605 -
Quote:Agreed.Personally, I love pacts and wouldn't mind seeing 3 or 4-man pacts, but more would be a little much.
Quote:What I'd like to see is an increase in the LEVEL allowed for pacting. I accidentally broke a pact of a level 14 and wish I could get it back. Either allowing previously pacted characters to re-pact, or allowing a higher-level pact if the characters were within, say, 4-5 levels to prevent abuse, would make me happy.
Ana and I were just discussing last night how much fun it would be if my level 3 could pact with her level 11, since that's the lowest level character she has on our regular server, and all her character slots are full.
It'd really help people with different playstyles (like the two of us have) a lot. She makes and plays characters as she's inspired, if I get an idea for a character I make it, but I don't play it until my current project character is capped. -
Looks like your questions have been answered, so welcome back!
Hey Jinse!
TO is Training Origin
DO is Dual Origin
SO is Single Origin, available at level 22+
IO is Invention Origin, which are usually a part of a set, which gives additional bonuses, and never needs to be replaced, ie, you never outlevel them.
Unless you use the common IOs which are not part of a set, but they also are never outleveled for the most part.
Common IOs can be bought from workbenches and crafted, much like set IOs, but when you have a full IO set in one power, you get the added benefits of that set.
You can slot any enhancement up to +3 over your current level, so at 22 you can slot 25's for example.
Edit: Just wanted to add, your global name, @Jinse, will let your global (not server) friends, see you on every server, and regardless of which side you're on, be it hero or villian. -
Like I said, every scrapper should have their own theme song.
For me, depending on who I am playing, my mood, and what I am fighting I think of:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jgrCKhxE1s (Dragonforce "Through the Fire and Flames)
or (as used by one of the ultimate scrappers in recent history, Vic Mackey)
or Temple of the Dog, "Say Hello 2 Heaven")
and while I'm on Chris Cornell:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmVPD1qak2c (Audioslave's "Seven Nation Army" cover)
and of course Rage Against the Machine "Killing in the Name Of"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkuOAY-S6OY -
Since Rabid_Metroid and Fomsie mentioned 3 of my favorite webcomics, I'd have to add:
also www.break.com for funny and stupid videos, www.cracked.com for funny and stupid articles and videos and www.fmylife.com for bad day stories.
and of course, my favorite
www.redvsblue.com (NSFW) -
On Cheat Code I run at +4/x8, bosses and AVs when soloing arcs.
On AE missions I usually set it to -1/x8 so I can feel uber heroic. -
Welcome to the game, Jinse.
As Ad Astra said, you've read too much on the forums.
My claws/sr and kat/wp have no problem taking it to the enemy, and in most situations surpassing my Spines/Dark and DM/SR against the same mobs.
As far as masterminds go, I love the idea, and I love the concept of one character controlling a bunch of pets, but personally, I get bored of watching the game play itself.
I'm still going to try it again when Going Rogue launches, as the idea of a Demon Summoning mm on hero side is just too much to pass up.
If you're ever on Freedom, look me up (global is in my sig). -
Quote:Heh, +1 for the "lol" factor. And I did, cause I should be asleep before work tonight, but I'm not.This is the dumbest idea in the history of ideas. This suggestion is so epically gormless that I hear the spiritual screams of generations as yet unborn. Only a complete moron would suggest such a thing.
Look for Arbiters on your map. Those are the trainers for redside.
Well I know the stealth IO in sprint didn't help me any, and that's my only stealth ability.
Big congrats to the brute! -
So I just got through talking to @Elfis on global.
This is a very tough mission, but fun. Very challenging.
At level 50, after reading Werner's comments, I set it at +1/x1 with no bosses or AVs, I still died 5 times on a claws/sr.
After Johnny killed me (and I loved the Short Cicuit reference) I pretty much gave up trying to beat this till I get my last 8 LotGs.
5 stars! I love a challenge! -
I'll give it a whirl on Cheat Code as soon as I'm done with my running around doing errands today.
One unified theme song for Scrappers makes as much sense as one theme song for every action movie hero.
Everyone gets their own. -
Can't help you with the bug, just wanted to say welcome to the City, Sketch! Glad you're enjoying the game.
I'd love some new maps myself.
Of course, I have 3 characters on Tina's arc at the moment, so I'd love to get rid of the lab maps completely.
I hate the lab maps. -
Because I am bored and should be asleep before work tonight and I'm not.
~whistles along to "Bright Side of Life"~ -
Name it Sewer Urchin after the character in The Tick!
Quote:Agreed. I have a friend from back home who's been playing years longer than I, who sent me a tell while I was working on Cheat Code's final costume in Pocket D. When I was done, I replied, "sorry I was working on a costume."True -- but the fact remains that she's in there, and many people who HAVE the VIP Pass consistently are surprised to hear this factoid.
His response "Since when is there a tailor in Pocket D?"
Isn't it almost a year now? -
Yeah I am glad I came along, I had a blast.
I can't recall the last time I saw that many Magus at once though. It was stupid insane fun, especially trying to chase them all over the top of the ship.
If I wouldn't have kept getting stunned and slept I promise I wouldn't have died 4 times!
Still it was a blast, looking forward to the next one.
-Cheat Code