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  1. I appreciate it. I'll do it next time I'm over at my mom's.
  2. What's PING? And I don't know anything about Firefox. I'm at a loss as for what could be wrong.
  3. So the next time I'm over there, would I check the second box in the proxy settings area?
  4. Well, I checked my settings, and I don't have proxy settings checked, but I do have Use Automatic Configuration Script checked, and the default address is:

    Any other ideas that might explain my problem?
  5. Oh, I see. I'll check in the morning when I get home. Thanks.
  6. I'm not sure, Hugginator. I just unplug my desktop from my satellite router, drive over to mom's and plug into her Verizon DSL box.
  7. Okay, quick question: How can my mom use her internet sitting beside me on her desktop, and I can't connect with mine? I can still get to CoH, but not the net. Granted, this happened this past Saturday, and even she was having some trouble connecting to the net. Her comp is older than mine, and not as good, so I'm just curious.
  8. Thanks, I'll give it a shot.
  9. Well, the only firewall I have on my comp is the Windows one, and I just did an AVG scan earlier today. I'm at a loss.
  10. I play on satellite for the most part, but I have a ton of latency. So a couple of times a week, I go over to my parents' place to play on their DSL line. But I've run into a snag. Last week everything was fine. Now, I can connect to CoH, but not the internet. When I ran a diagnostic check, I get a message like this:

    There is a problem with your connection. HTTP port 80 HTTPS 443 FTP 21 are suspect.
    There may also be a problem with the firewall settings on your computer. ((Which is not on anyway.))

    Anyone got any ideas?
  11. This thread never ceases to bring a grin to my face.
  12. I like it. My work comp has no troubles with it so far.
  13. Oh man, that rocks! If my 7 yr old sees it, she'll beg me for, do you take orders, you know, just in case?

  14. This thread is STILL full of win. I'm always checking back for updates. My 6yr old loves the fact that little kids play this game too.
  15. Aha!! You're PinUp Girl, from Virtue? Well, Atom Basher says, "Oooo, a new poster to put on my wall!" *laughing*
  16. I liked "Nation" and "Purple Sentinel". *sighs* I wish I had altitis...
  17. I just got some art done by gammaknight, thanks Thor's_Assassin for the commission thread by the way, and I'd like to send it to the reciepent on her guildportal account. But I have NO idea on how to put the image in the message so that when she opens it, she'll see the pic instead of just the link to my photobucket album. I'd like to pop her socks with the pic, instead of having her click the link. Does anyone know how to do that?
  18. We got some generous artists here on the boards!
  19. I'd like to see them raise the level scrub to 10, seeing as how new alts can't use the email system till then anyways. It hasn't gotten rid of those RMT morons, but it'd free up some more names...