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I think MoCoP should unlock nipple costume options.
My first instinct was that this ruins my RP.
After careful consideration, though, I think I managed to come up with a plausible explanation that my characters (or at least the avatars of my 4 archetypal proto-logisms (invented word referring to incarnated facets of a recurring power ) that correspond to manifestations of the different stages of the lifecycle that [@Gerswin] created) can live with.
What if the hero universe, the 'city' if you will, is merely an allegory for the bright side of an entity's consciousness, while the villain universe, the 'wilderness' , is an allegory for the dark side. This entity, while very powerful, is very troubled, and each successive 'Issue' released by NCSOFT is symbolic of the stages of psychotherapy that this entity is experiencing, with the ultimate climax being the reconciliation of dark and light, good and evil, yin and yang, as merely different faces of the same coin, at which point the 'game' as we know it will cease to exist. This model suggests that the merging of the markets is just one more step in the master plan.
I clearly need to think this through more thoroughly, perhaps I will meditate on it while leeching the hami raid. -
I think I speak for everyone when I say that I am appalled by the juvenile filth that gets spewed at hami raids. I am sick and tired of the references to male sexual organs, female mammaries, scatalogical and coprophilic banter, incessent meowing and posterior-sniffing, and generally uncouth drivel. Grow up people! I am amazed at the sheer level of immaturity displayed by these spoiled bratty children, or supposed adults as soon as they figure out that they will not get banned for the sheer diarrhea of the mouth that they are regurgitating into the broadcast channel. The fake mistells irritate me more than anything. Perverse sexual innuendos disguised as mistyped words sicken me to the point of tearing out my eyes. I just feel like screaming "NO!!! THAT IS NOT WHAT 'SHE' SAID YOU LITTLE TWERP!!!!1!!" but I take the high road every time and recognize that my own maturity level is miles above their adolescent fumblings.
What if a FFA zone was like randomized kickball, and whenever you zoned in, you were automatically assigned to the faction with less people.
Someone with superior RP vision than me please justify this. -
kins, colds, rads and VEATs
I am a Justice native, but I transferred a few toons to Freedom recently. BIG MISTAKE! My primary complaints are:
-everyone uses inspirations. It is hard to fight if all they have to do is pop a green and heal up after I am hammering on them for a few minutes.
-no one honors my challenge to fight under the globe in RV. When I show up and start to tell them the rules, I get stunned/held/AS'd and killed before the fight can start. Repeatedly.
-even melee toons have phase. weak.
-if you like to fly, people will target you with web grenades and then gang you like 5:1 when you fall.
-when I got a kill and got a pvp recipe, they told me it was worth 200K so I sold it to a blaster for 3 mil. I found out later it was worth 800 mil. liars.
-the lag is horrible
-all of the players have fake names that are not in line with their origins and powersets. Like natural origin broadsword scrapers with names like 'ur a nub haha' instead of 'Leonidas'.
-if you ask a question in broadcast people will give you wrong answers and trick you into getting killed repeatedly. IT IS NOT FUN.
I will be transferring back as soon as possible. Hopefully all of these 'leet pvpers' will not follow. -
Our enemies must not deceive themselves in the 2,000 years of Justice history known to us, our people have never been more united than today. The Lord of the Universe has treated us so well in the past years that we bow in gratitude to a providence which has allowed us to be members of such a great nation. We thank Him that we also can be entered with honour into the everlasting book of Justice history!
Quote:Careful everyone! This is just a well though out ruse that Pum came up with to thin his globals list without looking like a bad guy. Not gonna trick me out of my hard earned gfriend that easily!
My current gfriends list is quite extensive and not everyone that I have gfriended have I teamed with much or have gotten to know very well (sorry). Note that my gfriend list has already been snapshotted, and if you are on my gfriend list after December 1, 2009 you will NOT be eligible to compete in this contest. If you are currently on my gfriend list and wish to participate in this contest, you must no longer gfriend me before December 1, 2009. Note that I will not re-gfriend you if you choose to drop me from your list. I'm harsh that way, sorry. -
I believe in modesty and anything that brings attention to the physical form outside of the sanctity of marriage is a sin, so I have to express my disapproval of these suggestions.*
*Unless they add "nipple" chest options. -
The build looks fairly fun to play, but watch out for a few things in RV. Since you don't have any ranged damage, smart heroes will lure you onto lower levels then web you, where they will be able to tee off on you without any danger of being hit. Second, you will have to be very careful of hostile mob aggro since you don't have a fast recharging heal or exceptional defense. It is difficult for you to 'reset the fight' by stepping back for a few seconds to heal and lose a debuff. Still, you should be tough enough, especially with buffs, to almost never die unless your team wipes or you're faced with nasty odds. With that build, if you die to any single hero in a zone you are playing it wrong. Finally, realize that unless things change soon, you will be primarily teamed, or at least aligned, with stalkers. In this situation, you won't be all that effective against an equal number of heroes unless they are noobs. If you are the only visible villain and there are 3+ heroes of balanced ATs that have half of a clue, get ready to hit phase and run. On the other hand, if you have a pain dom, therm, etc. on your team, get ready to farm noob scrappers and feel invincible.
Quote:As a science professor, I have to call you out on this one pum. Density does not depend on the effects of gravitation, as it is defined in terms of mass/volume, not weight/volume.Gravity must be higher outside of this server since the people out there seem to be a lot denser.
nub. -
That was definitely my fastest STF where we didn't stack veng at all, I seem to remember a run a few minutes faster though where we cheated more outrageously and you could skip all 4 towers.
100% Killer
40% Achiever
40% Socializer
20% Explorer -
Seems liek u all are just scared to dual the honorable way, no insps no runing no jumping. Ur weekness is very showing THE STRONG WILL SURVIVE.
I think 15 mins is possible, just because a good portion of that 18 min one was zone times. If people can position themselves to minimize zone times that are 'on the clock' combined with judicious use of mission tp power and fortunate glowie placement. Also, we didn't really abuse veng, shivs or nukes.
Why would you let some Kheldian trash on a speed run?
So what's the time to beat? my gut says 20 mins is a good time to shoot for.
It was fun, and not just because I won the "bounty".
[/ QUOTE ]
You definitely took the money shot. -
what happened to this thread? it used to be full of lots of lulzy drama and bile; now it's all civil and good natured.
Frankly, I'm disappointed.
On a related note, where's judads? I don't see his words.
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All feisty peeps were busy [censored] your mom. -
Man+Fire+Machine=Sweet Sweet Love
[/ QUOTE ]
Add a boob or two and a firearm and I'm sold.