Grey Pilgrim

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  1. Yeah, sorry MP. I'm not much in to PvP, and this is my one chance to run a Synapse for a bit, as I probably will be too busy next weekend. I hope your event goes well. Not even sure how these gladiators work... are they a one use thing? Can you control them?

    And yay for Des and Bunny. Looks like we're doing pretty solid so far. Anyone else want in?
  2. Hey all, I'm still working on that dratted Task Force Commander for one of my tanks. Synapse is next up on the list, so come one, come all. 7:30 PM Central/8:30 Eastern, etc. If anyone wants to bring a stealth/tper for the few missions you can shorten, go for it.

    1. Grey Pilgrim (WP/DB Tanker)
    2. Des (Scrapper of some sort)
    3. Bunny (Blaster)
  3. As long as it has a good DPA, I'd use it. Though sheer coolness has its place... cyborg pack's self destruct comes to mind.
  4. QR

    I never understand why people are thrown off by how Fire Melee is set up. There's only so many variations you can do on the "burning you with my hands" routine before it gets boring. It makes sense to me, personally... you can manipulate fire, so why not be able to make fiery shapes?

    The oddball in the set to me, personally, is Breath of Fire. Very different approach than the other powers. I like the idea of a cone Fire attack as well (though I don't know if I'd fit it in anyway, since Combustion and Fire Sword Circle get the job done better, and at 360 degrees).
  5. I'd quibble with your views on Munitions with Archery. I personally wouldn't want any of the "AR Powers" with it, but Body Armor and Surveillance are a nice boost for my Arch/Dev/Munitions Blaster. You can pop Surveillance from range (or close, since I have Cloaking Device, etc.) to set up your fight, and Body Armor never turns off even when you're mezzed, and adds on top of ranged defense nicely. Most return fire misses, but Body Armor helps cut down on how much those random shots hurt.
  6. Heh, very true. Some people are complaining about Obama being more of a celebrity and trying to look nice, rather than bringing about that whole change thing he campaigned on.

    I think the media is a little Obama crazy still, that's for sure. Reminds me of the Simpsons where the press in the White House laugh like silly, lovestruck idiots at a very minor joke made by John F. Kennedy.
  7. QR

    Meh, this drama is nothing. Obama killed a fly during an interview, and PETA is up in arms over the President "not respecting the fly by killing it." *snickers*
  8. QR

    Well, I'm still at 33. We'll see how far I can get tonight... hopefully I can at least keep up, if not catch up a bit.
  9. Grey Pilgrim

    Victory Red Side

    Heh, MP beat me to it. I read through that listing and was wondering why people kept focusing on redside. Heh.

    I've seen this description of Victory before and been rather confused, as I haven't really noticed anything GLBT about most on Victory. I've seen people post and try to say it's a ghost town, which makes me either a) roll my eyes b) chuckle at their silliness c) get annoyed d) all of the above. Redside is lighter than blueside on Victory, but I haven't had issues finding teams on either side, unless it's really late.
  10. Snake, I really would guess it's them having just spawned in and they're in the window where they cannot be attacked. I haven't seen the message that pops up when I try to hit these types of enemies, but I know this is a feature of how the game works and I have encountered it myself with a few of my heroes.

    If you can see (sometimes a challenge in the raids), they usually have the teleport in animation going still as well. At any rate, pay as much attention as you could... I've learned to be sharp about this so I don't waste a Rain of Arrows on a big group that just spawned in, heh.
  11. Heh, I have heroes that are still working on the merits... (now have 3 heroes that are wanting Vanguard outfits... darn my roleplaying tendencies, anyway). One of them is done, the other is 2/3 done, and the other isn't 35 just yet, but that's plenty to work on for awhile.

    I suppose I'll get around to that bomb badge eventually on my main. But I finally got all the Sewer Trial badges tonight, so I feel like I've accomplished some good with him, at least.
  12. 2nd raid in RWZ 2 with Dirtball went pretty well. I got about 400 merits, but the shields went up before I placed our second bomb. I kind of lost track of the clock, so I'm not sure if that was anything weird. It was mostly due to all the other grates being taken.
  13. I think you already have a few shots of Grey Pilgrim, but let me know if you want any other hero shots. I have a wide range of heroes and themes that you could have fun with!
  14. Doh. Friday is date night for my wife and I, so that never works for me. Oh well.
  15. Congrats, all! I had fun reading the entries.

