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  1. The new item is the price for the titan weapon pack.
  2. Got to say that helmet/hat is the ugliest thing I've seen in this game.

    Why no Fire bow?
    Why no Ice Axe?
    Why no flame like shield?

    Please include a costum piece for each melee weapon, and those that fit the theme.

    Why no crystals for the chest option? Just the lava bikini.


    Now the blazing swords are awesome. The crystal arm is great, same with the shoulders and backpack.
  3. Honestly if you are teir 9 and don't like incarnate there is no reason to stay VIP. If you spent your $15 you would get more points and instantly get your reward token.

    Spending $15 a month directly to pargon market would get you 15,830 points and 13 reward tokens (at time of purchase) as a Prem. Spending the same as a VIP gets you 6,600 points and 12 tokens (that are often late).

    There really isnt a reason to stay VIP if you hate incarnate. Everything else (Power sets, AT, and the like) can easily be bought with the extra 9,230 points.

    Poor customer service and exclusive Costume contests do not make a player feel like a VIP.
  4. Just wanted to add my two cents in here.

    No item in paragon Market should be more than 400 points. The reason is this is the allotment given to the VIP players. It would allow every VIP to get that ONE item as a bonus. It would act as a reason to move from Prem to VIP. A single free item that the player picks a Month for VIP is easy to grasp by all the player base. Also 400 points is the smallest amount you can buy at $5.
  5. Ok just touched on this in help chat wondering if its possible.

    Create a toon in Preatoria run it 1-50 (by exemplaring the last 20 levels.)
    Now if you have another 50 Blue/Red that has A-merits they could buy an alpha slot.
    Preatorian toon should be able now to unlock alpha.
    Would the Preatorian toon be able to run itrials in PocketD?

    Because if so they you could have a fully incarnate toon without ever leaving Preatoria.

    is this possible?
  6. Bingo! I knew someone would find a link to the Excel name.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post
    Aye. Decided I'd see what these might fetch me:

    Hero: That's right, Hero. This one I won't let go cheap.
    Kim: *shrug*
    Annie: *shrug*
    Lucy: *shrug*
    Excel: *shrug*

    Looking to see what these might go for, mostly Hero.
    Hmmmm let's have some fun.

    Hero - name of a Comic book and Comicbook company. Partner with Wizard magazine and Marvel.
    Kim - Main Character of the Kim Jonk Il comicbook (yes there is one)
    Annie - Main character of comic strip Little Orphan Annie. Also name of movie and play based on same comic.
    Lucy - Famous Cartoon character from Peanuts comic.

    So great Devs of COX here's a chance to generic 4 names.
    Don't think generic 235 6789 345 will go for millions.
  8. Sad that you didn't move it to include more people but instead because it bounced up against a MSR.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Feline Praetorian View Post
    How Do You Pick The Corset In The Barbarian Set?
    Its under chest detail.
  10. Wow, never thought that standing up for the idea that everyone should get a chance to be a part of an Event is so radical of an Idea. People are actually going out of their way now to give reasons why people should be excluded.

    Those F2P that you want to exclude are the future VIPS. Those premium players that are still hanging around are your teammates and friends in the game. The people who are buying points instead of a subscription are still supporting this game.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    So what do you suggest? Regardless of what server it's on, even if it's on ALL servers, a new Free-to-Play player is going to be at a disadvantage compared to a seven year Vet whose lvl 50 character has gone through all the regular and incarnate game content.

    Do you want a CC that is only open to level 1 characters and is not allowed to include any unlockable costume parts that are not available to Free players at account inception? That's the only way to create a truely level playing field.
    The point is that it isn't fair to the PERSON who has a 50 all decked out on say Champion and has to make a new toon on Virtue to be in said contest.

