396 -
Astonishing. And damn it all, I am supposed to be getting over the sadness by now!
Yeah, I'm curious, too, because I've heard theories ranging from the stunningly obvious to serious tinfoil hattery. What has that range of discussion missed?
Quote:This. So much, this.But let's not ******** each other: If you piss on someone else's hope, you're an *******. If you take pleasure in other people's pain, you're an *******. If you're ok with that, so be it, but don't cry about it when people explain that you're being an *******.
Quote:This is me. I don't begrudge anyone their game of choice, but I honestly can't see myself picking up another MMO. Hell, before CoH the last computer game I'd played was Grim Fandango, and I've still never owned a console. Should a reborn Paragon come up with something interesting I might give it a try, but otherwise, when the lights go out in Atlas Park, my career in electronic gaming comes to a close.The other factor is that CoH is the MMO that a lot of people who don't otherwise play MMOs actually play.
So yeah, I'm upset about the closing, and even more upset about the way things were handled for the Paragon team (for personal reasons). I'm not taking a bag of rifles into a bell tower or anything, but this has served to remind me that commercial video gaming isn't an art form, it's a business, and getting emotionally invested in a business or its products is never smart. -
Quote:I always assumed that was a side-effect of working around portals all the time. Couldn't really explain it in City Hall, though.You still can see NPCs in the Portal Corps building (the one at the base of the 'U' behind Tina McIntyre) walk out of a wall, across the lobby, and through a wall on the other side. For a while after the addition of Recluse's Victory, NPCs in City Hall would do it downstairs, too, sometimes walking across in mid-air.
And while I am sure there's no real connection, I discovered today that Roy Cooling, the guy who helps you solve the medi-porter crisis? In demorecord mode the name of his model is Model_Director11_Ring. Random naming weirdness, or is Director 11 messing with our heads? -
Quote:It may not be much help, but I'm trying to scrape all the code for the Celestial costume set, so you could in theory demorecord your PB as-is, and then edit the costume to bring it to your vision. It won't let you play in the costume creator, but it may be something.The only thing I regret never having and can't even get on test is the celestial pack so I can finish off my PB's costume.
Of course, I haven't yet checked to see if the game client checks for valid access before loading the costume in a demo playback, so it could be a false hope. -
Quote:Okay, I'll cop to this, too. There's a Glass Goblin on every North American server, most of them in Outbreak or Atlas in a random costume. In my case, I kept them there in case I decided to transfer servers, something I've actually done a couple of times.My first character was an elec/dev blaster on Virtue named Electric Fairy.
Some time in late 2004, I went on every server and made Electric Fairy there, just so I could hold onto the name on every server. On two servers, someone had already beaten me to it!
Even today, there's a couple of servers where Electric Fairy is still level 1 and in Outbreak.
Of course, I can't actually imagine anyone gnashing their teeth over their inability to use the name, so I'm not TOO remorseful. -
Quote:Yeah, that library is exactly what I'm hoping to build. Most of the entities and emotes have been documented in Skuzzbopper's old codex, which I've already scraped locally, just in case. Anything added to the game since early 2009 is missing, though, as that seems to be when he left the game.I have a related question. Do we have any documentation of specific items and critters that can be used in demos? For example, do we have samples of all the costume parts, faces, etc? All the critters? Emotes/poses, including some only NPCs can normally display? How about static mission items like things used as glowies?
I've been thinking about the above in terms demos becoming our only way to relive the game visually, and having that sort of "components" library would be a big help.
If anyone wants to do demorecords and send me the newer entities and emotes, I'll add them to my database for eventual addition to Paragon Wiki (he says, before asking anyone at Titan if they're okay with that). -
Demo recording is one of those things I always thought I'd get around to "soon." Well, since "soon" is no longer good enough, I'm now trying to gather as much information as possible about building demo files as I can. Unless we can pull off this miracle, demo building will likely become the only way I can relive my time in Paragon.
Unfortunately, many of the old resources have succumbed to linkrot. I've grabbed what I've been able to find, but most of the resource pages ceased updating by 2008, and many of them linked to forum posts which have since been purged.
What I'm hoping to do is build a repository for people who, like me, want to learn how to do this. For a lot of folks a simple entity swap in the cohdemo file would be sufficient, but there isn't any list for anything released in the last few years, and nothing at all for Incarnates. I can't be the only novice interested in this.
Do any of you marvelously talented video folks have cheatsheets you'd be willing to share? I'm willing to do the work of organizing the information for future reference, but I have to get the data from somewhere. Particularly with top-end Incarnates and villains, I don't even have anyone capable of playing the content so I can record it and pull it out of the files.