    Oh, and I would say my MA story arc is pretty good too. In case you want to run that too, Peterbilt. Heh.
  16. See, that's why I put the little smiley face so she would know I was joking. I know how vengeful and mean MP can be, so I had to be sure to assuage her.

    See how I did it again? It's like a trend... a behavior, if you will.

  17. Why is it there is always a delay with these results for fiction competitions? It think MP likes to make us angsty and impatient.
  18. I could join you if you did this on Saturday, but no biggie if that's not good for you. Think I'm 4-5 bulbs into 33... xp must have been slow, since I started at 32.

    The upgrade equipment for Thugs was acting weird last night. Wasn't always changing the appearance of the Bruiser or Thugs, though I THINK they had the expanded attack options.
  19. Grey Pilgrim

    Tanker Offense?

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    It always amazed me that they wouldn't think players wanted it. I mean, they knew we would want to customize the appearance of our characters, and gave us the most amazing character design system extant, then dropped the ball with customizing the powers themselves...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    While it's definitely a shame they did, and I agree they dropped the ball, well, remember that post of mine you so heartily agreed with. It really shouldn't be surprising when taking the history of this game's development. Disappointing, yes, but there's not very much that even the devs can do now except change values, animations (animations and powers are quite different things) and add new systems. The old stuff, in many ways, is practically set in stone.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    With BAB's developer diary that just got put out, I have a strong feeling that we are going to be getting a lot more customization. It's hinted at in the diary, and maybe I'm counting my eggs before they're hatched, but I'm not sure what other type of customization they could be hinting at with Going Rogue than power customization (since we can already change weapons, costumes, costume emotes with I15/Magic Booster, change powers, etc.).

    This ranged discussion just doesn't make sense to me. Giving Tanks ranged powers earlier muddies the character of different ATs and seriously creates the possibility of a Tankmage. Even if it's all balanced and ranged players don't get peeved about it, I fail to see why a ranged attack earlier would be that great. It's nice to get it from the epics if you have room, but I rarely am wishing I could do some ranged damage with my melee characters.

    This turn to the thread doesn't really make sense. It's a whole lot of talk about an idea that really wouldn't make sense to do to a lot of people, and I don't see the devs going after it. People would rather have more sets, more sets shared between the ATs, etc., than a major change to existing sets, which is what this idea requires.
  20. Thanks for the update, MP.

    Good luck, all!
  21. Grey Pilgrim

    Tanker Offense?

    Again, WHY do tanks need this? How is it going to make them better? They're a melee class, and they already get access to some ranged attacks with their Epic pools. There is no reason to add more ranged options... heck, I like taking epic powers, but it's hard to justify it quite often, as powers from the primary/secondary/pools usually take up most of my picks.

    I get that you want it, but your want is already in the game and it's not going to make things all that much different or better. I can think of a lot of other features I want more and would make a bigger difference.
  22. Yeah, I'm a little confused about the KB complaint if he has Acro on. Sure, you'll be knocked around more before the big Acro change, but Acro's KB protection is good for almost all encounters in game.
  23. Congrats to the winners... sounds like there were some good arcs, so I don't feel too sad that I'm not among them with "Bladed Justice." Hopefully I merit an honorable mention, though.
  24. Grey Pilgrim

    Tanker Offense?

    [ QUOTE ]
    One very good reason why not:

    No matter which power you remove to add in this ranged power, there are people that have/love/want to keep said power that would be removed. The complaints simply wouldn't be worth it, regardless of the quality of power they were replaced with (see Epic Pool changes.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, this is why BAB pretty much doesn't want to change any existing animations (quite sure I saw him post this)... as there are some that will love it, some that will hate it, and no one wins. Heck even with the change made to Clobber in the Mace set, people were grumbling about the stun reduction even though it made the set work better (though I do miss the stun a bit).