    Not that it isn't fair for all level 1's to go against lvl 50's.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cavenstones View Post
    This contest was announced far enough in advance that you could create your costume and participate. Normally it's on the VIP server, Exalted. Why? Here's why. If you were the owner of CoH, are you going to cater to the gamers that are NOT contributing financially, or are you going to dedicate what free time your Dev's have to having fun with those that do? The contest is usually held on Exalted probably because it becomes problematic to separate toons that are free to play, and those that are not. And THEN to explain it to those that are free to play that, they do not qualify. Imagine if a lot of free to play players showed. Think anyone will be happy having to wait while the dev's judge 5 or 6 instances of Pocket D?
    Look, I get that you want more events. But there's no reason why you can't run some on your own. And some of you are, which is great! But please stop griping about something the DEV's are doing for US the players. They don't have to, they don't owe us anything.
    VIP does not = more participation or money to COH

    Currently you can be a VIP for $1.99
    Currently you could be a 6 year vet that is premium and stopped subscribing because dislike for Incarnate. Thats $1,080.
    Most people fall between these 2 examples.

    Far as its too hard to judge multi Pocket D's where have you been? They uses to do this all the time.

    F2P instantly qualify if they win because they get game time thus promoting them to VIP.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Optimus_Dex View Post
    Sorry , reading this thread sparked that isue again in my mind. On the issue- If we were really VIP why don 't they have a costume party on every server - too time consuming - 6 servers then or 3 spread the VIP love.
    O'Really? Not like they haven't done all servers before many many times. I've gotten the Animal Pack from one of those events even.

    Even Real World Heroes is running multiple events on all the servers. (By the way please check them out.)

    So if players can do this then Pargon can also. They simply choose not too.

    They are still advertising it being on Exalted on both the rules page and the game launcher.
  14. The quote you used was Cherry referring to my post.

    The discussion was if the Devs should host these contests/meet and greets on all servers or just Exalted. Somehow you twisted it to not getting your points on time. That's a legit gripe but there are threads on that already.
  15. Statesmans dead......

    Dead serious about fighting tooth decay!!!

    Kids use Crest and don't just wet your toothbrushes to fool your mom, she knows that trick.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Optimus_Dex View Post
    I'm not even sure they think we deserve our market points delivered on time in a clear and understood pattern.
    And where exactly did you pull this conclusion from?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cherry Cupcakes View Post
    you dont think that those of us that continue to pay subscription fees deserve some extra lil goodies? Regardless of where we choose to play?
    Ok I'm a little confused by your second question. So I will answer the best I can.

    As VIP's we do get extra goodies ( a server, extra points, beta, free stuff, unlocked content, this forum and more).

    As far as the "regardless of where we play?" I don't understand because I'm standing up for the people who play on ALL servers, not just Exalted. I'm not opposed to you playing on Champion, Freedom, Virtue or any other server. I want the Devs to include everyone (Free, Premies, and VIPs).

    I find moving the event to Virtue a good first step but not enough. Since people may or may not have toons/slots on Virtue to enter this "contest". Sure most can make a new toon but a 50 with all the goodies unlocked has an advantage over a newly created toon far as costumes go.

    In the past the Devs held a holiday event and release parties on all servers. I want everyone to have a chance to go and be included.

    I'm not paying so that other people get disrespected and ignored. And that's how this and like events feel to me.

    I will be there quietly protesting, I hope others do.
  18. Well that was a fast turn about. You might want to update the rules page since it still says Exalted not Virtue.
  19. I suggest we go to this event, use the protest emote, and when time to be judged turn our backs to the devs.


    Because we are ONE community. Keeping Exalted exclusive on these promotions only causes divide with the players.

    Already we have promotions and contest that aren't allowed in countries because of laws. This is something Devs can't control.

    But this type of meet and greet event and faux contest they can do something about. It is their choice not to include the other servers and frankly its a slap in the face to those that play on them. Saying that its for VIPS is a flase reason. There are VIPs on other servers, and there are Premiums that have paid more and done more then some VIPS for this game. And treating new Free players and throw away second or third class people is wrong. What better way than to use these events to introduce Free/New players to the whole COX experience?