Thanks! -
Quote:I developed a thick skin about min/maxers from GMing Champions back when it was first released. I made those bas-- players pay for every sleazy disadvantage they took. They rued the day they thought five DNPCs and a vulnerability to wood were workable.No offense to the people at Titan or the people that pushed for "real numbers", I think that that was one of the worst things added to the game because it popularized min/maxing even more.
And my other confession that ties into that.. I'm one of those people that was actually fine with ED, but that might have something to do with me starting soon before it started.
Oh, and I have always thought ED was a good idea. I don't have an opinion about the PVP changes, as I don't have a dog in that fight. So to speak. -
Oh, really?
Quote:But I still like Tom Baker best of all, mostly because he was the Doctor when I first started watching.
On topic (?!): I have never used Mids because the whole respec process soars far past my tolerance for complexity in a game, even though this sometimes forces me to abandon characters I am otherwise enjoying.
And in a related confession, I often felt that I had little to contribute to beta testing because the vast majority of test discussions focus on Arcana-esque mathematics, whereas my own interest is on the story and environment and general feel. -
The problem is that I don't want to learn self-trepanation. I want to practice trepanation on some select others.
But yes, deny the page views and they'll stop stirring the pancakes. -
This just blows my mind. I hope someone is gathering all this stuff together for those of us who never previously learned to demoedit, but who've been trying to learn now. (A lot of the old resources died of linkrot.)
Thank you! -
You know, maybe that was the problem. Someone in management heard players talking about how they "jumped the shark" during Captain Mako week, and pulled the plug.
I just want to add my thanks for this. Even if all I can ever do is drop my characters into a demo to show off their costumes, it will be wonderful.
Quote:This is eerily appropriate.After about an hour they had made it down to Positrons old lab. It was relatively free of major damage, just covered in dust and age. Memories started to fill back into Rays head. Experiments he never finished. Technology he never completed. He was soaking it all in when he heard Numina giggling.
Same here. And I've got a bucket of server transfer tokens, so where you go doesn't matter.
I've been meaning to mess with demorecord for... well, eight years now. I guess I'll have time to learn, once I get some stock material.
(Which reminds me: Has anyone compiled some stock items anywhere, like the code for certain NPCs, etc? Or is that verboten?)
Anyway, should anyone want a classic Golden Age style super-strength hero, feel free to use Gorilla Girl.
Code:0 26 Player 0 26 NEW "Gorilla Girl" 0 26 COSTUME 1 00aac8f7 9.023640 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.010781 0.000000 0.820000 0.240000 0.480000 0.940000 -1.000000 0.040000 -0.640000 -0.480000 -0.960000 -0.890000 0.660000 0.660000 -0.840000 -0.190000 -0.630000 -0.010000 0.660000 0.360000 0.380000 0.350000 -0.620000 0 26 PARTSNAME Pants_Loose V_Leather_01 none 00001a26 00ababab 0 26 PARTSNAME Jackets_Sleeves !X_Chest_V_Animal_01_Mask none 0000111a 00000033 0 26 PARTSNAME V_fem_Head.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard !Face_Skin_V_Fem_Head_59 !V_Face_Small_Mask_1 00000033 00ababab 0 26 PARTSNAME V_FEM_GLOVE.GEO/GEO_Larm*_Sport_02 !Boot_V_Sport_01 !Boot_V_Sport_01_Mask 00000033 00000a1f 0 26 PARTSNAME V_FEM_BOOT.GEO/GEO_Lleg*_Cowboy_Boot_02 !Boot_V_Cowboy_01 !Boot_V_Cowboy_01_Mask 0000001f 00000000 0 26 PARTSNAME Retro_01 Retro_01a Retro_01b 0000111a 0063c0c0 0 26 PARTSNAME Wild Style_01a Style_01b 0000111a 001f1f1f 0 26 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 26 PARTSNAME none none none 0000111a 00ababab 0 26 PARTSNAME none none none 0000111a 00ababab 0 26 PARTSNAME none none none 0000111a 00ababab 0 26 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 26 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 26 PARTSNAME none none none 0000111a 00ababab 0 26 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 26 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 26 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 26 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 26 PARTSNAME none none none 003b3b3b 00000000 00000000 00000000 Auras/Female/BeastlyRage/BeastlyRage_Breath_Combat.fx 0 26 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 26 PARTSNAME V_FEM_TOP.GEO/GEO_Top_V_Leather !Top_V_Leather_01 none 00000a1f 000070aa 0 26 PARTSNAME V_FEM_Sleeves.GEO/GEO_Sleeves_V_Leather !Sleeves_V_Leather_01 none 00000a1f 00000000 0 26 PARTSNAME none none none 0000111a 00ababab 0 26 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 26 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 26 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 26 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 26 PARTSNAME none none none 0000111a 00ababab 0 26 MOV TAUNTANOROOT_PRE 0