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  1. So......
    List of winners?
    Or did you go and post em on facebook and twitter but not your own boards?
  2. 3 points.

    1) Not that concerned about not being able to put the io on the market. But not being able to CONVERT is an issue. We should have a way not to waste time/space on incomplete sets.

    2) Special Event Badges should be ACCOUNT Based not Toon based. Way too many alts to get them badges. Be lucky to run the event at least once with each alt for some of the badges. Badges shouldn't be used as the carrot to rerun events. No problem with the io set being the carrot as it is something that can be used and has value.

    3) 4 people seems like a good balance between massive league or solo play. Sorry but sometimes you do have to get out of solo mode to play a MMORPG. I do like solo play but lets face it 4 people 100x easier than 18-24 on a league. Given this is the same as the Halloween event with 4 people it shouldn't have been a shocker.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    They weren't trying to add the extra enhancement slots to sell them.

    They were trying to add them as part of the normal leveling up process for all players.
    Well if its for everyone then that does change it a bit.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    They tried to add a method to get us 3 more slots.

    Things broke horribly bad.

    They are still looking for a way to add more slots, but they'll have to be careful with how they do it.

    I'm not looking for it to be a quick solution.
    This saddens me to think they really are going that route.
    Its like playing battle ship and the other guy gets an extra sub.
  5. So since you seem to keep wanting to sell purps. Why not go the full deal and start selling enhancement slots. More slots means the need for more enhancements, unslotters, and enhancement boosters. Think about all that moola you are passing up buy not let us 6 everything.
  6. Perhaps you are looking at this the wrong way. Instead of finding a Meme you can make a costume from; why not create a costume then create a Meme of it. Spam your new creation all over 9gag, reddit and 4-chan, then you win the interwebs.
  7. K where the hell is the free stuff at this week?
  8. I'm just curious as to why you don't just host the archive or for that matter the live streams on you know YOUR WEBSITE.

    If you want to find something you have to look on your website, and the forums, and facebook, and twitter. Now add Twitch.Tv and youtube. Damn this is just stupid. 1 site all info. Your site, your control, your game, your players. Get the picture. I for one am not hopping all around to find your stuff. No thanks.
  9. If I show up next month with slow poke do I auto win?
  10. Big Thumbs Up for the free wolves!!!
  11. So much promise, but at last no.

    Release new Hybrid slot. Lock it behind an itrial. So no to the solo path, yes to the WoWish raid fails. Sorry low pop servers.

    Add now the Q to said itrial is borked beyond shame.

    Guess Devs thought people would just spend their threads as ixp to instant unlock. Force people to play the right way? Guess what people just farm the first part when they actually can launch. You would of had more success if you would of let us unlock via threads then people might really do the trial instead of farm it.

    But I will say it looks pretty, and after all great graphics make a great game, not game play.
  12. But the important question: Will i23 interfer with Freebie Friday? Cause if it does can you please move it back to June 5th.
  13. People still complain about free stuff? It is just clutter? Wow you don't have to claim in then it isn't clutter.

    BTW Ape Pancakes is now taken as a name on Freedom
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Congelateur View Post
    We quitted ouroboros SA, or TF because we were not able to do the hunt parts many time... when an event is a pain in the... something is wrong.
    Simple Qol solution on the devs part. If an invasion hits say Talos then Talos 2 is automatically spawned. Followed by no invasions in any "2" so TF/SF can go on without a hitch.
  15. Seriously wish you would drop facebook and google+. Focus on your own forums here. far too often info is late or missing. Or no redname response. Seems that you have even a smaller group that would be on facebook/google+ to be worth the resources.

    Really don't see why you can't add a streaming video either here or on the offical site.
  16. How about 2 For Tuesdays? Marketing picks an item and if you buy it you get another for free. And just to be strange about it Make it start and end on Tuesday in the land down under.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor_Bob View Post
    I hope you'd actually might tell everyone who it is that won. Kinda reaks of failure saying someone won and leaving without saying who it is. Sorry I don't trust anyone. I don't care if your a red name or not.
    Yeah if only there was a place where you could showcase a picture of the winners. It would be really nice to see the costumes.....I know why not post them in the thread for that contest I'm sure that 99.999999% of the population could find and see the winners. I would say 100% but there's always one.
  18. What do you all that are crying think should be free? Should you claim a token that makes a dev of your choice fire cave farm you for an hour? Or a purple recipe? 30 days of vip time? An Xbox 360?

    I mean damn. the idea is something small to get you in the market then hope you buy something else while there.
  19. If you really feel that you didn't get what you paid for. Then call up your Visa or Master Card tell them you didn't get the item and it is in dispute. Let them hold back payment. Enough complaints happen who knows Visa / Mastercard might cut off NCSoft.

    It is possible that Visa / Mastercard would refund your payment to you because you are their customer.


    Now about this numbers thing and how proc's work. I have never tried to figure out min max on builds. But since I now know that store bought IO's get nerfed. I won't be buying any either.
  20. Just curious what's the upper limit on the number of free accounts I can create?
  21. What I hope its like:

    Everbody gets a free car! You get a car! And you get a car! And you get a car too!

    What I think its like:

    You get a st. Louis Slammer! You get a bubble of patrol XP! You get a freebee badge! And you get 1,000,000 Debt!!!!!!

    Its all good I'll hit the button and take me chances.
  22. Wow. A lot of valid points on all sides here. But this is really a rehash of the old vet reward program of why should new people have X power that took me Y years to get. In the big picture it is just a shiny virtual avatar armor. Really a silly fight. If someone gets a tier 9 reward months after tier 9 vets had it, and are now also getting a new reward that the lower tier can't get yet, does it matter?

    There are only two things that will keep the game alive. 1) the community and 2) the content.

    If the community is fighting over the small stuff the game won't survive. It will die fast.
    It is a MMO not a solo game. It is social not antisocial.
    If the Dev's keep putting flash above content. The game will also die.
    It doesn't matter what my avatar looks like if the game is dull, broken, or a grindfest.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
    I didnt said "give everything for 400 PP".
    Im just T9 too but if Celestial is going out definitely from the T9 VIP, they should offer ways to get it.
    I think they should put each part of the Celestial costume set for 400 PP. Being 3 parts it would be 1200 PP.
    Celestial part 1, part 2 and part 3 exactly like the T9 VIP.
    People can buy each pack individually but not costume pieces individually.
    I think that is fair.
    If the points were 550 instead of 400 I would support this idea. The reason I say 550 is that is what a tier 9 gets each month. So higher tiers could get the set with 3 months of rewards but lower tiers it would take 4-5 months worth.