    Last year there was 8 or 9 poket D's on Freedom because of the turn out. That's just 1 server, thats just a small sample of how many people you are sending the messege that you don't care about the players of these servers anymore.

    Join with me and show and protest. No more! We are ONE Community!
  20. 3 suggestions for you.

    1) As soon as Paragon takes your monthly payment, cancel your account. Then reup only when you have made sure the money is in your bank account. Do this each month. This way Paragon can't get into your account except in the short window that you allow them too.

    2) Find Time cards, this way they aren't messing with your account at all.

    3) If you can't find time cards, get a prepaid/refillable Visa/MasterCard. Set your billing to this card. If there is a delay at least there won't be an overdraft.

    Lastly since Pargon isn't able to fix Reward Tokens, Paragon Points, or Transfer Tokens; all of which are tied to billing and active accounts. It is no surprise that pulling money from bank accounts would be off 1 or 2 days of billing also.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
    Yes, they are probably insulated from any legal ramifications. But that doesn't change the fact that they are engaging in a business practice that the state of California has deemed harmful enough to institute laws against.

    The conspiracy theory side of my brain is working overtime now and I'm wondering if the free points for VIPs might exist primarily to break the direct link between points and money in order to avoid laws like this and have very little to do with rewarding VIPs.
    Well they aren't really free they are part of the bundle. 1 month of service plus 400 (550) points, for $10-15. For it to be truely free you would be able to get the 400 points without buying anything.

    No different than when you buy cereal with a toy inside. The toy isn't free. You can't get it without buying the cereal. And some buy the bundled cereal/toy more for the toy than the cereal. It very well could be marketed as Toy with cereal instead of the more common way.

    NCSoft sells virtual stuff. In order to convert dollars, yen, euroes... into one easy to manage value instead of listing 20+ prices for each item, they convert the money into points.

    For $15 you can get 1320 points or 1 month of service + 400 points. Nothing is free.
  22. Just don't forget to read the Contest Rules & conditions beforehand.

    Why? Not like you all enforced them last time.

    Just drop the whole contest thing and throw a party, give stuff away randomly, and just chat with your player base.

    And given its Christmas you should let the other servers have some fun too.
    I play mostly on Exalted and I already hate this Exalted exclusive crap.
  23. Kudos that's a damn fine Perry Mason moment. And a possible loophole.
    The argument of course is that points in and of themselves have no value. They are an accounting method used by NCSoft to handle cash transactions.

    Sort of like a ticket to an event isn't the item that is sold but the access to the event is the actual item. Like going to the movies.

    Also note that was only Cali's law other states may or may not back the points are the item being bought.

    But that is a good defense to the claim.

    Quick edit to include: The section doesn't state the transaction has to have a cash element only that the items have value. This would then incluse barting system, say trading oranges for cars, or cupcakes for kittens, or paragon points for internet items.
  24. 17501. For the purpose of this article the worth or value of any
    thing advertised is the prevailing market price, wholesale if the
    offer is at wholesale, retail if the offer is at retail, at the time
    of publication of such advertisement in the locality wherein the
    advertisement is published.
    No price shall be advertised as a former price of any advertised
    thing, unless the alleged former price was the prevailing market
    price as above defined within three months next immediately preceding
    the publication of the advertisement or unless the date when the
    alleged former price did prevail is clearly, exactly and
    conspicuously stated in the advertisement.

    Sale Price or Regular Price? To be “on sale” the item must have had a higher former price within the last three months. If an item is always on sale then it’s false advertising.

    You guys are in Cali right? Might want to have legal look at your marketing.
  25. Big question is how will this effect the BM/statesman farm that he kills everything for ya? How else is my emp going to farm purples?

    Damn it I wanted it to be Manicore now I lost the pool.