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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Planned Forum Migration to New vBulletin Forums

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    All I needed to hear. Where do I send the gift basket?
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    I know lots of Doms who would say that a /rads "mitigation" is not needed on a Cap SF.

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    But a /rad will, undoubtedly, make the AV die faster.
  3. I'll give you a paraphrased one:

    Don't roll /Elec.
  4. If any effect remains on them originating from the Placater after the instant they become Placated, it un-placates them. This includes stuns, sleeps (even the mag 2 ones against a lt or boss, that don't appear to do anything because they're protected against), debuffs, Demoralize, etc.
  5. No, it's a problem with both. Moreso in PvE, I would say.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    ...I'll lose those two slots, even though I did was was required to get them...

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    And that is ... ?
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    [/ QUOTE ]And this is the second post I've read.

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    That explains a lot.

    ( )
  8. Duo'd the Woodsman and Zenflower today, they weren't even Heroes (scaled to EBs on ruthless) and they were harder than most AVs I've soloed. God those two suck for MMs.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    All I can do is lead by example when I PvP.

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    Thank goodness for /ignore and disable seeing broadcast villian chat.

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    What about leading by example by not cutting off communication and instead exercising some mental maturity?
  10. Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2? That was an MMO?
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Grinnz: I disagree. There are many competitive games that I enjoy, ones without trash talking because there is no chat in them or because the audience does not do so.

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    No chat: Well that's the equivalent of martial law, it works but it stems a lot of other things.

    The second part, I'll need proof to believe that, if there really is an MMO where you can chat freely, fight each other, and there isn't trash talking.
  12. My response is the only way you'll ever enjoy PvP in any MMO. The trash talking won't go away.
  13. You can use it to get over yourself.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't PVP specifically because of trash talking.

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    I have a friend with a bridge...
  15. I have no idea what the last 10 or so posts are talking about.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    THEY in turn end up having this mentality that everyone on the opposing side is like this one jerk, and so they immediately go on the offensive verbally when they zone.

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    Classic example. Today someone I knew had logged into a friend's account because they had never played a stalker before. Complete noob at it, ok no big deal, they're learning and getting the hang of stalking.

    Out of no where this random hero says "LOL, Stalker, you suck so much [censored]. I got pwn you in 2 seconds."

    What's the need of that? This new person NEVER said anything demeaning to anyone in zone. It's not like they walked saying "ROFL YOU SUCK LRN2PLAY N00B!!!!"

    No, they didn't say that at all. In fact when they had successfully defeated someone, they didn't say anything at all. While I was talking to them, they basically said that it's not as easy as it looks and stalking may not be their role in pvp.

    I've never ever understood why someone would walk into a zone and start trash talking to some random person they've never met. I mean....WHY? What good does it do? You're just being a complete tool.

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    In that case, it's because stalkers are the devil and all stalkers are by nature complete bigots and [censored].

    (sarcasm note for those who do not detect it)
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    I'm so happy that sensible people run this game now.

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    To be fair, hindsight is 20/20.

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    Except there were dozens of people who've been consistently right all along. Defenders always brought a lot to a group. Nearly no AT is strictly "needed" at any level of the game. But Defenders do and always have brought more to a team in this game than most other ATs.

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    Just about any buffer/debuffer Def/Cont brings a lot to a team. Stacked buffs are stacked buffs. Either from a controller or defender there is not a whole lot of difference.

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    Especially once Controllers (that take primal or w/e) get Powerboost, of much higher strength than a defender could get from PBU and up twice as often.

    Unfortunately, corruptors get patrons. Sucks for them.
  18. Would be cool, they could make those purples only have PvP effects, so PvEers would have no reason to want them anyway.
  19. Find and do the arcs of secret contacts villainside. Each secret contact requires a badge (well, one of them requires a lot more) to unlock their story arc. Some hints:

    Port Oakes has one at level 10-15, very easy to outlevel. She's standing near the only place to get the prerequisite badge.

    Sharkhead Isle has three, one 20-25 (don't think I've done his arc fully), and two 25-30. One of those you have to talk to for some other peoples' missions, and he has a badge that is required for one of the villain accolades.

    Nerva Archipelago has three as well. One is 25-30, his prerequisite is a badge for fighting a group you've probably fought plenty of by that time. One is 30-35 and requires a badge from Sharkhead. The last is 35-40 and is possibly my favorite secret contact because of two of the missions he gives.

    St. Martial has two secret contacts. The 30-35 one is deceptively artificial, but deep down really just wants your help. The 35-40 contact is a popular name in Martial.

    Finally, Grandville houses the four remaining secret contacts. Two are 40-45, one of which most people stumble upon as he's standing in a high-traffic area. The other I generally outlevel before getting the prerequisite badge unless I'm really trying to get his arc, but the best place to farm for his badge is right there in Grandville.

    The 45-50 contacts are probably the most entertaining and cool arcs. One you probably have heard of, a direct competitor to another inanimate contact much earlier in the CoV game. The last one has about 7 different prerequisites to unlock, but is well worth the effort.
  20. you actually took time out of your day to formulate a coherent response to Captain Freak?

    damn son, have a cookie.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
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    That's like going to a suishi bar and whining that you got served raw fish.

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    no it's not, that saying i go to pvp zones to pvp but don't wanna pvp......i go there for the missions there and only that reason. i can farm the missions there and get mission xp....and get the same mission over and over again. As I said, pvp is good content, but i just don't do it.

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    Then gtfo
  22. or gf...but then they might think you're hitting on them
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't need to 'get over it', I think...because I'm not actually sure what you mean, tbh. Isnt 'getting over it' what you do after something bad has happened that's finished? Like a bereavement, for example? It's like 'come to terms with it AND MOVE ON, isn't it? Since the thing I was referring to ie trashtalk is still happening, I can hardly put it behind me, can I, if i'm to enter into PvP.

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    I mean, get over the fact that it's always going to happen and it doesn't affect anything except people who let it affect them.

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    Ignoring it is what i do, for the most part, although since it appears to me to be an unavoidable part of PvP (in much the same way that broadcast in PvE zones and the various chat channels I have up are to me an integral part of what I like about this MULTIPLAYER game), ignoring PvP as much as possible is how I do this.

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    It is a part of maturity to be able to receive such slander and filter out the signal from the noise. Ignore the noise and continue on.

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    As for realising that it doesn't affect 'actual PvPers', do you mean that the OP isn't one? I guess that's irrelevant to me, eiother way, since I'm not.

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    I mean that anyone who engages in trash talk with any hint of seriousness, or anyone who is actually affected by it, is not a member of the PvP community that I support. People who PvP consistently and know what they're doing generally only engage in it because it's funny (when someone who catches on responds in turn), or to distract someone so they can get the drop on them.

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    'Trashtalk', in the commonly encountered form that we can see every day in BB and Sirens is in my opinion childish, ignorant, intellectually bereft mouth farting.

    Spidey's form of trashtalk, however, is witty. If only there was a way of encouragin that sort of dialogue ingame, I reckon you'd get a load more people like myself interested in PvP. I don't mind losing a PvP fight, as long as whoever beats me does it with entertaining panache. I'm not interested in swearylolnoob comments from teabagging prebubescents, however.


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    I'm afraid that comes with any sort of Player Vs Player interaction in a game where people under the age of 18 (mentally or physically) are allowed in. I'm not telling you that you must endure it, avoid all PvP if you wish, be my guest. I'm just saying that I wish more people would ignore this facet and enjoy what PvP really has to offer.