levitate on both sides.
    EDIT: And Sonic Resonance's Liquify.
  24. &lt;QR&gt;
    In response to the out of sync issue, I have a D-Link router and have never experienced it.
  25. Depends what firewalls/routers you're behind. If you're on a university network and they're blocking those ports, you're probably stuck. On your router, go to your router's web interface and there should be a way (probably several) to open ports, e.g. a Firewall page or something. If your router's DHCP is on (your computer has a 192.168.x.x address) you need to give it a static IP so you can unblock the ports for your computer's specific IP.
    For Windows firewall, just go to the windows firewall settings (from control panel), go to the exceptions tab, and add ports to unblock. Tedious for ranges of ports, and I've found not doing this doesn't affect the ability to use the fact it's seemed to make it more difficult
    Other software firewalls, I can't help you with.